living for eternity today

Tag: musicmonday (Page 6 of 8)


Wouldn’t it be great if we could just find the magical pill for happiness? I mean no more down in the dump kind of days. No more sadness. No tears. No hurts or pains. No-one to squash your dreams for life and a future. No-one to tell you that you’re not good enough. No more trying to always run and never seem to get anywhere. Trying to find that magical formula for happiness sometimes sometimes feels like running on a treadmill. No matter how fast you run, you never really get anywhere. So where is it that happiness is found?

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Resurrection Power

As we restart our #musicmonday selection back up again for a new school year, we start with a song that shows new beginnings. As some of you know, I serve as Pastor at Living Word Galena. Through the past few weeks we’ve been talking about a man named Jonah who ran from God, ended up being eaten by a fish and then spit out on land. You can check the messages out here, but just think about that for a second. Swallowed by a fish and then thrown up on land for a second chance! How cool is that!  Continue reading

He Lives

This week we experience highs and lows. The beauty of spring sunshine is all too often overshadowed by the sogginess of rain clouds. Our days are joyful then sad and back again. Life is all too often like a rollercoaster that we didn’t want to ride! None of us begged to be born. None of us begged for the struggles in life. None of us pleaded for the challenges we face. So how do you manage when the pressures of life seem overwhelming?  Continue reading

Hold Me

Life has its ups and downs that’s for sure! Some days you’re flying on top of the world and then other days you just hit bottom so hard you’re not sure the ground can even stop you. Some days you wake up and wonder if you could be any grouchier. Some days you just want to hit the restart button and go back to the beginning or the fast forward button to just get it over with already! Continue reading

Different Drum

If you know me at all, you would probably say that I don’t always fit the norm. I tend to walk to the beat of a different drum. I don’t like to do things just because they’ve always been done that way. It’s been said that I don’t fit the normal mold. I’ve been told that I tend to think outside the box. Some have even said that with me the box doesn’t exist. All this is to say that I’m unique, and sometimes unique can be distracting but other times unique is a really good thing.  Continue reading

Have Everything

Sometimes life seems like you just can’t keep your head above water. The demands of life keep crashing in like the tide hitting the beach. It seems like when we just get ahead a little bit that another wave is pushing right behind the last one. As I write this post I’m still trying to figure out the reason behind daylight savings. I was sitting in the office and realized that one clock wasn’t changed. And yep that’s the clock we were using to determine the length of our conversation. Needless to say a frantic pace ensued as soon as we determined that we were a whole 60 minutes off!  Continue reading

I Want To Go Back

There was a time when life was just a little easier and a whole lot less messy. Can you remember when you were a child? You know what I mean. Your biggest worry in the world was what kind of cereal you were going to have for breakfast. You didn’t know if you should ride your scooter or your bicycle. Those were the good old days weren’t they? Sometimes we just want to go back to those  more simple times.  Continue reading

Light Shine Bright

This past weekend was a pretty cool weekend at the church I serve. We had the amazing opportunity to bring Hollyn to perform live in concert! It was great! If you’re not familiar with her music you should go over to her website and check her out! Since we’re still riding the wave of the concert, I thought it was fitting to select a song that featured her music along with the one who gave her a start in the industry, Toby Mac. Continue reading

Mary Did You Know

We’ve all seen it. Many of us have one in our houses this time year. Our churches pull them out of storage as we approach Christmas. The manger scene is a staple in our Christian celebrations of Christmas. We’re so familiar with the characters in the story that we likely don’t even give it much thought. The wisemen came from lands afar to see the baby born. The shepherds respond to the angels’ call to hail the birth of an unlikely king. Mary and Joseph  were just trying to find out what it meant to be parents as they coddled their newborn son in the stable that quiet night.

But what about Mary and Joseph? What do you think was going through their minds as they held their child? Did they know what really was going on? Did they know who their son would grow to be?

One of my favorite Christmas songs carries such a heavy message. Mary did you know? Did you know that this Jesus would end up being the savior of the world? Did you know that this child would grow to change the world? Did you know that his death would bring life to all who believe?

As a parent and a pastor I often look at children and wonder what does God have in store for you. I look at the young people around me and marvel at the many great things they are accomplishing. I’m so excited to see what God has in store . And seeing these young people mature gives me hope for our future.

So did Mary know? Perhaps, but likely at best was in denial of what it all meant. But what we do know is that she was faithful to do what God called her to do. This Christmas remember the greatest gifts sometimes just might come in the smallest of packages.

Merry Christmas!

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