living for eternity today

Tag: Red Letters

Serving Is In Our DNA

For some people serving is something they do. But for the Jesus follower it should just be part of who we are. That was this week’s focus in our Red Letter Challenge. Throughout the week we’ve been challenged to find creative ways to serve one another. Maybe it’s someone in your house or maybe it’s someone at work or even someone in your neighborhood – whoever it is find a way to touch their lives with an act of service.

Jesus was known for serving people. As a matter of fact, Jesus made it a practice to touch someone’s life before he taught someone a life principle. This week in our message we spent time seeing how Jesus has already touched our lives. Then we dug into the life lessons we’ve gleaned from this touch and the teaching that undoubtedly followed. If you have about 25 minutes, you should check out this week’s Red Letter Serving message.

Be And & Kind Of Person

In our lives, we have a tendency to feel like we have to choose. Well, in some cases that’s very true. I mean some things in life require a choice, but not everything! Over the next 6 weeks, we’re going to journey through something called the Red Letter Challenge at Living Word Galena. This challenge is all about finding the words of Jesus and seeing where they lead us. So for the next 40 days or so we’re going to do a daily reading together, join small groups and these Sunday messages will chart the course for the week ahead.

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Red Letters

This week at Living Word Galena we started something called the Red Letter Challenge. The idea behind the RLC is to look through the bible for the most powerful words of the bible and then apply them to our lives. The RLC was written as a 40 day devotion, small group and sermon series by Zach Zender. You can look into the book here. But the red letters we’re referring to here are the ones in the New Testament of the Bible. They’re the words attributed to Jesus. These are the words that aren’t just inspired by God through earthly writers. These are the words of Jesus, the very Son of God. Now understand that all of the bible is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training to be certain! But through this study, we’ll be pulling the red letters of Jesus off the pages and seeing where our lives match up to His teachings.

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