living for eternity today

Tag: light

Be The Moon?

Throughout my childhood I loved the stars and all things space. It’s probably no wonder why I enjoyed the original Star Wars trilogy growing up. Space was and still is truly fascinating! One thing about space that always has thrilled me was the concept that the moon has no light of its own to shine but merely reflects everything the sun gives it.

I’m no scientist or studier of the stars but if this really is true, then we need to be like the moon. The moon is held in orbit by the gravitational forces imposed on it and it only reflects the light that is shined on it. If we were like the moon, then we’d stay in proper orbit around the Son of God and we’d reflect His light into the world in which we live.

There you have it. We’ve been called sheep in the bible and numbered like the stars in the sky and grains of sand on the shore, but now we are also supposed to be like the moon! Reflect away my friends.

Afraid Of The Dark

When I was a kid I hated the dark. I used to run down the hallway and jump into bed because I didn’t like what might be under my bed. My grandpa drove a semi truck and one story he told over and over was the time I was in the sleeper because he and my grandma were in the seats. He asked what I was doing back there and my reply was a pathetic I’m back here all alone in the dark.

Darkness is disturbing and disorienting. It’s filled with unknown things. We know that in a dark room, things can hide in the shadows. They can be good things, bad things and even scary things!

But the longer we sit in the darkness, the more accustomed we become to the lack of light. Our eyes adjust. Our other senses kick in, and we begin to manage our time in the dark much better the longer we stay without light.

This staying in darkness not only pertains to nights when the sun sets earlier and the moon doesn’t shine. We stay in darkness when we fail to give God the place of importance he demands. As a pastor it’s grown obvious through this pandemic that people growing weary. But with what are they weary?

I thought church members were weary with the distance requirements, mask mandates, and capacity issues. But I fear the longer this drags on, the more weary people are growing spiritually. This weariness factor is like the darkness illustration above. The longer we’re in this state of weariness, the more we acclimate to it. And the more ok we become with a lack luster spiritual life.

Isaiah tells his people to rise and shine. The church today need to rise and shine as well. Enough is enough. There is work to be done and the few can’t do it alone anymore. Leaders are tired. People are stressed. We all need to get back to gathering however, whenever, wherever we possibly can. The strength of the church isn’t found in darkness. It’s found in the light of God’s word. It’s found in growing together in our knowledge of who God is and what he’s done for us.

Do me a favor if you could. If you’re a church member of any church, see how you can get involved. Get involved in worship, not just Sunday mornings but whenever it’s offered. Be in bible class and small groups. Call people you haven’t seen in a while to keep community together. Support one another and the leaders of your church because in the same way your life and role has grown more complicated so has your church leaderships’ job.

Arise and Shine for the light of Christ has shined upon you. Now shine that in all you say and do.

Light Shine Bright

This past weekend was a pretty cool weekend at the church I serve. We had the amazing opportunity to bring Hollyn to perform live in concert! It was great! If you’re not familiar with her music you should go over to her website and check her out! Since we’re still riding the wave of the concert, I thought it was fitting to select a song that featured her music along with the one who gave her a start in the industry, Toby Mac. Continue reading

A Dimming Light

1 There’s something uneasy about darkness. The darker the setting the more ominous it feels. You’ll never see a haunted house that is fully illuminated. All of those scary movies have an intense moment when the lights grow dim that clue you in to a terrifying experience that’s just around the corner. Darkness can be simply defined as the absence of light. The less light, the more dim a situation becomes. The more dim a situation is, the less hope is found there.

As terrifying as a dark room can be in a haunted house, it’s more devastating when that darkness affects someone you know and love. In a recent visit with a family member I noticed something that sent chills down my spine. I walked into the kitchen as I do twice a week, but this time something was different. The room was dim. All of the lights were on but there was a darkness that was looming.

As I looked into their eyes, the glow that has always defined them was growing dim. It wasn’t dark. The light was still there, but the light was lessening in its intensity. There was a war going on inside them. It is a battle between light and darkness, and it appears that darkness is winning this fight. If you know someone with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, you know well the reality of watching the lights slowly grow dim. The loved ones with whom you interact are there smiling as they always have but something is different. The light of their life and memory is growing dim.

I’ve never been a fan of darkness. As a child, I did everything I could to stay out of the dark. I had a nightlight in the hallway and likely one in my room as well. Before one light was turned off, I had already flipped the switch on the next one. We don’t like darkness, none of us really do. The darker a situation, the more likelihood of disaster or terror.

As I looked into the eyes of these people I love so dearly, I felt a swell of emotion come over me. Light and darkness where waging a war inside their minds and darkness was winning. I started to feel defeated. I began to wonder what was God thinking. Why would this disease even be allowed? When someone has difficulty recognizing their own children and grandchildren, darkness is in the driver seat. And the worst part about it – there’s nothing we can do!

We try to jog memories. We patiently retell stories to bring back a spark in hopes that it will trigger a new fire of memories. But it never really happens. We answer the same
questions dozens of times, but never brush them aside as irrelevant. We know these are the questions of a person struggling to find light again.
light_of_the_world-title-1-still-4x3As I stood in the kitchen looking into their eyes, seeing the light dimmer than it ever has been, I was drawn to a truth that I believe at my core. It comes from John (1:4), in the bible. In him was life and that life was the light of men. This verse refers to Jesus. It tells that Jesus is a light that came into the world to beat darkness at its own game. It talks of salvation and eternity but speaks truth to the reality of my Tuesday morning visit. Looking into their faces, it appeared that darkness was winning. Then it dawned on me. Where there is life, there is light.

I know there is light in them. Even though their eyes are growing dim and one day they will close their eyes to the darkness of death, light still won for them too. Even though sometimes they can’t remember me, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus remembers them. Their light may be growing dim, but Jesus’ light shines bright for them.

So for now, I hold them. I remember for them. I’ll share my light with them. As long as there is light, I’ll let my light shine so they can see. I’ll trust and believe that when they close their eyes, Jesus’ light will be enough. His light never fades. His light means life for us. His life means light for us. Jesus’ light is enough.

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