living for eternity today

Tag: parenting (Page 2 of 2)

Parents, Work & Significance

I love listening to people talk about work. Some people love to work and others will do anything to avoid it. I know some people who are somewhat addicted to work while others seem more allergic to it. This week we look at another aspect of parenting and family life. We’ll gain a better understanding that when something is done intentionally and over time it produces a specific outcome. And in this case, when we work with and for our children they gain a better sense of significance. Continue reading

Stories Over Time

Stories are found in every part of our lives. We start children off with stories. We tell them stories of fairytales and of heroes. We build stories around princes and princesses. We tell stories to get our points across. Even the bible is filled with stories. We tell true stories and we make up stories. Stories are all around us. Every page of our lives is another part of a longer story. What’s the value of all of these stories?  Continue reading

Words Over Time

A couple of weeks ago we started a series titled Overtime. The purpose of the series was to talk about the time we spend as parents with our children. It’s been said that a parent has about 940 weeks with their children before they graduate from high school and move off to college. So the issue we face is how do we intentionally use the time we have to have the longest lasting impact possible on our children?  Continue reading

Love Over Time

Last week we kicked off this series titled Overtime. We have to acknowledge that time is fleeting. Just look at pictures of your children from last year and you’ll quickly realize that the little buggers don’t stay little! It seems just yesterday my now teenage sons were barely able to crawl across the floor, but that was 15 years ago! Time flies and as parents we need to be very intentional about how we use our time with our children.  Continue reading

Overtime For Parents

I’m not one to enjoy a quiet moment. This happens for two big reasons. The first is that as a parent of three, there aren’t a lot of quiet moments to be had! Second is I tend to fill quiet moments with learning opportunities. That’s a whole post in and of itself, but today I want to share with you something I recently heard that will guide the next few Friday posts. Continue reading

Where Did We Go Wrong?


There seems to be an epidemic in the world today. It’s almost like the exodus event is happening in modern times just not with the same intended result. In the Old Testament, the people of God fled the oppression of their captors. But in our society it seems that our children’ are fleeing the loving and open arms of their savior. This fact is leaving many moms and dads confused, concerned and consumed by feelings of guilt. Where did we go wrong? What could we have done differently? Continue reading

The One Thing That Matters

As a parent I know that there are a lot of things that I simply don’t know. I’m not the best dad in the world. I make more mistakes in this whole parenting journey than most people. I lose my temper. I raise my voice. I get upset and sometimes downright angry.

I’ve tried reading books about parenting but I just get lost in the middle of them. They are full of rules and multiple steps. So I set out to determine what’s the one thing that I could teach my children that would have a lasting impact. Something that could change their lives. That one thing is you’re not perfect and that’s ok. Continue reading

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