living for eternity today

Tag: joy (Page 1 of 2)

Three Words To Help You Be Thankful

This year for Thanksgiving we did something a little different. Instead of looking at the normal bible verses, we dove into a psalm. You know one of those passages that looks like a poem and acts like a poem but sometimes doesn’t feel very much like a poem?

We all know that we have things in our life for which we can and should be thankful. From the family that surrounds us and the friends who challenge us to the house in which we live and the car we are able to drive – there are things all around us for which we can be thankful! And if we’re being truly honest, we are probably not as thankful as we should be nor as often as we should be.

Enter the three words of Thanksgiving. And no we’re not doing one of those cheesy thanks-living kind of deals either. These are three words that actually help us see the world around us with a more thankful heart. If you’d rather listen to this one, you’re welcome to scroll to the bottom to grab the link to hear this message instead of reading it.

Joy is where we start. If you begin your thanksgiving with joy, you won’t regret it! Psalm 100 starts by telling us to make a joyful noise. This isn’t about happiness. It’s not about our circumstances but it’s despite our circumstance. Our happenings can not determine our level of joy! Joy is more a way of looking at life. It’s about character. It’s about watching for God to show up, not focusing on the days when I felt alone. Regardless of my circumstances, I know God is still present. That’s what joy is all about.

The second word for Thanksgiving is gladness. Since gladness isn’t something we talk about all that often in our daily lives, another way to look at it is to burst out in laughter. Could you imagine a life where you just found so much enjoyment that you simply crack up in random spouts of laughter. When we have great gladness in our hearts and we live with joy and exuberant laughter, we can’t help but find something for which to be thankful.

Finally, our thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete without leaning on God. It’s all about dependence. When we truly find ourselves dependent on God and not taking matters into our own hands, worrying continuously about the struggles in our lives, wonder if anyone will love us, fret over whether or not we will make it through this terrible situation – then we’ll be able to see life through a different lens. When we lean on God and rely on him to provide for us, thanksgiving comes naturally.

The three words that should guide us in how to be thankful: joy, laughter and leaning. When we have these three things working together in our lives then thanksgiving will be all around us. It will change our perspective and help us see the wonders of how great we already are blessed in spite of the troubles we face.

Be thankful! Find joy! Laugh out loud. Lean on Jesus.

Pains and Joys of the Holidays

The past couple of years have been challenging in many ways. For me personally they’ve been marked by some significant losses. My grandparents both ended their multi year battle with Alzheimer’s disease within a year of each other. Some friends have moved on to new endeavors. Other friends have remained but grown distant at best. Reactions to how we operate in life have caused division within the extended family. I’ve had to bring hard news to some churches that are struggling and even to a couple that weren’t really struggling. I even had the honor and sadness of sending my son off to serve in the US Army. This year has been a pretty challenging year if that’s all I look at, but there’s more. There’s always more.

While each of these parts of life this year have been challenging in and of themselves, together they have been like a weight that was hard to carry at times. From sadness, to denial, to even a few brushes with some depressing thoughts this has been hard to navigate and at times felt impossible to get through.

I know first hand that celebrating during the holidays when loved ones aren’t there is hard. Believe me we haven’t celebrated Christmas the way we used to for years with my grandparents condition slipping with every passing day. But this year will be so different because neither will be there. Not even that silly dazed look my grandpa used to give when he didn’t know what was going on but still wanted to be part of the group.

But if all we see is what we’ve lost then we’re really losing more every day.

Take time this season to reflect on the pain. Embrace it. Pain is real. Loss is legit. But don’t stay there. You have to look beyond the loss to what you have right in front of you. Losing people you care about hurts, but sometimes it allows you to better care for the ones who are still with you.

Maybe the best way to cope with the pains of the holidays is to love through the hurt. Let the people you’re near know the pain you’re feeling. Let them bring a little smile to your face and happiness to your heart.

But if you’re a Jesus follower, I need to remind you that this season isn’t about family or friends. It’s not about the emotions we like to fill ourselves with during the holidays. Christmas is about the birth of Christ. When we keep our focus in the right place even the deepest hurt, those gaping emotional wounds, the losses, the fears, the feelings of betrayal and loneliness – all of it is real but manageable.

