living for eternity today

Tag: Mr.Bill

What Mr. Bill Taught Me About The Magi

Today is Epiphany and it was one of Mr. Bill’s favorite days of the year! If you’re not sure what Epiphany is give me a minute and I’ll explain. But first Mr. Bill was a great friend and my personal mentor. He walked with me through some pretty rough stuff and always pushed me to be stronger in my faith. Unfortunately for me he was called to heaven a couple of years ago. It’s unfortunate for me because there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of the impact this man had on my preaching and teaching. But it’s so fortunate for him because he is where he longed to be! He’s living the Epiphany life!

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My Story

I know we’ve used this one already but it’s important for me to post this today. You see today I have the privilege of performing the Celebration of Life for a wonderful man of God who had just one story. This man was a man of God like no-one that I’ve ever before met. He helped me plant my first church. He became a friend. He was like a second father to me. He was my spiritual mentor. I would call on him when I had questions and he’d always help me find an answer. Today I’d like to tell you his story.  Continue reading

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