living for eternity today

Tag: #newstart

Scratch The RIGHT Itch

I remember as a child running up to my grandpa, sitting on his lap and asking him to scratch my back. I used to love having my back scratched! There was something so soothing about it. It was relaxing to say the least. Anymore however a back scratch is more functional. It’s because there’s an itch that I just can’t reach. But there’s a problem. Continue reading

F1V3 – Community Building

online-community-networkingIt’s no secret that this is likely the easiest piece but seemingly the most overlooked. We live in a day and age in which community is something that just isn’t all that important. Think about the last time you came home from a long day at work. If you’re like many in my neighborhood, you pull your car in and close the garage door before you even get out of your vehicle. We’ve taken human interaction out of the equation in much of what we do in our day-to-day lives.  Continue reading


If you were at the church I pastor, Living Word Church, this past Sunday you might have heard something of three numbers. These numbers are very important to me and I pray they gain the same significance to those in the ministry I serve. Apart these three single digits are really not all that impressive nor important. But when you look at them together and see the impact that these three numbers can have, it’s truly nothing short of miraculous.  Continue reading

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