living for eternity today

Tag: music (Page 2 of 2)

Red Letters

This week at Living Word Galena we started something called the Red Letter Challenge. The idea behind the RLC is to look through the bible for the most powerful words of the bible and then apply them to our lives. The RLC was written as a 40 day devotion, small group and sermon series by Zach Zender. You can look into the book here. But the red letters we’re referring to here are the ones in the New Testament of the Bible. They’re the words attributed to Jesus. These are the words that aren’t just inspired by God through earthly writers. These are the words of Jesus, the very Son of God. Now understand that all of the bible is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training to be certain! But through this study, we’ll be pulling the red letters of Jesus off the pages and seeing where our lives match up to His teachings.

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Backseat Driver

Now I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a bit of a control freak. I like to feel the steering wheel in my hands. I don’t like to fly because I can’t pilot a plane. When we travel my wife never drives, well unless I’m dealing with one of those migraine can’t see straight kind of headaches but even then I try to drive. I just don’t like to relinquish control very easily. And it’s not just in driving either.  Continue reading


496938--a5428f41-7d06-43de-965a-b4d04d1f6f8d-posterIt’s become increasingly evident that there’s a problem in the world today. There appears to be an issue that many people are facing, often without realizing!

Try this once, take a look in the mirror. What do you see? Describe it, but not in terms of features rather describe yourself in terms of value, image, and worth. This is not a matter of pride nor is it conceited to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re worth it. Actually, it’s kind of biblical if you really think about it. Continue reading


Being a Monday morning it’s time for another song of the week. This one is a song that I really didn’t understand until I read the lyrics closely. The words are very easy to understand but maybe it’s because I only listen to the radio while driving with the sunroof open going down the highway. At any rate, I never really understood how powerful these lyrics were – then like a hero that takes a stage when we’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late well let me introduce you to amazing grace. Give it a listen here… Continue reading

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