living for eternity today

Tag: storms

Raise a Hallelujah

This week it’s time to rise above the challenges in life. We all have them. Struggles are all around us. Enemies are larger than life. Doubts flood our minds. Heartbreak settles in. Fear overtakes us. Darkness seems to win. No matter where we turn it seems as if we’re getting farther and farther behind in life and we just don’t know where to turn. And to make matters worse, our worship life is flat at best and we feel all alone going through these horrific moments.

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Wave Walker

This summer has been dedicated to stories of water in the bible for our children in summer Sunday School and Children’s Worship. We’ve been looking at stories of everything from Noah and the ark to Moses parting the Red Sea. Soon we’ll be looking at Peter walking on water, undoubtedly one of my favorite stories that involves Peter and Jesus!  Continue reading

Storm Chasers

6:21:14titleslideThe idea of chasing a storm may seem a bit strange. Storms can wreak havoc on entire communities. They can level cities and demolish landscapes. But there are people who will devote large portions of their lives to chasing down these storms and watching them. They do it so that they can learn more about them. Sure there’s a thrill of the hunt but for them there’s learning to do. Wind speeds, changes in direction, rainfall amounts, pressure changes are some of the things for which they look. Continue reading

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