Well this week is that whole love week. It’s the week of Valentine’s Day. It’s a day filled with flowers and candy. It’s a day when we talk love and acceptance. Unfortunately that love and acceptance stuff we show on Valentine’s Day is very conditional. It’s a love that seems more transactional – I’ll love you as long as you love me back kind of thing. Continue reading
Tag: love (Page 7 of 9)
Now before we get too far into this I have to admit something. I suck at showing affection! I’m not one of those lovey, gushy kinds of people. I don’t do flowers or chocolates. I rarely even remember to buy cards. Compliments flow from my mouth like water from a dried up well. I pretty much fail at this whole showing love thing. But just because I don’t show it well doesn’t mean I don’t love. Continue reading
Since there are only so many weeks to celebrate Christmas and there are some pretty great Christmas songs, I thought it’d be good to take a few weeks of our #musicmonday this year and celebrate Christmas. Christmas this year is a song that talks of the transition between fall and Christmas. The message is one of anticipation. Continue reading
There’s a bible passage that many people know. It’s known by Christians and non-Christians alike. It’s from one of Paul’s letters, 1 Corinthians. This is probably one of those sections that is repeated over and over again and completely pulled out of context. Continue reading
We spend so much time trying to please other people. We strive for the best grades. We work longer hours to please the boss. We go the extra mile so that we can get into someone’s good graces. Continue reading
The Lord’s Prayer is a pretty powerful tool for many Christians. We pray it and often don’t really give it much thought whatsoever. Some of those words that we pray go like this thy kingdom come, thy will be done… What does it mean for God’s kingdom to come? Continue reading
This world has enough trouble to make even the strongest person cower in fear. From the political unrest to the economic ebbs and flows that bring financial concerns to just about everyone – there is no rest for the weary. It seems that everywhere we turn there’s another reason for us to be afraid. Just click on the news and you’ll hear of another child abducted into trafficking rings, a senseless murder, arson takes a home and all its possessions from a family, a training accident goes horribly wrong and claims the lives of innocents, wild fires sweep through the country and devastate residents. Continue reading
We often try to put God into some sort of box. I’m not sure why we do it but it’s pretty much a fact of our humanity. Perhaps it’s because if we put him in a box, then we feel we can understand him a little better. Perhaps if we cram him into some tiny, little space then we feel as if we can pull one over on him. I’m not really sure but I know that we all tend to do it from time to time. Continue reading
The news media lately has been focusing so much on the recent SCOTUS ruling regarding same-sex unions that there seems to be an increase in negative reactions and even hatred flowing throughout our nation. What happened to the time when we could have a disagreement and deal with it through a healthy conversation? What happened to sitting down face to face and agreeing to disagree but still walking away friends, or at least not enemies? Continue reading