living for eternity today

Tag: Jesus (Page 1 of 58)

Our Failures and God’s Faithfulness

This week we celebrated Ash Wednesday. A day that marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a season marked by reflection, repentance, and renewal. It is a time to acknowledge our failures, confront our brokenness, and recognize our deep need for grace. As we step into this forty-day journey toward the cross, Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:16-21 invite us to consider where we have placed our treasure, where our hearts truly dwell, and how God’s faithfulness endures even when we falter.

The Weight of Our Failures

Jesus speaks about fasting in this passage, warning against outward displays of righteousness that seek human approval rather than God’s. This caution goes far beyond fasting though—it’s about our entire approach to faith. How often do we wear a mask of holiness while hiding the struggles and doubts within? How often do we seek validation from the world rather than resting in the assurance of God’s love?

The musical group Casting Crowns have a song titled – Stained Glass Masquerade which drives at the heart of fake Christianity. It’s about our vain attempts to gain accolades for our “religiosity” in the eyes of the world around us. Here’s one small part of the lyrics to the song.

Are we happy plastic people, Under shiny plastic steeples, With walls around our weakness, The smiles to hide our pain? 

All too often we hide our failures, afraid the world will judge us for not getting it right. We’re afraid to step out in faith for fear we won’t have all the answers. We fear looking silly or sounding dumb. In reality we’re just plastic people sitting in plastic churches with no meaning and connection to the world around us.

Lent is a time when we are invited to experience Jesus cutting through the noise of the world and inviting us to step into a new and real kind of life – the very kind of life that God created us to live.

No matter how much we try to hide our weaknesses, the truth is – we fail. We fail in our commitments. We fail in our faithfulness. We fail in our ability to love as we should. We set out with the best of intentions, but our hearts wander. We store up treasures on earth—our achievements, our possessions, our reputations—only to find that they decay and disappoint. We stumble in sin, fall into selfishness, and neglect the very relationship with God that we claim to treasure.

Lent is not a season for pretending we have it all together. It is a season for honesty. A season to acknowledge that our hearts are often divided, our devotion inconsistent, and our faith fragile at best.

It is a season to bring all of this—our failures, our regrets, our struggles, our fears, our worries, our anxieties—before the God who never wavers. No sense trying to hide it because he already knows!

The Faithfulness of God

While our faithfulness falters, God’s does not. The beauty of the Lenten journey is that it is not about our ability to get everything right, but about God’s unwavering commitment to fulfill His promises to us. As we acknowledge our weakness, we do so in the presence of a God who remains steadfast, strong, and stable.

Matthew 6:21 reminds us, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Even when our hearts are prone to wander, God continually calls us back. His faithfulness is not dependent on our performance but on His character. This is the heart of the gospel: God does not abandon His people. He does not give up on us. Instead, He pursues, redeems, and restores.

We see this throughout Scripture. When Israel repeatedly turned away, God remained faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). When Peter denied Jesus three times, Christ did not cast him aside but restored him (John 21:15-17). When humanity rebelled, God did not leave us to die in our waste but sent His Son to suffer and die for our salvation (Romans 5:8). The entire biblical story points to a God who does not forsake His people, even amidst their many failures.

Ash Wednesday sets us on the path toward the cross, where the greatest act of faithfulness was displayed. Jesus, who knew no sin, bore the full weight of our sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). His suffering was not theoretical or symbolic—it was real, excruciating, and complete. He endured betrayal, mockery, scourging, and ultimately, the agony of crucifixion. He was abandoned so that we would never have to be (Matthew 27:46). God will never leave us nor forsake us because he left and forsook Jesus instead of us.

Our own suffering, no matter how deep, finds its meaning in the suffering of Jesus. He does not remain distant from our pain. He steps into it. The cross reminds us that God’s faithfulness is not just about rescuing us from hardship but walking with us through it. When we suffer loss, face trials, or wrestle with sin, we look to the One who carried our burdens to Calvary.

