living for eternity today

Tag: Shelter

Who You Are To Me

You don’t have to go far before you’ll hear someone say something negative to you. People have no problem pointing out your flaws and faults. The world is a messed up place to be sure. Friends are turning on one another. Family members are dividing over some pretty crazy things. It’s just not the world many of us thought we’d raise our children in or grow up in ourselves. So how do we gain any clarity in these crazy and disruptive times?

Today’s Music Monday is a bit of a grounding rod for us as followers of Jesus. Now I want to be clear. Some people call themselves Christians or church-goers but really aren’t interested in following Jesus. It’s more a slide of hand kind of game. For these truths to really speak to us we need to do more than put on a smiling face and say we attend church. The reality of the matter is as followers of Jesus, this truth is one of the most powerful things we need to remember in these chaotic and unpredictable times.

Our song is titled who you are to me. This song is a worship song that brings us to a place and time when we can see the power and majesty of who God is when life is all messed up. It’s a reminder that when the world is continuously changing, God is constant. Throughout our lives here we find that time and time again bad things jump out of nowhere and we are caught off guard. But with God there is no caught off guard. Where he is concerned he is our God and our provider and our protector. He’ll be there when life is good and hold us when life is bad.

Who is he to me? As a Jesus follower, he should be your everything.


Life is filled with ups and downs. In the moments when life is going well, we feel like we’re on top of the world and nothing can take us down. But in the moments when the bottom drops out and life is just falling apart all around us, it’s easy to just throw in the towel and think that things will never get better. But how do you manage the ups and the downs in life? How do you handle the peaks and the valleys of life? Where do you go to just find a little peace and quiet? Where is your shelter when the storms of life come crashing down?  Continue reading

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