living for eternity today

Tag: Reframe

Gates, Pools and Healing

I find some of the stories in the Bible to be truly peculiar. Some of the stories fit perfectly with what we would expect, while others seem to be a little challenging understand. This might be one of those stories that seems a little odd. I mean Jesus healing is good and all that and really not out of the ordinary at all. But some of the detail seems a little strange to be added into the account. Let’s look a little closer to see what exactly we can learn and why it’s important.

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Wedding, Water, Wine & Woman?

Three pretty significant things happen in the text for this past Sunday’s message. Feel free to check that out here. The Bible story was from John 2:1-12. It’s a familiar passage commonly referred to as the Wedding at Cana or the Water into Wine Miracle. Many of us approach this passage with questions and wonder what Jesus was up to with this miracle. We ask questions like why was it at a wedding? Why did he start with water? Why did he choose to do this miracle in the first place? And why did he call his own mother – woman!?!? This post will hopefully address a few of these questions.

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The UN-wisemen

What appears to be foolish might be wisdom in disguise.

We often get so confused about some of the stories in the Bible. Throughout this year we’re going to look at some of these familiar stories in the Bible and see their meaning from a different perspective. Last Sunday was a special Sunday in the church year known as Epiphany. Now Epiphany is the day we celebrate as the twelfth day of Christmas, or the day the Magi (aka wisemen) visited Jesus. It was up to two years after his birth and definitely not in the manger!

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