Setting Our Hearts on Eternal Treasures

Lent encourages us to let go of lesser things and turn our hearts toward what is eternal. Jesus urges us to store up treasures in heaven, treasures that cannot be destroyed or taken away. This isn’t just about material wealth—it’s about where we place our trust, our hope, and our devotion.

What would it look like to shift our focus this season? To surrender the things that distract and entangle us, and instead seek the deeper things of God? Lent is a call to prayer, to fasting, to generously giving—not to earn God’s love but to realign our hearts with His. It is a call to trust that even in our brokenness, He is making us new.

As we walk through Lent, we walk with Jesus toward the cross. This journey is not about self-denial but about encountering the depth of God’s love. The cross stands as the ultimate display of faithfulness—the place where Jesus took on our failures, our sin, our shame, and replaced them with grace, forgiveness, and redemption.

Paul reminds us in Philippians 2:8, “And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Jesus did not waver in His mission. He did not turn away from the suffering set before Him. Instead, He embraced it, out of His tremendous love for us.

We begin this season marked with ashes, reminded of our mortality and our need for a Savior. But we do not walk as people without hope. We walk in the confidence that the same God who formed us from dust is the God who redeems and restores. The same God who called us to Himself will sustain us. And the same God who went to the cross will lead us to resurrection.

So as you enter this season, do so with honesty. Acknowledge your failures, but don’t dwell on them. Contemplate where your heart truly rests, and know that even in your wandering, God’s faithfulness remains. The cross is before us, and so is the promise: He is making all things new—even us.

Top 5 Ways the Church Can Actually Listen to Culture (Instead of Just Criticizing It)

Let’s be honest—sometimes the church is better at talking than listening. We love a good sermon, a strong rebuke, or a theological mic drop. But when it comes to understanding culture, too often we respond like a grumpy old man shaking a fist at the kids on his lawn. And guess what? The kids aren’t listening. Trust me I know! That’s why I moved to the county. 😉

If we want to be relevant to both Christians and non-Christians, we have to do more than critique culture from a distance—we have to engage, understand, and listen. Here are five ways we can stop the shouting and start hearing what’s really going on.

1. Stop Reacting—Start Listening

Cultural shifts happen fast. One day, everyone’s talking about AI; the next, it’s all about deconstructing faith. Our knee-jerk reaction is often to condemn, but what if we hit pause instead? Before jumping to conclusions, take time to understand why a trend is resonating. What need is it meeting? What fear is it exposing? Jesus didn’t react in outrage—He asked questions. Maybe we should, too.

2. Find the Common Ground

Not everything in culture is anti-God. Many of today’s cultural movements—things like justice, purpose, belonging—actually point to deep biblical truths. Instead of dismissing them right out the gate, why not affirm what’s good? Paul did it in Athens (Acts 17), using Greek poetry to connect with his audience. He didn’t come onto the scene and blast them for idolatry. He explained in a loving way what they were missing. We can do the same. Instead of fighting every trend, how about trying to highlight where culture and Christianity align. Then, after you gain some respect, offer your insights on what might be missing.

3. Speak the Right Language

Imagine walking into a coffee shop and ordering a “Kung-Pao Chicken .” Everyone would be confused, right? That’s how non-Christians feel when we flood our conversations with insider church jargon. We don’t need to water down the gospel, but we do need to make it accessible. Jesus told parables; we tell people to “walk in sanctification.” One of these is easier to understand. Learn the language of the people with whom you’re speaking and use it.

4. Stop Making Everything a Battle

Not every cultural moment requires a Christian war cry. Culture isn’t the enemy—it’s a mission field. Yeah…Yeah, some ideas contradict Scripture, but that doesn’t mean we need to engage in a never-ending fight. People aren’t looking for a church that constantly yells, “You’re wrong!” They’re looking for a place that says, “Let’s talk.” Approach cultural issues with curiosity and grace, not a megaphone. The old adage “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” is actually true. When all we do is yell and condemn, it definitely sends a message…and not a good one!

