living for eternity today

Tag: Lent (Page 2 of 2)

Betraying Eyes

Throughout the season of Lent, those 40 days leading up to Easter, we gather on Wednesday nights for an extra time of worship and contemplation. Generally we take a theme of sorts and weave these weeks together. At the church I serve, we are journeying through the moments of Jesus’ life and looking at significant events through different eyes. This week we see things through eyes of betrayal.

It’s not a fun idea, I know! No one wants to be known for betraying anyone, much less betraying God. This week we take a look at a man named Judas. He is best known as the one who handed Jesus over to be arrested and killed. Judas traded Jesus for a friendly kiss on the cheek. How awful is that!

What would cause a man who followed Jesus so closely for a little over three years to turn on this man so quickly and for seemingly so little pay? What would make him do this? And how would Jesus react when it happened?

These are the questions we address in our Eyes on Jesus series focusing on Betraying Eyes. Take a few minutes and listen as we unpack the night when Jesus was betrayed and see just how Jesus will respond to this horrific moment.

The Final Word: Accomplished

The weeks leading up to Easter are known by church people as the season of Lent. This time of year consists of the 40 days, not including Sundays, that go from Ash Wednesday up to Easter morning. The purpose of this time of year is to provide time for reflection and mediation and a re-centering of our lives around what’s most important.

Let’s admit it. By now the diligent work you started back in January with those New Year’s resolutions is for many of you a thing of the past. It’s great to have a quick check in time here in the first few months of the year to get us back on track again. Lent could very well be that time to help you refocus on the things that are most important.

Through these weeks of Lent at Living Word Galena, where I serve as pastor, we’re focusing on what Greek word. It was a word that Jesus spoke while on the cross. As a matter of fact, it was the final word that Jesus spoke from the cross. That word is tetelestai. It’s a funny sounding word but it simply means it is finished. But more than just it is finished there are six different angles we can take when evaluating this word. Each week through the season of Lent, we’ll look at another one of these perspectives of it is finished and see what that means for us today.

This week our focus was on the idea of accomplished. What did Jesus accomplish for us? Why did he need to accomplish it? What does it mean for our lives today that Jesus did what he did? The short version of this message is that back in the Garden of Eden when Adam ate that forbidden fruit, he really jacked up life for all of us. He sinned and his sin made me a sinner. I know it sounds crazy but check out the message to hear more. But more than Adam making me a sinner is the reminder from our message:

What Adam did in the fall, Jesus undid on the cross. Share on X

So there you have it. Jesus accomplished something far better than Adam ruined. Give the message a listen and join us each week as we look at another aspect of what it means that Jesus finished it on the cross.

Perfect Love Pursues

Have you ever loved someone who didn’t love you back the same way? Maybe it was that cute girl in High School or that guy you just got all starry eyed about. You loved them but didn’t know how to show or even say it. So you kept it inside waiting for them to make the first move. But it never happened. You loved but felt like you were invisible or worse yet rejected. Not much consolation but you’re not alone in this feeling!

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Strike the Rock

I tend to drink a lot of water. I live by the philosophy that if my body is made mostly of it, then I should probably keep filling my self with it! But it’s easy to overlook the importance of water in our day to day lives! We have it everywhere yet some people around the world don’t have any access to clean water. We get it out of the tap and in bottles. We can filter and add to it. We color it and sweeten it. Some like lemons in it while others don’t. The point is water is critical to life! Without it our food doesn’t digest, our muscles don’t recover, our lungs can’t function and our brains don’t fire the same way either! So needless to say water is pretty important!

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Bread of Life

Throughout Lent this year we’re looking at something we do in church all the time. We’re dissecting it and looking at it from different angles to see all that God wants us to know. We’re looking at communion.

Now at face value it seems pretty simple actually. On the surface, it’s just bread and wine. The bread in many cases is dry and the wine isn’t really of the greatest quality but that’s not the point. The point of communion isn’t the pastor, the wine, the bread, whether you use a small plastic cup or a large gold-plated one. It’s not about red vs. white wine. It’s not about whether you stand or kneel. It’s about something happening that you can’t even really see. It’s about the word, the promise that’s connected to the bread and wine.

This week we look at communion through an old testament story known where Israel was complaining about being hungry so God fed them with bread from heaven. Each day they received just enough for that day. They couldn’t vacuum seal it or put it in a storage bag. Only take today what you can eat today.

Now look at communion for a minute. We don’t come up here hungry for food. And if you do, you’re likely going to leave still hungry! There’s not enough bread there to fill even the smallest of bellies. You don’t come to get your thirst quenched because that tiny sip of wine really isn’t going to do a whole lot for a parched tongue. No we come because we have a different hunger that needs fed. We have a different thirst that needs quenched. Like the Israelites, we can’t take extra for tomorrow. We can’t pack some in a baggie or freeze it for tomorrow. Just take what you need for today.

In the New Testament, Jesus tells us he’s the bread of life. He’s the bread of life that we receive when we eat this bread and drink this cup remembering what it means. It’s a celebration. It’s a memorial of what Jesus did on the cross. Communion is about Jesus’ work done for you and me. Jesus as bread of life is a reminder that even our daily needs are taken care of by the God who sent his son to die for you.

Each Wednesday through Lent, the goal is to write a little poem that brings the promise of God with the reality that this promise was fulfilled in Jesus. Here’s the poem for this week.

We gather here this Lenten eve, our souls some truth to find
Onto the cross we all must cleave, with faith some say is blind.

We see tonight God’s people old, they whine for drink and food.
God will provide is what they’re told, but will it taste so good?

They grumble that they should have died, with in their place of woe.
They think their fearless leader lied, they should have told him NO!

But God was faithful to them still, They would not starve and die
For each new day it was his will, to give them food. But why?

Each morning when they did awake, upon the ground they’d see
Some bread that fell they need not bake, and take just what’s for thee.

This bread they found would point us to, our savior’s pain and strife.
His body broken all for you, is called the bread of life.

Now at the altar when we stand, and take this bread and wine
It is his body in our hand, upon which we now dine.

All this he did to give us hope, our sins he did forgive
And snatch us from the downward slope, eternal life to give.

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