living for eternity today

Tag: musicmonday (Page 3 of 8)

Breath of Heaven

Amy Grant - Breath of Heaven: The Christmas Collection - Music

There are some songs that just push you over the edge. Songs without which you would have a hard time seeing the season of Christmas in its fullest. This song is probably one of my favorite songs for Christmas. But not just any version of this song. Every year on Christmas Eve at the church I serve we are gifted with this song by one of our members.

Now, you have to understand most churches can’t get Amy Grant to sing for them every Christmas. And we are one of those churches that can’t have this pop Christian singer songwriter with us in person. But what we do have is far better in my book. Susan has been with Living Word for longer than I have been here. She’s been gifted with the ability to sing like no one I’ve met. She’s one of those talented people that drive you nuts because she doesn’t need to practice and still sounds better than most people who practice all the time! I only wish I had her recorded singing this so you could enjoy it as much as I do! But if you join us for our Christmas Eve services, you will get to hear her sing. And if you’re lucky she’ll sing this song.

The song Breath of Heaven is sung from the perspective of Mary as she travels to give birth to the baby Jesus. She is in awe of her chosen status. She’s terrified to be a mom. She’s fearful of being the earthly mother to the Son of God. She needs the breath of God to breathe into and for her so that she can have peace on the very first Christmas.

I pray this very Breath of Heaven falls upon you and fills you as you prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. May you offer to God all that you are as He fills you with all that He is.

Let It Be Christmas

Alan Jackson - Let It Be Christmas - Music

Every day this week I’m going to highlight a Christmas song that is either a favorite of mine or one that’s been suggested. Today’s song is really outside of my genre of choice, but it was suggested so here you go. Let it be Christmas! Who wouldn’t want the magic of Christmas to last all year!

I mean really if you think about it something happens in most people at Christmas time. They get happier. People are more kind. We show our love more intentionally. We’re generous. We’re more together. Who wouldn’t want that?

Now before some of my Jesus following friends go too far with the whole magic of Christmas idea. No I’m not saying the magic of reindeer and jolly old Saint Nick. I’m not talking about some weird form of sacrilegious magical incantations. I’m talking about the magical way that Christmas makes us feel! So let it be Christmas!

Let is be Christmas in your home and all around the world. Let the magic of Christmas transform your sadness to joy, loneliness to the company of all the family and friends. Let it be Christmas wherever you are!

Forever Amen

Forever Amen (Glory To God) by Michael Neale | Loop Community

Have you ever experienced one of those moments that you didn’t want to end? We call those forever moments. They happen once in a lifetime, or if you’re lucky you’ll get a few of these. They start off simple and yet something about those moments make you never want to let go. What’s your most recent forever moment?

This year as we make our final push toward Christmas, we know that things in our lives have been different to say the least. Even Christmas this year is sure to be something different than in every year past. But what would it take for this Christmas to be one of your forever moments? What would it take for you to see past the disturbing events of this year, beyond the disruption to your Christmas normal to find something truly worth holding onto this year?

Today’s MusicMonday is a new song to me but the message is important enough that we need to hear it today. Forever Amen. Christmas was God’s forever amen moment. It was the moment when everything he had promised throughout the Bible came to fulfillment. Christmas was never just about Christmas. The point of Christmas wasn’t just about a baby’s birth. It was so much bigger! It was the start of a forever moment that would be God’s gift to you and me.

The Little Drummer Boy

For King & Country Celebrate One Billion Streams, Announce 'A Drummer Boy  Christmas' Album [Exclusive] :

This has to be one of my all time favorite remakes of this song. I’ve always loved the song but when For King and Country did this remake, I just couldn’t get enough of it! From the message of the song itself to the added drum intensity, the song just gives me chills.

The reason I like this song so much, regardless of who plays it, is the real message it gives. To some people, this remake is just a lot of noise and performance driven stuff. But think about it for a second. The drummer boy couldn’t do anything but beat the drum. It was noise to some. It was annoying to others. But it was his song and he played it with all he had.

As the drummer boy played for Jesus at his birth this was the only way he could honor the King of kings. He knew the child was special. He had no gold or frankincense or myrrh. He didn’t have an offering to give that was of any worldly value. All he had was his tiny, little drum.

