living for eternity today

Tag: musicmonday (Page 7 of 8)



I’m sure you’ve heard the saying home is where your heart is. This simple statement is probably more true than you might realize. There are places that seem to capture our heart more than others. For many of us it is our childhood home. We love that home because it is the marker for protection and safety. It reminds us of all the times when we had little to no cares because our parents took care of everything. Continue reading


496938--a5428f41-7d06-43de-965a-b4d04d1f6f8d-posterIt’s become increasingly evident that there’s a problem in the world today. There appears to be an issue that many people are facing, often without realizing!

Try this once, take a look in the mirror. What do you see? Describe it, but not in terms of features rather describe yourself in terms of value, image, and worth. This is not a matter of pride nor is it conceited to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re worth it. Actually, it’s kind of biblical if you really think about it. Continue reading


maxresdefault-2It’s so easy to listen to the voices around you. It’s easy to hear what the world says to and about you. Over the past several months I’ve gotten to know a few people who for some reason believe the words the hear screamed at them from behind the mirror. This song is dedicated to them. This #musicmonday post is dedicated to those special people in my life who think they’re not enough, that they have to look prettier or act better – that they’ll never measure up.  Continue reading

Voice of Truth

voice of truthStop for just a second. Turn off the television and the radio. Sit in silence for just a couple of minutes and listen to the voices swirling around inside your head. What do you hear resounding over and over? In our world there are tons of voices vying for our attention. Everyone wants to bend our ear with their important information, but not all of it is worth listening to. Not all of these voices are the right ones for our ears. So which one do is right and how do we know?  Continue reading


Blessing-The-Cornerstone-11A cornerstone is a key part of any building structure. It’s said that the building rests on that particular stone to gain its maximum strength. If this is true, the cornerstone is critical. You don’t want a cornerstone made out of a soft material. You don’t want a cornerstone for your building made from a material that is ever-changing. You want a cornerstone that is solid, planted firmly, and never moving.  Continue reading

No Longer Slaves

No-LongerThis world has enough trouble to make even the strongest person cower in fear. From the political unrest to the economic ebbs and flows that bring financial concerns to just about everyone – there is no rest for the weary. It seems that everywhere we turn there’s another reason for us to be afraid. Just click on the news and you’ll hear of another child abducted into trafficking rings, a senseless murder, arson takes a home and all its possessions from a family, a training accident goes horribly wrong and claims the lives of innocents, wild fires sweep through the country and devastate residents.  Continue reading

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