5. Actually Engage With People Outside the Church

This one’s simple but unfortunately for many it’s not easy. You can’t understand culture if you never step outside your Christian bubble. If your entire life is spent with church people, reading church books, and listening to worship music, you might miss what’s happening in the real world. Have conversations with non-Christians. Follow cultural conversations without instantly condemning them. Be present in the places where people are asking life’s big questions. Not every situation needs a full blown theological presentation. Heck, you might even learn a little something if you talk to someone who doesn’t know Jesus.

People don’t have a problem with Jesus, but they don’t always like His people.

Jesus didn’t storm into towns with a picket sign—He sat with people, listened to their stories, and responded with truth wrapped in love. If we want to be relevant in today’s culture, we need to do the same. Less outrage, more understanding. Less judgment, more grace. Because when the church truly listens, people lean in.

So, let’s get off our soapbox and into some real conversations.

Top 3 Ways to Overcome Doubt and Strengthen Your Faith

If we’re being honest, everyone wrestles with doubt at some point. Whether it’s questioning God’s timing, His goodness, or if He’s even listening, doubt creeps in when life throws curveballs. Maybe your prayers feel unanswered, or the world seems too broken to believe God is in control. Here’s the good news: doubt isn’t the enemy of faith—doubt can actually deepen faith when you face it head-on.

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure, you’re not alone. The Bible is filled with people who questioned, doubted, and struggled… and the cool part is God met them right there. Here are three practical ways to overcome doubt and strengthen your faith when life gets a little shaky.

1. Bring Your Doubts to God (Yes, He Can Handle Them)

You don’t need to hide your doubts from God. He already knows what’s on your mind, so you might as well be honest. The Psalms are full of raw prayers like, “How long, Lord? Will You forget me forever?” (Psalm 13:1). God doesn’t get offended by your questions. In fact, He invites them.

When doubt creeps in, talk to Him. Say, “God, I don’t understand this. I’m struggling to trust You right now. Help me see what I’m missing.” That kind of honesty builds a real relationship. Doubt isn’t a sign of weak faith; pretending everything’s fine when it isn’t is what holds you back.

Pro tip: Write your doubts in a journal. Sometimes putting them on paper helps you see things more clearly—and you might notice how God answers over time.

2. Surround Yourself with People Who Build Your Faith

Doubt thrives in isolation. When you’re left alone with your thoughts, negativity and questions can and likely will spiral. That’s why community matters. Surround yourself with people who encourage you, pray with you, and point you back to God when you can’t see Him clearly. Sitting alone or pushing friends away in moments of fear or weakness rarely works to your benefit!

This is where being part of a church family, a growth group, or youth group (if you’re a student) makes all the difference. Sometimes you need someone else to carry the faith for you when yours feels weak. We weren’t meant to do this journey alone.

Bonus tip: Ask a trusted friend or mentor how they’ve navigated their own doubts. You’ll be surprised how common it is—and how their story can strengthen yours.

3. Look Back at God’s Faithfulness (Your Past Reminds You of His Track Record)

When doubt starts to take over, it helps to remember where God has come through in the past. Think about challenges you thought you’d never get through… but you did. That wasn’t by accident. Often God uses your past struggles to set you up for what you’re going through today.

God has a proven track record of faithfulness. Recalling how He worked in your life (or in others’ lives) fuels trust for the future. In the Old Testament, people would build altars or memorial stones to remind themselves of God’s help. You might not have a pile of rocks in your yard, but you can keep a list of answered prayers or moments when God showed up.

Encouragement: When you can’t see what God is doing now, look back on what He’s done before. His character doesn’t change—if He was faithful then, He’ll be faithful now.

Doubt doesn’t disqualify you from faith. It’s a part of the journey. What matters is what you do with it. Bring your questions to God, lean on your community, and remind yourself of how He’s come through before.