Friends I want nothing less than for you to have a very Merry Christmas. I want you to hold the ones you love, the ones who really care about you are still there. The ones who’ve been taken away by illness and death are where they need to be for this season. The joy of Christmas for you and me is found in the Prince of Peace who calms our fears. The Everlasting Father who embraces us with loving arms when others leave us to fend for ourselves. The Wonderful Counselor who brings reminders of joy and hope and love to our Christmas pains. The joy of Christmas is found in our Mighty God who has power over all things. He can and will be present in your pain and lead you to a place where real joy can be found.

Merry Christmas to one and all as you watch your sadness turn to joy in the morning.

Where Is God?

There are times in all of our lives when we wonder Where did God go! Generally these moments are filled with anxiety, fear and worry. When things don’t go our way, we jump to blaming some higher power for disrupting the flow of our lives. When calamity strikes and panic sets in, we readily jump to the finger wagging and fist pumping toward God. So when bad things happen in our lives, where is God anyway?

This week we take a deeper look into Mark 13. This chapter of the Bible kind of address this where’s God question without actually asking the question. I’d encourage you to read the first portion of Mark 13 then take a listen. If you can’t listen now or that’s just not your thing, then keep reading the next couple of paragraphs.

So where’s God when bad stuff happens? The long and short of it is, this question comes from a misunderstanding of who God is to begin with. God is not some cosmic slot machine. He’s not some ridiculous magic genie who grants us our three wishes. He’s someone who wants to have a relationship with us. He wants to be with us in the good times and in the bad times.

If you’re only looking to blame God when bad stuff happens but not celebrate with him in the good things, then perhaps you have a misinformed view of who God is. If you want to find God in the bad things, then try to see him in the good ones first.

The more easily find God in the everyday moments of life, the more visible he'll be in the rough ones. Share on X

Here’s the message from Wednesday night. I’d love your comments and thoughts.

O Come, All Ye Faithful

As I stand at my desk in my office and look out the window at the snow falling on this last day of November in 2020, I decided it’s time to start the journey toward Christmas. We’re in a time of year in the church known as Advent. It pretty much means waiting, preparing, anticipating what’s coming. And how fitting is that this year!

This year has been a doozie to say the least. We all need a little to look forward to don’t we? So we’re going to go full out in our push toward Christmas this year. It’s the season of life and light and joy and hope and peace and love. These things are needed more this year than ever before.

On this first Music Monday of the 2020 Advent season, we highlight an old familiar song. There’s something about groups that remake old songs and liven them up a little. I enjoy sitting in my office with my cup of coffee and just being taken to younger days when we’d sing this song in church on Christmas.

What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?

As we move toward Christmas, I want to be totally honest and tell you the only way Christmas can make a difference in our lives is if we realize it’s real meaning. It’s not about the packages and presents and decorations. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. The packages will be unwrapped. The presents will eventually grow useless. But Jesus, born for you will never grow old and will never be out of style.

So have a happy Advent season. Keep your eyes on the real meaning of Christmas. And find joy in the everyday moments this season!

What Does The Devil Really Want?

I’ve always loved looking at the book of Psalms. It’s filled with real, honest and at times gut-wrenching thoughts poured out of a broken heart. We all too often paint a rosy picture of followers of Jesus having it all together and not facing struggles in life. Or if we do see them struggle we assume they have some super human force that allows them to easily conquer their troubles. But what if that’s exactly what we’re supposed to think? What if we’re supposed to think that a good follower of God will be able to leap small buildings with a single jump? Continue reading

Soul on Fire

Something happens in life and I’m not really sure when it happens. I just know that it does. I mean let’s be real. There was a time when the little things in life just excited me. I would be excited to wake up in the morning to a fresh coat of snow on the ground. I would watch a magic show and just be absolutely enamored but the wonder of it all. I wouldn’t question everything. I was less cynical. I was captivated by belief, imagination and faith. But… Continue reading

Joy Of The Lord

Rend CollectiveYesterday was a pretty fun day! I have to be honest that I don’t say that very frequently. Yesterday was Sunday and at the church I serve, we held worship outside. And it was just plain fun. We had a great time just enjoying each other’s company. The weather was hot but when we thought we’d burn up the breeze blew through our worship pavilion. We sang some songs that to some might seem a bit silly. We did motions that forced us to raise our hands and even dance a little. And if you don’t know anything about the church tradition to which I belong that’s a fairly big deal!  Continue reading

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