living for eternity today

Tag: musicmonday (Page 5 of 8)

Hold Her

Maybe it’s a business trip. Maybe it’s a move to a new place. Maybe it’s just a temporary distance. This song was written by one of the members of For King and Country as they were on tour. He was praying that God would hold his wife while he was away. I’m not sure who you’re away from right now or who you’re praying this song over but take comfort and know that God is doing just that holding her tonight.

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King of Kings

I recently stumbled accidentally across a song that has pretty much been on repeat for the last several days. This song isn’t fast. It’s not super loud or even upbeat but wow is it ever powerful! Hillsong has a way of crafting songs that hit the message of the bible perfectly! If you’ve ever wanted to know the story of Jesus but don’t know where to start in the bible, then this song might be a great place to begin.

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Every Giant Will Fall

The church is quiet. Not a peep is being made. This is a far cry from last week! Last week this place was bustling with activity for our very own 2019 Giants VBS! This year we decided to write our own curriculum because we had the talent to do it! I’m in awe of the way God provided for what we needed with so many willing hands and skilled men and women this week! And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a huge shout out to Maddy for all the behind the scenes work she did to keep this ministry moving! It was a giant of a task! But VBS isn’t the only giant we face in life is it?

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About a year ago in church we talked about a word that got all the kids giggling. One of our youth led the children’s time and talked about the big but in the Bible. She mentioned that but is a pretty important word if we really think about it. But clues us in to a massive change in thought, purpose and intent.

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the 99

Imagine for a moment having 100 of something, anything really, and then losing one of them. For those of you who are slow at math, that leaves you with 99 remaining. What would you do about the one you lost? Let’s say for instance you had 100 pennies and dropped one under the couch. You move the couch but can’t find it. How much more would you dig for it? What about if it wasn’t pennies but something of more value like an animal. I don’t know, say sheep. You have 100 sheep and one of those pesky little critters runs away. What would you do?

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While I Wait

I’m not a very patient person. One time I made the mistake of praying for patience! Let’s just say don’t do that! God’s not in the business of giving patience. He teaches it! But that’s a post for another day. When we focus on the waiting, it feels like forever! Maybe you’re waiting on the promotion at work? Maybe you’re waiting on the forever someone to enter your life to be your spouse? Maybe you’re waiting on a clear bill of health? Or just an answer to a problem? What do you do while you wait?

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I’ve told the story before about walking across campus in college when a professor asked me how I was. You know the kind of asking when you really don’t expect an answer? Well that’s exactly what this was. He asked and kept going without even listening to my reply. Knowing this I replied how terrible my day was and that I was considering dropping out of school. He kept his pace, didn’t miss a beat and said Good for you. Keep it up!

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Whole Heart

Life is a funny thing isn’t it? One day you’re on top of the world and everyone knows who you are and they’re singing your praises (well not really but you get the idea) – then the next day it seems like you’re invisible! One day everything is right and the next nothing goes right at all! How does that happen? How is it possible that we can go from joyful to distraught in the blink of an eye? How can we move from the best day of our lives, when our names are in lights to the bottom of the barrel and ignored by the masses?

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Build My Life

What kinds of things define who you are? What kinds of things make your day? What about ruin them? We all have a tendency to put too much weight into one thing and not enough into another. We gravitate to things that provide instant gratification. But what happens when the job is lost or the diet no longer works or exercise isn’t giving us the results we’re hoping! What happens then? What happens when we realize we’ve probably built our lives on simply the wrong things?

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Maybe It’s Ok

Some days are just OK. And for a long time I thought that OK was somehow less than, well OK! If you’ve ever passed me in the hall and asked the predictable question How are you? A question no one ever cares to hear the answer to – then you have undoubtedly heard my reply. And it’s never OK! My reply is always something like Excellent! Better than I deserve! Terrific! It shouldn’t be legal to be this good! And honestly, the majority of the time that’s the truth! But every once in a while the day is just OK. Sometimes life isn’t good, or great, or wonderful, or even fine! Some days are just…OK.

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