living for eternity today

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The Goodness

To start off a new year we use a familiar name combined with a newcomer to the music scene. The song is The Goodness and it focuses on the goodness of the God who is in the midst of every part of our lives.

It’s typical to want all sunshine and roses in life. We like the sun to rise with the beautiful pinks and purples. We like the soft glow of full moon. We like the warmth of the sun or the crackle of the fireplace. We love all of these great parts of life! Who wouldn’t right!? And it’s super easy to sing and praise and see God in the middle of these really cool moments of life. But what about the dark days?

The song Goodness shows that even in the darkness and rain God is still active and vibrant and worthy of our recognition and praise. Even in the challenge and pain God is still just as present and doing what God does best – working for our good.

One part of God that’s easy to forget is the fact that he knows what we don’t know. He sees what’s coming around the corner and he often will do things to prevent us from hitting catastrophe head on. Sometimes however that detour is an unwanted illness or day that just flat sucks.

But take time to see that God has used this detour, no matter how terrible and life altering, to shape you for what’s around the next corner. He sees what you don’t only the Goodness of God can do that!

Yes He Can

We often wonder what is God capable of doing. One of hte best ways to see what someone can do it to see what they have already done. This song is a little fun and it reminds us what God has already done to prove what he really can do.

We ask if he can be with us or if he can overcome our giants or if he can conquer evil or if he can do just about anything. But in reality what has he done?

Did He move every mountain?
Did He part every sea?
Yes, He did
So yes, He can
Did He defeat the darkness?
Did He deliver me?
Yes, He did
So yes, He can
Yes, He did
So yes, He can

If he can move the mountains and part the seas, if he can shine light into darkness then he can do just about anything. That’s the gist of the song. So this week’s musical devotion thought is about challenging you to pray bigger. Ask for more. Not more money or fame or anything like that. Legit ask God for what God does. Ask him to part the waters of the hard decision you have to make. Ask him to light the path before you so you know which way to go. Ask him to give you the strength to move through the mountain that’s right in front of you.

The Bible says we have not because we ask not. So ask for goodness sake. Ask big too! I’m tired of praying pathetic prayers. It’s time to pray the big ones. Pray heavenly missiles that split the angels and leave them in awe. Pray things that only God can do then step back and watch as God does what only He can do.

Faithful God

After a couple of weeks to wrestle with the reality that my twin sons are graduating high school and are moving in different directions with their futures I’m bringing back the Music Monday posts. This week we’re going to look at a song by the group I Am They. An interesting name for a group but we can discuss that perhaps in a different post. The song is titled Faithful God.

How true is that statement! I mean really, how true is it that God is faithful in every possible way? He not only created a world he knew we’d mess up, but he also sent his Son to save us knowing it would cost his life. You don’t get much more faithful than that.

We often have a hard time seeing his faithfulness because we are clouded by the things we want in life that don’t have. And if we’re totally honest those things are all things we could have if we worked harder or spent less. We settle for prayers and requests that are materialistic and not eternal. God doesn’t promise to be faithful in giving us a new car or a new job. But he is faithful in caring for us in the way that’s best for us.

Today I hope as you start a new week that God shows you his faithfulness. I hope you can see it in the sunrise or sunset. I hope you can see it in the smile on your children’s faces or the laughter of a loved one. I hope you can see it in the roof over your head, even if it’s not the roof you wanted. I hope you can see it by the people who care for you.

God is faithful and all we have to do is look with a little intentionality and we’ll see it.

Say I Won’t

Autopilot. It’s how most of us go through our lives. We get up and go through the same humdrum routine day in and day out. But there has to be more. There has to be more than just cruising through life, trapped in the prison of someone else’s dream.

We fall into autopilot when we seek something big and nothing happens. We nestle into autopilot when we compare our lives to those of someone else and feel we’ll never match up. We get stuck in autopilot when depression hits us and we just want to sleep life away.

There has to be a better way.

Today’s Music Monday is by MercyMe and it’s titled Say I Won’t. It’s a song that fights against the evils in our individual lives. The evils of what others say about us or how they treat us. The evils of being told we’re not good enough or that we’re a failure. The evils that tell us we’d be better off if we just threw in the towel and quit. And the message to all of these is I’m going to press on.

I’m going to rise above all of these. Not because I have it all together or even because I think I’m the best. I’m going to push through not because I have the strength or because I even believe I’m enough. I can do all of this because God says I’m enough. So I’m going to run and I’m going to fly.

Say I won’t. I dare you.

The message of this song is soft yet powerful. It’s a try me kind of message. Today I want you to stand in the confidence that the world can’t stop you. The people in your corner or opposed to you can’t hold you back. You will run. You will fly. You will succeed. I dare anyone to stop you when you have Jesus inside you.

Blessing I Can’t See

I don’t know about you, but I have to really think about what day it is when I wake up in the morning. These days are running together and without my good friend Siri, I’m not sure that I would be able to figure out what day of the week it is! So when the world seems off and the days are too long it helps me to realize that there is likely something going on that I can’t even see. Perhaps there’s a blessing hidden in plain sight.

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Sing It From The Shackles

Another week begins and with that comes another Music Monday. As I dug through the top hits in Christian music this morning I found this song. I had never heard it before, so I decided to give it a listen. Imagine a life where we’re bound and tied. Shackled to every bad decision, poor choice and evil thought that ever came from us. That’s the image I have in my mind when I hear this song.

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We all have limitations. There are things in this world that I would love to be able to do but honestly never will be able to do. I’d love to benchpress 500 pounds but dislocating my shoulder while achieving 350 lbs tells me that’s just not going to happen. There are simply things we’ll just never be able to do. And that’s ok! There’s nothing wrong with having limits. But we also have to understand that just because we can’t do them, it doesn’t mean they can’t be done. Nothing is truly impossible.

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Dead Man Walking

There are days when you just realize how blessed you are. Some call it lucky. Others call it a fluke. But I’m not one who really does the whole lucky or fluke kind of thing. I believe it’s about being blessed. Blessings are those things that come to us from outside of ourselves that enhance our lives and make them better. Some blessings appear good in the moment, while others are good only in the aftermath. But what about the blessing of waking up today? What about the gift of being able to see or speak or hear or walk or run or jump? This week’s Music Monday (albeit Tuesday already) is about the blessing of being alive in Christ.

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the 99

Imagine for a moment having 100 of something, anything really, and then losing one of them. For those of you who are slow at math, that leaves you with 99 remaining. What would you do about the one you lost? Let’s say for instance you had 100 pennies and dropped one under the couch. You move the couch but can’t find it. How much more would you dig for it? What about if it wasn’t pennies but something of more value like an animal. I don’t know, say sheep. You have 100 sheep and one of those pesky little critters runs away. What would you do?

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