living for eternity today

Tag: September 11

When Good & Evil Collide

Eighteen years ago the world was forever changed. It was a day that our modern generations will remember forever. You’ll know where you were when you first heard the news. You’ll remember the way our nation become truly one nation as intended. You’ll feel the overwhelming sense of patriotism course through your veins. You’ll pause and thank a service man or woman, even if only quietly in your head. Today was a day when good & evil collided. While it looked at first like evil won, we still woke up the next morning.

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Remember 9.11.01

For those of us who lived that terrifying day the details will forever be burned in our brains. We’ll remember where we were and who was with us. We’ll remember the eerie silence in the air when all planes were grounded across the country. We’ll remember the horrifying images and the gut wrenching and raw emotion of the news casters as they brought us the details as they unfolded. We’ll never forget, or will we?  Continue reading

A Day To Remember

Where were you? Do you remember where you were on this day 15 years ago? Do you remember what you were doing when you heard the news on the day evil was unleashed on our nation? On a day marked by the numbers of our call for help (9/11) we were crippled in fear and horror. Yet we were energized by anger and hatred. How could someone do something so atrocious? Our stomachs ached as we watched the second plane plunge into the second tower. We crumbled when we heard of acts of heroism and valor. On that day we vowed, with no uncertainty, We will never forget! Continue reading

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