living for eternity today

Tag: Mary

A Different Perspective

This year for the season leading up to Christmas, a time churches call Advent, we’ve been focusing on the events of the first Christmas from the perspective of those who would have been there. I know that this takes some conjecture and a little creativity but we stayed as close to the text of the Bible as possible. The portions that are made of some level of conjecture are less than relevant to the topic at hand.

Each of these messages was simply intended to make us slow down as we run rampant this time of year. We focused on Zechariah. He was Mary’s uncle. He really doesn’t play much of a role in the events on Christmas morning but his story is impactful as we set the stage for what’s about to happen. His lesson was one of pure grace. He was invited into an epic journey and even though he didn’t believe it right away, he experienced what amazing grace felt like in real time.

Then we moved to Mary. She’s well known for so many reasons. As we looked at her part of the journey, we saw just how God has a tendency to interrupt our humdrum lives. We have a statement around church, Men plan but God laughs. Well in this case, she planned a wedding with Joseph then starting a family, but God had other plans. He wanted her to have a child and obediently go where he told her to go.

The third character of the nativity story was Joseph. He’s an unsung hero. No lines to speak. No role beyond the first few chapters of the account of Jesus’ birth. He didn’t want to shame Mary even though he thought she was guilty of something awful. His is a story of being so close to God that he was able to let God lead him off the script of his planned life and into an amazing future as the earthly dad of the son of God.

Week four was the shepherds. They’re on the scene shortly after the birth of Jesus but really don’t have a lot to offer. Their part of the story is more what God did through them and for them than what they did for Jesus. The real important part of their story is who they were or in this case who they weren’t. Not important. Not popular. Not socially acceptable even really. Yet God chose them as the first audience to the birth of His only Son.

Below are the messages cut from these services. I pray you are able to see Christmas through a new set of lenses as you peak into the manger from the perspective of one of these characters.

Breath of Heaven

Have you ever thought about what the first Christmas was like? So many different people were involved in the story, and each bring a new perspective. Today I would like to focus on Christmas from Mary’s perspective. What was it like to have been chosen by God? Mary must have been filled with hundreds of emotions ranging from joy to fear. This weeks Music Monday represents what I imagine Mary was feeling that first Christmas. Continue reading

Mary Did You Know

We’ve all seen it. Many of us have one in our houses this time year. Our churches pull them out of storage as we approach Christmas. The manger scene is a staple in our Christian celebrations of Christmas. We’re so familiar with the characters in the story that we likely don’t even give it much thought. The wisemen came from lands afar to see the baby born. The shepherds respond to the angels’ call to hail the birth of an unlikely king. Mary and Joseph  were just trying to find out what it meant to be parents as they coddled their newborn son in the stable that quiet night.

But what about Mary and Joseph? What do you think was going through their minds as they held their child? Did they know what really was going on? Did they know who their son would grow to be?

One of my favorite Christmas songs carries such a heavy message. Mary did you know? Did you know that this Jesus would end up being the savior of the world? Did you know that this child would grow to change the world? Did you know that his death would bring life to all who believe?

As a parent and a pastor I often look at children and wonder what does God have in store for you. I look at the young people around me and marvel at the many great things they are accomplishing. I’m so excited to see what God has in store . And seeing these young people mature gives me hope for our future.

So did Mary know? Perhaps, but likely at best was in denial of what it all meant. But what we do know is that she was faithful to do what God called her to do. This Christmas remember the greatest gifts sometimes just might come in the smallest of packages.

Merry Christmas!

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