living for eternity today

Tag: praise

A Different Way To Worship

I should probably start this post by admitting that I tend to live outside the box in a lot of areas. I do things different than some would like. Not everyone will agree with me and that’s ok. Not everyone will like what I have to say and again, you’re welcome to your opinion. If your skin is thin and can’t handle a little challenge, then you’re welcome to stop reading and close this page.

As a pastor, part of my job is to lead worship. What I call worship is the time we spend together as a church family or congregation. We sing songs, read Bible readings, pray, encourage one another, and share life experiences in an effort to grow stronger in our lives as followers of Jesus. I’m writing this from my over 20 years of experience as a pastor. I truly value the many differences we have in the way we go about worshiping but even in our differences I feel something is lacking.

l recently preached a message about worship from the perspective of Psalm 98. I’ve included the message in the YouTube link below. But the point of this post is to summarize the key points of the message. I would argue that worship has three points for us to check off. I refer to them as looking, lifting and surrendering.


When we begin our time together in worship we start by looking up. This is a recognition that all of our time together finds its meaning from God. We look up to the God who created all things, sent His son to save all of mankind, and now lives in the world through His people. We look up because we are looking to the one who saved us. According to Psalm 98, we look to God for has already worked our salvation. Even in the middle of the Old Testament, even before Jesus was born the writer to the Psalms says that Looking up is great but it’s often where many of us stop in our time together. But worship is about more than just on looking even if it’s at the God of all.


When we fully encounter God in this moment we are then left with an option. We can let that be the end of our worship or we can lift up in praise to God. Worship has two key points that are like a good dance. God is the lead. He’s the primary actor in worship and we are called to faithfully respond. After hearing, seeing and experiencing all that God has done for us, we lift up praise to him. And this is where I feel we miss something pretty key.

The way we praise is often restricted. It feels as if we have some sort of fear over how someone else will react to the way in which we praise. But worship is not about our neighbor’s reaction, it’s a recognition of our salvation. So why do we let what someone else might think change how we worship?

Ok so hear me out. I think humankind was built for worship. I think we worship all the time and probably don’t even realize it. Some worship food with a simple yum that’s delicious after a meal. Others worship their favorite sports team as they gather in the stadium. Others worship while they watch the sunrise or the sunset. Still others worship their career or family or friends. We all worship something, someone, all the time. Our worship has degrees. We don’t bow down to the perfectly cooked burger but we sure to make a big deal out of the pregame rituals for our favorite team! You see worship is all around us.

I think the more we know the one we’re worshiping the more intense our worship becomes. Imagine going to a football game to watch a team you’ve never heard of, in stadium you never seen. You probably wouldn’t go head over heals as they take the field. It’s just not the way it works. But if a Buckeye fan walks into the Shoe and hears the band taking to the tunnel, marching across the field, sees the team come crashing through the end zone – that fan will erupt in joyous accolades! I know I do.

But what about worship? We seem content to let worship be so sterile and so somber that it’s devoid of life. From the invocation to the benediction, from the opening song set to the sending message we are in the midst of people who are worshiping the same God. When we look up and take in all that God has done, we really can’t help but explode into some volcano of praise. Instead in our institutional worship settings it’s almost as if we suffer from some form of constipated praise. Refusing to let the praise come forth.

Maybe it’s a hand raised. Maybe it’s an amen in the middle of the message. Maybe it’s closed eyes and a head bowed low in recognition that we’re not worthy of His presence but grateful for it! I’m not saying there’s one way to worship that’s better than another, actually just the opposite.

Worship is about recognizing the goodness, mercy and grace of God. We look up in awe of all He’s done. Then if we truly encounter a God that big and that mighty, then we sure as hell ought to raise our voices and our hands and throw caution to the wind as we give Him the praise he’s due.


As we close this out, I want to say a couple words about worship as surrender. When we recognize the goodness of God, lift up our praises to Him, we must also take a moment and set our agendas aside. It’s about surrender. Worship is the recognition that we are not God. He died to save us, without our help. He rose to grant us eternal life, with a word from us. We return in praise for all He’s done then we surrender. We lay our pride aside to follow His will for our lives.

If our worship is lacking any of these parts, regardless of how they look, are we really worshiping a God as great as we think?

We Praise You

It’s no secret things in life are a tad topsy turvy right now. What once was no longer is. What never was now is the reality. It’s uncomfortable to say the least. It’s inconvenient to be certain. And if we’re being honest, times are a tad scary right now. If you listen to the reports coming out in any regularity, then you’ve undoubtedly heard the reference to an invisible enemy. When we feel attacked by enemies we can see and even those we can’t see it’s a time for us to reevaluate our focus and our priorities.

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