Faith isn’t about having it all figured out. It’s about trusting the One who does. And guess what? He’s got you. Even in the doubt. Even in the questions. Keep pressing in. You might just find your faith growing stronger than you ever imagined.

The Grass Is Greener Over the Septic Tank

We’ve all heard it: The grass is greener on the other side. That phrase has led people to quit jobs, walk away from marriages, leave churches, chase trends, and uproot their lives—only to realize too late that “the other side” was just an illusion.

Ok, so let’s talk about real grass for a second. Ever drive through the country and see a yard where one patch of grass is noticeably greener than the rest? Guess what’s underneath it? It’s probably septic tank. Yeah, all that lush, vibrant green grass is being fed by, well… crap.

That should tell us something.

Fertilized by the Mess

Life stinks sometimes. You go through betrayals, failures, disappointments. You get blindsided by heartbreak, struggle through a dead-end job, or feel stuck in a season where nothing seems to be going right. It’s easy to look at someone else’s situation and think, If only I had what they had. If only I could start over there.

But what if the very thing you’re going through right now—the hardship, the pain, the “crappy” season—is the fertilizer for the best growth of your life?

The Bible is full of people who found the best endings from the worst circumstances:

  • Joseph went from being betrayed and sold into slavery to running Egypt.
  • Ruth lost everything and became a widow but ended up in the family line of Jesus.
  • Paul got thrown in prison and wrote some of the most powerful letters in Scripture.

They didn’t run to the “greener” grass. They stayed where God had them and let Him use even the worst situations for something powerful.

Stop Chasing Illusions

The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It’s greener where it’s watered and fertilized.

People leave jobs, churches, and relationships thinking something better is out there, but they’re bringing the same unhealed heart, the same bad habits, and the same discontentment with them. The problem isn’t always the location—it’s the lack of cultivation. It’s a failure of motivation. It’s a void of initiative.

So, what if instead of chasing after some idealized version of life, you started watering where you are? What if you saw your tough season as an opportunity instead of a curse?

The Best Growth Comes from the Worst Mess

God is in the business of redeeming the garbage (crap) of our lives. He takes what stinks, what’s broken, what looks hopeless, and turns it into something beautiful.

So, the next time you’re tempted to think the grass is greener somewhere else, remember: The greenest grass is often growing over the biggest mess. Maybe, just maybe, God is using your current situation to grow something you never expected.

Don’t run. Dig in. Water where you are. Watch what He does next.

Top 3 Things You Need to Know About Prayer (That Could Change Your Life)

Prayer. For some, it’s a lifeline. For others, it feels like sending a text with no response. You know one of those questions asked of someone with read receipts on and they never reply!

Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering: Am I doing this right? Is anyone even listening? Is this thing on!? Well simply put: yes, yes, and yes. But let’s be honest—prayer can be confusing, especially when life gets messy or you feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling.

There is good news however. Prayer doesn’t have to be complicated, fancy, or reserved for the “super christians.” It’s simply a conversation with God. If you want your prayer life to be less awkward and more impactful, here are three things you need to know that just might change everything.

1. God Actually Wants to Hear from You (Yeah, You)

Ok. Let’s clear something up: prayer isn’t about using the right words or sounding holy. You don’t need to bust out 17th-century King James English to get God’s attention. (“O Lord, Thou art most glorious and…” Yeah, He knows.) God wants you to come as you are—messy, honest, and real.

Think about it: if you’re a parent, you don’t require your kids to craft a formal speech before talking to you. God’s the same way. He loves hearing from you—whether you’re praising Him, venting frustrations, or just saying, “Help!” Don’t let guilt or uncertainty keep you quiet. Start talking. God’s not waiting for perfection; He’s waiting for you.

Pro tip: Not sure where to start? Try this: “God, Today I need…” Just fill in the blank with something you can’t hold in your hand (focus, peace, etc) Then wait. Simple. Honest. Powerful.

