Matty Mullins - No Hold On Me

As we begin a new year it’s time to bury the old and put on the new. The old said we weren’t enough. The old said we didn’t have what it took to thrive. The old said we’d never measure up. But what does the new say?

The bible tells us to put off the old and put on the new. To let the old ways die the pitiful death they deserve. But we are then to clothe ourselves in new things. The new things are the grace and mercy and forgiveness of God. The new says that even though the world will tell you that you’re not enough, Christ says you are His and that’s more than enough.

This week’s MusicMonday is all about reminding the old ways, reminding the devil, and reminding yourself that none of that stuff has any hold on you. Today is about losing the chains that once held you back and striving for what lies ahead.

Enjoy the first MusicMonday of 2021! Lose the chains. And live the life Christ has in store for you today!