living for eternity today

Tag: sermonseries

That’s What Friends Are For

You know friendship is probably one of the more underrated relationships in the modern world. Friends are critical to the wellbeing of every person in the world. In our culture of self first, what’s in it for me, protect myself at all costs, happiness seeking kind of mentality friends are often a byproduct if they don’t give us what we want or tell us what we want to hear.

I’ve been on the wrong end of this kind of friendship on more than one occasion. I’m sure most of us have to be honest. Friends, real friends, are those kind of people who we love to have fun with, laugh with, joke around with, get in trouble with, but also these real friends can and must tell us the real truth. Hearing hard things isn’t easy but when these kind of truths come from a friend they are intended for our good.

The Bible actually speaks to this in the book of proverbs. The words of a friend are faithful, yeah even those harsh words. There are other places in the Bible that contain several key learnings about friendship.

Real Friends Overlook Differences

Friends get along so well because they’re not the same. We all have differences. It’s actually kind of cool when we see the people with whom we hang out. I love how the people that I consider some of my closest friends have several things in common with me but also have some very unique differences. Those differences are what make us get along so well.

As much as I would like it if everyone in the world was exactly like me, I really don’t think that would be a great world to live in after all. Overlooking differences is what makes life great! But overlooking differences isn’t the same as overlooking gaps in someone’s character.

The story of David in the Bible shows a wonderful friendship that was formed between David and Jonathan. The were very different people. Yet those differences didn’t cause them trouble. They were able to look past those differences to care for one another, but they made sure to keep one another clear on their character.

Real Friends Protect One Another

That same story of David and Jonathan took an unexpected turn when Jonathan had to stand up to his own dad. His dad wanted to kill David because he felt threatened by him. Protection was key to keeping this friendship alive. But protecting a friend isn’t only about saving them from your angry dad, it can look like a hard conversation or loving intervention. Protecting our friends can look like providing for them in a time of need or being there when they’re going through a hard time.

Protecting one another isn’t just about life and death but about relationally, emotionally and socially being present for the people about whom we care.

Real Friends Carry Blessings Forward

The ending of the story of David and Jonathan isn’t one of those happily ever after kind of endings. Jonathan and his father both died. Jonathan orphaned a son who was crippled due to an injury and left in the care of his nurse. But the friendship forged between Jonathan and David was one that stood the test of time. David made sure to protect and provide for the needs of Jonathan’s son in the years to come.

We need to be willing to do the same. Maybe this isn’t about looking out for the orphan of our best friend but when we’re close to someone in this kind of soul connecting way we care about them and their family.

If you’ve been blessed with this type of real, good, and godly kind of friendship, then you’re truly blessed. Cherish this kind of friendship. Let them know how much they mean to you. Don’t take these amazing kind of friendships for granted.

You’ve Been Blocked

Do you feel You Have Been BLOCKED??? | The Heartbeat of the Queen of Hearts

Have you ever been blocked on someone’s social media or cell phone? A while back an acquaintance and I were chatting by text message and we weren’t exactly seeing things eye to eye. He was in a different place than I was, so I tried to end that part of our conversation and change the topic. Before I could even type a message about changing the conversation, he said that’s it, “I’m blocking your number. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

In this day and age, it’s super easy to not only socially distance from someone but actually socially delete someone! When someone says something that doesn’t line up with our ideas, values, thoughts, or worldview – we can all too easily just remove them from our lives as if they never existed. We block their phone number, unfriend them on Facebook, hide them on other social platforms. For all intents and purposes they no longer exist.

While social media blocking someone won’t get rid of them completely it’s a form of what Saul was doing in his day. In our lesson on Sunday, we met up with Saul. He was on his way to go “block some people” in his own way. He wanted to change their worldview or eliminate them.

Take a listen to the message below as we discuss the implications of Saul’s actions and a better way to handle the challenges of different opinions.

Prepare With Prayer

As we make our way toward Christmas, we spend lots of time getting things ready. From the lights to the tree to the Christmas meal and all the trimmings of the season there is a lot to do to prepare for Christmas. And that doesn’t have anything to do with the presents that need purchased and boxed and wrapped!

In the same way we have to prepare for Christmas externally with all of the to-do list items needing done, we also need to make sure we’re in the right place spiritually and emotionally for Christmas. This kind of preparation might seem unimportant but honestly getting our heart and mind ready for Christmas is the most important thing we can do.

Whether we’re planning a large family gathering like we have in years past or a smaller more intimate setting in light of the current situation, there will be things that need done to prepare our heart and mind for Christmas. Last week we looked at getting ready by pondering the message of Christmas. Reading the Christmas story or doing your Christmas devotion is a great way to do this.

But moving beyond just reading and thinking about it, this week we focus on praying for the things God promises. The more we know the story, the more we’ll know what it’s all about and why we celebrate to begin with. As we move through this week of Christmas preparation, we spend time in prayer.

What do you need to ask God for? What do you need from him? Take time this season to pray and then watch what God will do in your life.

Afraid Of The Dark

When I was a kid I hated the dark. I used to run down the hallway and jump into bed because I didn’t like what might be under my bed. My grandpa drove a semi truck and one story he told over and over was the time I was in the sleeper because he and my grandma were in the seats. He asked what I was doing back there and my reply was a pathetic I’m back here all alone in the dark.

Darkness is disturbing and disorienting. It’s filled with unknown things. We know that in a dark room, things can hide in the shadows. They can be good things, bad things and even scary things!

But the longer we sit in the darkness, the more accustomed we become to the lack of light. Our eyes adjust. Our other senses kick in, and we begin to manage our time in the dark much better the longer we stay without light.

This staying in darkness not only pertains to nights when the sun sets earlier and the moon doesn’t shine. We stay in darkness when we fail to give God the place of importance he demands. As a pastor it’s grown obvious through this pandemic that people growing weary. But with what are they weary?

I thought church members were weary with the distance requirements, mask mandates, and capacity issues. But I fear the longer this drags on, the more weary people are growing spiritually. This weariness factor is like the darkness illustration above. The longer we’re in this state of weariness, the more we acclimate to it. And the more ok we become with a lack luster spiritual life.

Isaiah tells his people to rise and shine. The church today need to rise and shine as well. Enough is enough. There is work to be done and the few can’t do it alone anymore. Leaders are tired. People are stressed. We all need to get back to gathering however, whenever, wherever we possibly can. The strength of the church isn’t found in darkness. It’s found in the light of God’s word. It’s found in growing together in our knowledge of who God is and what he’s done for us.

Do me a favor if you could. If you’re a church member of any church, see how you can get involved. Get involved in worship, not just Sunday mornings but whenever it’s offered. Be in bible class and small groups. Call people you haven’t seen in a while to keep community together. Support one another and the leaders of your church because in the same way your life and role has grown more complicated so has your church leaderships’ job.

Arise and Shine for the light of Christ has shined upon you. Now shine that in all you say and do.

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