2. Prayer Is Less About Fancy Words and More About a Real Relationship

Imagine if you only talked to your best friend when you needed something. Or worse yet, if every conversation was a rushed list of demands: “Hey, I need you to fix this, do that, and make this happen. Cool? Bye.” That friendship wouldn’t last long.

Prayer is about connection, not just requests. Yeah, God wants you to bring your needs to Him, but He also wants you to share your heart. Thank Him for the good things. Be honest about your fears. Celebrate the wins. Grieve the losses. Listen for His guidance.

Relationships thrive on communication. The more you talk to God (and listen), the stronger your connection will be. And here’s the kicker: you don’t need to set aside an hour in a candlelit room of solitude. Talk to Him while driving (just don’t close your eyes please), folding laundry, or walking the dog. He’s always available—no appointment necessary.

Bonus tip: Silence isn’t God ignoring you. Sometimes He speaks in the stillness. Don’t rush it.

3. Prayer Changes Things… and It Changes You

We often think of prayer as a way to get God to act. And yes, prayer moves the heart of God. Miracles happen. Peace arrives. Circumstances shift. But sometimes, the biggest change happens in us.

Prayer can soften a hard heart, calm anxious thoughts, and bring clarity when you’re stuck. Even when God doesn’t answer the way you hoped, He often gives you strength to face the situation. And that’s no small thing.

And let’s be honest: sometimes the answer is “yes,” but sometimes it’s “I have something better in mind.” Trusting God’s timing isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Keep praying. Even when it feels like nothing’s happening, God is working, sometimes behind the scenes in ways you can’t see.

Encouragement: Don’t quit praying just because you haven’t seen immediate results. Some of the best answers come after the longest waits.

Prayer isn’t about checking a Jesus box. It’s about relationship. It’s about bringing your whole, messy, beautiful self to God and trusting that He hears you, loves you, and responds in His perfect way (and time).

So, talk to Him. Be honest. Be persistent. Be yourself. You don’t need a script. You just need a willing heart.

And remember: you’re not alone. At Living Word Galena, we believe prayer is foundational to life and faith. If you need someone to pray with you, reach out. We’re here for you. God is, too.

Your prayers matter. You matter. Don’t let doubt or busyness rob you of the life-changing gift of prayer. Start the conversation. You might just be surprised at what happens next.

Top 3 Things Every Parent Should Know About Raising Teens in Today’s World

Ok. Let’s be honest: raising teenagers today feels like trying to read a book that keeps rewriting itself. Just when you think you understand the rules, bam! – there’s a new social media platform, slang that sounds like another language, or a trend that makes you question reality (Tide Pods, really?). Parenting teens has never been easy, but in a world that moves at the speed of a Formula One Race, it can feel overwhelming. The good news? You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be present, prayerful, and prepared. Here are three essential truths every parent should know about raising teens today.

1. They’re Listening… Even When It Seems Like They Aren’t

Yes, they roll their eyes. Yes, they respond with one-word answers (“Fine.” “Whatever.”). And yes, they often have earbuds in like it’s their default setting. But here’s the deal: your voice matters more than you think. Studies consistently show that parents remain the most influential voices in a teenager’s life, even when culture suggests otherwise.

So, talk to them. And not just about chores or grades. Talk about real stuff: faith, friendships, struggles, dreams, and yes, even those awkward topics you’d rather avoid. They may act disinterested, but your consistency speaks volumes. Keep showing up in the conversations. Plant seeds. They’re listening more than they let on.

Pro tip: Sometimes the best talks happen when you’re not looking at each other: driving in the car, taking a walk, or doing dishes together. No pressure, just presence.

2. They Need Boundaries (Even If They Fight Them)

Teenagers crave freedom, but they also need fences. Think of boundaries like guardrails on a winding mountain road: they may complain about them, but they help prevent a dangerous fall. Setting clear expectations around things like technology use, curfews, and responsibilities isn’t being controlling—it’s being a parent! It’s actually loving to have some clear expectations and boundaries.