As we continue our journey toward Christmas, we have to pause for just a moment to make sure we have a proper understanding of what this whole celebration is about anyway. It’s nice to give people the greatest gift of all time, but it’s not the size or cost of the gift that counts. It’s all about the heart.

Today’s MusicMonday is all about the heart. It’s all about playing your drum not worrying what others think of you or the noise you make. It’s about playing your drum for the King. So go. Play that drum. Play with all your heart!

Run To The Father

Run to the Father | The Banner

This world is full of burdens and many of those burdens are not ours to carry. The problem is we don’t know the difference between what we’re supposed to carry and what we should unload. When we hide our problems, we end up carrying them around with us. The weight of these problems can be crippling to say the least.

This week as you sit around the table with your family, or look in on them virtually, take a moment to unload those burdens. Don’t throw them at other people. But unload them on Christ. We’re invited to run to Jesus and give him our troubles.

Today, just pause for a minute. Consider the things that are weighing you down. Say a little prayer and give them to Christ. Then let yourself be held in the arms of the Father. Let him be your comfort. Let him be the one who keeps you strong and safe.

My prayer for you today is that you find rest for your soul, comfort from your pain, company in your loneliness, and calm for your distracted mind.

Truth Be Told

The truth is that rarely is the truth found in our world. We tell those little, innocent lies all the time right? I mean someone asks how you’re doing and instead of being honest and telling them what you feel, it’s just easier to say Oh I’m fine. Thanks for asking.

But the truth of the matter is, it’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to be broken and feel like the world is crashing in. It’s ok to feel like you’re losing control and need help. It’s ok to feel like you’re all alone at times. But it’s not ok to hold it in.

Truth be told we all need someone in our lives that we can confide in. Someone who we trust so much that we can lay our darkest secrets on. Someone whose opinion matters, whose ear listens, whose heart cares. We all need someone with whom we can share truth but also who will honestly share truth back to us.

It’s easy to surround ourselves with the people who will tell us yes. It’s easy to find the people say what we want to hear. But to find real strength, we need to find the truth. Not your version of it. Not your opponent’s version of it. But the truth. There is only one truth in a situation. And in the end the truth comes to light. When the truth is revealed, we need to accept that truth and walk on. But be careful in your search for truth, make sure you’re not just listening to the voices who are all saying the samething. Try to put holes in the story you’re hearing. See if it holds water.

Most importantly find someone who will speak truth to you. Lean on them. Confide in them. Let them love you with the tough love that’s sometimes needed.

Who You Are To Me

You don’t have to go far before you’ll hear someone say something negative to you. People have no problem pointing out your flaws and faults. The world is a messed up place to be sure. Friends are turning on one another. Family members are dividing over some pretty crazy things. It’s just not the world many of us thought we’d raise our children in or grow up in ourselves. So how do we gain any clarity in these crazy and disruptive times?

Today’s Music Monday is a bit of a grounding rod for us as followers of Jesus. Now I want to be clear. Some people call themselves Christians or church-goers but really aren’t interested in following Jesus. It’s more a slide of hand kind of game. For these truths to really speak to us we need to do more than put on a smiling face and say we attend church. The reality of the matter is as followers of Jesus, this truth is one of the most powerful things we need to remember in these chaotic and unpredictable times.

Our song is titled who you are to me. This song is a worship song that brings us to a place and time when we can see the power and majesty of who God is when life is all messed up. It’s a reminder that when the world is continuously changing, God is constant. Throughout our lives here we find that time and time again bad things jump out of nowhere and we are caught off guard. But with God there is no caught off guard. Where he is concerned he is our God and our provider and our protector. He’ll be there when life is good and hold us when life is bad.

Who is he to me? As a Jesus follower, he should be your everything.

Keep Me In The Moment

I have to admit something right here. I have a problem living in the here and now. I tend to be a mile ahead and around the corner. I try to see what’s coming. I try to plan for what could be. I try to think about things before they happen. Some days that philosophy works really well. But other times it keeps me from seeing things that are happening right in front of me.

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Starts With Love

There’s a lot of talk in the world right now. Everyone has something to say. Bloggers blog. Writers write. Speakers speak. We update our Facebook with all of our thoughts and feelings. We have no problem telling peopel what we’re for and what we’re against. But there’s something we might have forgotten and that’s the theme of this week’s MusicMonday.

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