living for eternity today

Tag: productivity

Rest And Renewal

Ok so those who know me are going to think I’m full of it in this post, but I think everyone needs a good healthy time of rest. I’ll also say that if you really, and I mean really, know me you’ll also know that I do rest just not the way you do.

Some people look at me and accuse me of being like the energizer bunny. You know that obnoxious pink rabbit that used to be on all of the energizer battery commercials hammering away at the bass drum and never stopping? Yeah some people have said that I just don’t ever stop and that I need to slow down to rest.

Here’s a little secret. I rest by doing work. Yeah I know that sounds counterintuitive but it’s the truth. I can’t rest by laying on the couch watching tv or cuddling up to a good movie or reading an excellent book. Nope that’s not how it works for me. I rest by putting my body under physical, yet mind numbing stress.

I do things that require no thought, just physical labor. So much of my daily routine at work is tending to people’s needs, listening to their problems, counseling, coaching, mentoring, leading, thinking, writing. All things that require my mind to be constantly running.

That’s a huge reason why in the summertime I’ll mow my lawn 2-3 times a week. Not because it needs it, but because I do. That’s why I hit the gym early every morning. It takes no thought. Grab weight. Heavier the better. Lift weight. Set weight down. Repeat. I mean it’s kind of barbaric, but it lets me rest. My mind doesn’t have to think when I’m doing physical labor and that for me is rest.

Some of you are in jobs that are more physically demanding, so sitting on the couch with a cold beer might be a relaxing evening ritual for you. Some of you might need the downtime with a great book to find the peaceful release into some other world. Vacation might be a restful experience for you.

The point is you need to find a time and place to rest in whatever way you can. Tend your garden. Walk your dog. Sit with your cat if you’re into that kind of thing. Mow the lawn. Take a nap. Soak in the pool.

Rest is essential for us to work effectively. The principle I try to live by is to work from my rest and rest from my work. But don’t judge my rest just because it’s different than your rest. Know your limits. Work within them. Rest before you get too close to one of those limits.

Then rinse and repeat. It’s really that easy. And remember what works for you won’t always work for someone else.

The One Thing

In a book written by Gary Keller titled The One Thing, we are challenged in our fast paced, multitasking world to simply focus. The author challenges the idea of diversifying ourselves into so many areas that we are largely ineffective.

There are really three basic thoughts in this book as I see them:

  1. Focusing on the ONE thing is the best way to get done what needs done.
  2. You’re more successful when you do one thing well.
  3. Success happens most effectively ONE building block at a time.

If you’re a multitasker or one who likes to jump from idea to idea constantly, then this book might be a good one for you. The author asserts that the time it takes to change gears actually slows down our ability to be productive in life. Focusing however on ONE thing until it is complete is a far better approach to work, success and productivity.

I was reminded of the Debt Snowball approach by Dave Ramsey when I considered the ONE thing approach to life. If you’re unfamiliar, the Debt Snowball basically is focusing on one debt at a time until it’s gone, then taking what you put toward that debt and add it to the next smallest debt. Like a snowball rolling down a hill your power over the debt becomes greater over time as you collect more leverage against it. The same is true with our time and focus with regard to productivity.

I’d recommend reading through this one. I did this one as an audiobook and feel it worked fine in that media style. So if you have a drive ahead of you, pop this one in your book reader and give it a listen. Then look at what is distracting you from getting the real tasks done. Focus on one at a time until it’s completed, then add that time to the new task and snowball your way through your day ONE thing at a time.

Deep Work

Recently while at a conference someone asked me what I’ve been reading lately. Little did they know that I’ve been on a path to read a book a week through 2019. We compared some notes on some great books and some ok books and some must read books. This week’s book is called Deep Work by Cal Newport. It’s a pretty heady read but a very worthwhile on if you’re looking for ways to be more productive and accomplish more significant and life transforming work.

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Less Is More

The saying is older than me and I have no clue where it comes from, but I’m certain we’ve all heard it. Less is more! The idea is simple. Do less in a more intentional way and you’ll end up being more effective in the long run! So the question we need to address as individuals and organizations is What are we doing that we don’t need to be doing anymore?

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Tyranny Of The Urgent

Last week in the post titled What’s the point? I referenced the idea of the tyranny of the urgent. And as promised here’s a quick rundown of what that looks like and how to better manage the important and urgent portions of life. Before we begin, I must confess. There was a time in my life when I was something called an adrenaline junky. Adrenaline Junkies are dangerous people. We’re dangerous because there’s not a lot we can’t do but we’ll run most people over in an effort to get them done. Additionally, they’re dangerous because they get all fired up and go like gangbusters when they’re pushed to the limit of time and ability.

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