living for eternity today

Tag: resurrection (Page 2 of 2)

Resurrection Power

As we restart our #musicmonday selection back up again for a new school year, we start with a song that shows new beginnings. As some of you know, I serve as Pastor at Living Word Galena. Through the past few weeks we’ve been talking about a man named Jonah who ran from God, ended up being eaten by a fish and then spit out on land. You can check the messages out here, but just think about that for a second. Swallowed by a fish and then thrown up on land for a second chance! How cool is that!  Continue reading

Arise My Love

Have you ever listened to the same song over and over again without ever getting tired of it? I’m sure if you heard that same song on repeat for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week you would eventually want to listen to a new song. Just the other weekend I had the opportunity to go to the annual Christian concert, Winter Jam, with friends from church. I’ve been for six or seven years in a row and every year a band called Newsong sings the same song. Continue reading

I Ran Out of That Grave

It’s easy in life to focus on the things we don’t have. It’s way too easy to see the shortcomings, failures, pains and other limitations. The world throws our limits back in our face every chance we can get. We measure ourselves by the success of others. We believe we’re not good enough based on how we stack up against someone else.

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Maundy Thursday

Throughout the season of lent we’ve been looking at communion from different angles, gaining a deeper understanding of what this thing is that we do every single week. We’ve gazed at the fruit of knowledge and compared it to the fruit of life. We stood in awe of the daily bread that God provides. We recognized the healing medicine of forgiveness offered in communion. We felt the unity we have in Christ as we gather together at the table. We acknowledged that Christ has done everything needed to grant us forgiveness, so we’re left to just rest in Christ. Then we saw the imagery of the wedding feast of the Lamb brought forward in communion. But last night we talked about a strange word – covenant. Continue reading

My Story

I know we’ve used this one already but it’s important for me to post this today. You see today I have the privilege of performing the Celebration of Life for a wonderful man of God who had just one story. This man was a man of God like no-one that I’ve ever before met. He helped me plant my first church. He became a friend. He was like a second father to me. He was my spiritual mentor. I would call on him when I had questions and he’d always help me find an answer. Today I’d like to tell you his story.  Continue reading

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