living for eternity today

Tag: musicmonday (Page 8 of 8)

God Is On The Move

7.7.GodIsOnTheMove_323149451It’s easy at times in our lives to be discouraged but there’s a great reason for hope in this life. There are all kinds of statistics that cause great fear in the lives of the people of the church. In North America roughly 4000 churches close each and every year, while only 1000 new ones start. That’s a crazy statistic that appears as if the church is failing miserably in the world today.  Continue reading



It seems like our lives are getting busier and busier. No matter how fast you move, it’s just hard to keep up much less get ahead at all. It’s coming up on vacation season and you know what that means right? You have to work twice as hard to prepare to be gone. Then you’ll have to work double again when you return just to catch up. End of school programs are filling the calendar. Sports leagues are gearing up for summer play. Dance recitals, play practice, summer programs at church. And these are all of the extras! None of this has anything to do with getting dinner on the table at night, keeping up with household chores, getting things done around the outside of your house so you can enjoy the backyard. Then you start feeling guilty because you didn’t find time the last few days to get in that run or workout. Time just seems to be slipping by you and you can’t do a thing about it!

Ok. Now that your heart is racing and you feel like you are in way over your head. STOP! Just breathe. I know that sounds like a super simple thing to do. But humor me for a minute and just sit still for 2 minutes and focus on your breathing. Breathing is an extremely easy way to reset the body’s anxiety meter. When we’re stressed and just running like crazy, breathing can help us regain focus.

So often in our lives we completely forget to breathe. Don’t get me wrong here, we breathe. The point is we just don’t focus on that breathing. It just happens. Thank goodness! If I had to think about my breathing all the time, I’m pretty sure I’d be a lifeless ball of dust! Breathing was the one thing that God did to bring us to life. When God breathed into us, we came alive. Again in the New Testament Jesus breathed on his disciples after his resurrection. The point of this breathing was pretty significant if you know the history.

You see in the original languages of the bible, the word for breath is the same as the word for wind and spirit. So when Jesus breathed on them, he blew his spirit on them. Same thing happened in creation when God knelt down in the dust of the Garden of Eden and breathed (spirited) humanity. One more time we see this happen in the bible. In the book of Acts is record of an event call Pentecost. Pentecost was when God breathed, spirited on Jesus’ disciples and in turn on us as well.

When we take a moment and pause to just breathe, we allow ourselves to regain focus. When we focus on our breathing, we focus on the times when God has gone out of his way to make sure we had everything we needed for our daily lives. Listen to the song, slow your breathing, calm yourself, and trust that God has it all in his control.

Soul On Fire

maxresdefault-15Yesterday was a pretty big day in the church. If you’re a Jesus follower, then hopefully you heard mention of something called Pentecost yesterday. The long and short of Pentecost is that it was the time when God gave us his Holy Spirit. The disciples were in a house when a breeze blew through the home and a fire appeared on their heads. They then began to tell everyone what they believed about Jesus in many different languages. It’s a pretty cool account! Check it out in ActsContinue reading

Sisters And Brothers

maxresdefault-11Yesterday in worship a little guy from our congregation wanted to sing a song. He’s done it before. Most of the songs he sings fall on the easy side. But yesterday he wanted to sing this song about sisters and brothers. It’s a great song and he did an amazing job. The message of the song is simple – let’s put away some of the differences and start living as sisters and brothers. Let’s start showing the world that we, as Christians are part of a family – a family of God.  Continue reading

Do Something

West-DoSomethingPicHave you ever been frustrated with the mess that happens in life? Ever angered by the number of people mistreated in our world? Ever think something needs to be done for the thousands of children dying of starvation in the world? Ever ask why doesn’t someone do something? Ever wonder why God hasn’t done something for these terrible situations?  Continue reading

More Of You

77537414d6f96e335cbc53e868c20b30The goal of a disciple is to clothe themselves in the very thoughts, words, and actions of the person they desire to follow. In the case of the person who calls themselves a Christian, that person is Jesus. There’s no secret about it. The follower of Jesus wants to clothe themselves in the things of Jesus. We want to have Jesus’ patience. We want to love the way he loved. We want to find joy in the everyday things the way he did. But exactly how does that happen?  Continue reading

Cast My Cares

maxresdefault-6We carry such a weight through life it’s almost crazy. We were never intended to have this kind of load on our shoulders. Worry, anxiety, fear, mistakes…they all just sit on our shoulders and heap a load on us that often we can’t even stand.

This morning I want to share with you a song that really speaks to this very thing. If we would learn to cast our cares on the who promises to take them, our lives would be a lot different. Our pains prevent us from finding peace. Our struggles steal our ability to see our Savior. Our fears lead us to future failures. Our past mistakes melt our confidence.

The bible is an invitation to cast our cares on Him. It’s an invitation to give our burdens and our pains to the God who invites us to call him Father. It’s such a wonderful thing. In exchange for our cares, he offers us hope and peace. These things the world can’t give. Cast your cares on him.

This morning I sit in front of my computer tired. There are burdens on my shoulders and it’s time to cast them on Jesus. Take a minute from your day and just pause. Give these struggles on Jesus and let him take over. All of our worrying and all of our fear won’t change the reality of the situation before us. Cast these on Jesus. Then lift your head and realize that the same Jesus who takes away these burdens is also the one who walks with you through the most treacherous and terrifying moments of life. There’s hope for today. There’s a light in front of us to guide us when we don’t know where to go.

I will cast my cares upon him because he promises to be faithful.

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