living for eternity today

Tag: music monday

The Goodness

To start off a new year we use a familiar name combined with a newcomer to the music scene. The song is The Goodness and it focuses on the goodness of the God who is in the midst of every part of our lives.

It’s typical to want all sunshine and roses in life. We like the sun to rise with the beautiful pinks and purples. We like the soft glow of full moon. We like the warmth of the sun or the crackle of the fireplace. We love all of these great parts of life! Who wouldn’t right!? And it’s super easy to sing and praise and see God in the middle of these really cool moments of life. But what about the dark days?

The song Goodness shows that even in the darkness and rain God is still active and vibrant and worthy of our recognition and praise. Even in the challenge and pain God is still just as present and doing what God does best – working for our good.

One part of God that’s easy to forget is the fact that he knows what we don’t know. He sees what’s coming around the corner and he often will do things to prevent us from hitting catastrophe head on. Sometimes however that detour is an unwanted illness or day that just flat sucks.

But take time to see that God has used this detour, no matter how terrible and life altering, to shape you for what’s around the next corner. He sees what you don’t only the Goodness of God can do that!

I Will Fear No More

This week is going to be one of those weeks to be sure. Yesterday I received a phone call from my dad letting me know that my grandma (the one I call Omi) has started to walk down the road that will ultimately lead her into Jesus’ arms. It could be days. It could be weeks. It could even be months. There’s only one person who knows and he’s the reason we can fear no more.

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All In

Recently a friend asked me what my favorite bible verse was. Now that admittedly is a difficult task, especially for a pastor. We have so many bible verses floating through our minds. So many of them with significant meaning. I mulled this over for weeks. Probably longer. But eventually it hit me. The one verse that just jumped off the page was right there the entire time. It was a verse that had meaning to my uncle who was a pastor. It was a verse spoken at his funeral. It’s a verse in one of my favorite hymns. Continue reading


I remember as a child wanting to be Superman. I wanted to be this particular superhero because he was always Superman, even when he was dressed up like Clark Kent. But there was something else about Superman. He was invincible. I remember wanting to be invincible as a child. I wanted the power to have nothing affect me. I wanted to be bulletproof! Continue reading

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