I’ve recently been asked if Christians are allowed to be happy. It may seem like a strange question to some while a valid one to others, so I thought I’d share a little of my insights on the matter. Let’s start by looking at both sides of the matter: Continue reading
Tag: love (Page 8 of 9)
My wife loves to take pictures. It’s really the only thing she really cared about at our wedding was that we had a great photographer. Pictures have a way of freezing something in our minds. The moment becomes frozen in time.
But what happens when you don’t have a camera handy? What do you do if you’re somewhere that taking a picture would just not be appropriate? How do you keep that memory alive? How do you freeze a moment without a digital or paper photograph? Continue reading
I just had the opportunity to meet with two wonderful ladies of faith. They were both in assisted living homes and were semi-mobile. These two women were able to get around to their therapy but not much more than that. They were very reliant on people to come and visit with them. Continue reading
Admittedly I grew up in the era of Sesame Street and Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood. These shows were built around the premise of community and neighbors. Every episode of Mr. Rodgers started the same way. He’d come onto the television screen singing his song won’t you be, please won’t you be…my neighbor. Continue reading
Sticks and stone will break my bonesbut words will never hurt me. We’ve undoubtedly said it as a child. Maybe we even believed it. But I’m not convinced it’s all that true. I recently read an article that stated words are never neutral. How powerful a statement that one is! A lot of times we tend to think that just because we aren’t speaking something derogatory or overtly harmful that our words carry little to no weight at all. But the truth of the matter is our words are always filled with power. Continue reading
Admittedly, I’ve never served our country in any military capacity but I have a huge spot in my heart for the men and women who have. I know there are countless thousands of moms, dads, husbands, wives, sons and daughters who have devoted their lives to keeping me free. And I want to say thank you! Continue reading
Well, it’s Monday again and you know what that mean! Back to the grind. Another day, another dollar is how the old saying goes. But what would happen if every day had a purpose? You know like a special emphasis that would drive us through the day so that we could find meaning in the ordinary. Continue reading
We undoubtedly know about Halloween. Many of us will spend a little of our hard earned money to get some candy for the neighbor children who will come knocking. We might even get costumes for our own children to wear on this night of tricks and treats. But what is it really all about?
Well to properly understand Halloween we really need to see it in light of the three day event that it truly is. We don’t spend a lot of time talking about the other two days but they’re important to set the landscape of the holiday. Continue reading
Mondays are the days that many of us dread. We have to find our way back to the humdrum reality of work. We have to settle back in to the morning grind and get our week started on the right foot. For many of us Mondays are spent recovering from an exciting and undoubtedly busy weekend.
This coming Sunday, October 26th, many churches of several different traditions will all celebrate something called the Reformation. But what is the Reformation? And what was it all about? In a single word, the Reformation was about basics.