Yes, you’ll face pushback. There may be dramatic sighs, door slams, or the classic, “You just don’t understand!” (insert whining voice here) That’s okay. Stay calm. Be firm but fair. Boundaries aren’t about punishment; they’re about guidance. Teens feel more secure when they know where the lines are, even if they love to continually test them.

And remember: it’s okay to say no. No is a complete sentence. You’re not your teen’s best friend; you’re their parent. Friendship may come later, but for now, they need you to lead with love and clarity.

3. They’re Wrestling with Big Questions (And Need a Safe Place to Ask Them)

Adolescence is a season of searching. Teens are figuring out who they are, what they believe, and where they fit in the world. That means they’ll have questions—sometimes big, unsettling ones about faith, identity, and purpose.

The worst thing you can do? Shut down those questions or panic. Telling them what they can or can’t believe or how they have to react won’t be helpful! Instead, create space for honest conversations. If they ask something that stumps you (“Why does God allow suffering?” or “How could you vote for ______”) it’s okay to say, “That’s a great question. Let’s explore that together.” You don’t need all the answers. What your teen needs is your willingness to journey with them.

Look – matters of life and faith aren’t just taught—they’re caught. When your teen sees you wrestling with questions, seeking God, and living authentically, it makes an impression. Don’t underestimate the power of your example.

Bonus tip: Encourage your teen to get involved in groups with grown up humans they can trust. Sometimes they need another trusted adult to echo the truths you’re teaching at home.

Parenting teens in today’s world isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s messy, unpredictable, and often challenging. But it’s also filled with incredible opportunities to guide, love, and shape your child as they navigate the journey to adulthood.

Remember: you’re not alone. If you’re a Jesus follower or a church goer, I’ll remind you that God is with you. If you’re part of our community of faith, your church family at Living Word Galena is here to support you. Stay patient, stay prayerful, and never underestimate the impact of your presence. Your teenager doesn’t need a perfect parent—they need you.

Busy Is the New Lazy

“I’d love to help, but I’m just too busy.”
“I really want to get more involved…but life is crazy right now.”
“I know I should spend more time with God, but there’s just so much going on.”

Sound familiar?

We’ve all said it. Life moves fast—work deadlines, family commitments, kids’ activities, social obligations. There’s always something demanding our attention. But here’s the truth: Busyness, while understandable, can easily become an excuse to not try.

If we’re not careful, being “too busy” becomes the reason we stop serving, stop growing, stop connecting, and stop worshiping.

Busy Isn’t the Problem—It’s our Priorities

The hard reality? We make time for what matters most to us.

We rarely “forget” to eat or skip our favorite shows. We carve out time for what fills us—whether that’s entertainment, hobbies, or scrolling through our phones. So why does time with God, serving others, or gathering for worship so easily get pushed to the bottom of the list?

Jesus lived a full life. Crowds followed Him, people constantly sought His help, and His mission was nothing short of saving the world. Yet, He still made time to step away, pray, and prioritize His relationship with the Father (Luke 5:16).

If Jesus needed that space, how much more do we?

Busyness Can Quietly Erode Your Spiritual Life

We tell ourselves, “It’s just a busy season—it’ll slow down soon.” But if we’re honest, another season of busyness always follows. The enemy doesn’t always need to tempt us with obvious sin; sometimes, he just keeps us distracted enough to prevent spiritual growth.

Think about it:

  • How often do you say, “I just don’t have time to pray,” yet find time to scroll social media?
  • How many weekends fill up with activities, while worship and community with believers take a backseat?
  • How often do good things—work, family events, hobbies—crowd out the best thing: time with God?

These are hard questions, not to induce guilt, but to invite reflection. Life will be full—but is it full of the right things?

Let’s Be Honest

We all juggle responsibilities. No one’s asking you to neglect work or family. But what if being “too busy” for God actually points to misplaced priorities rather than a packed schedule?

What if, instead of saying, “I don’t have time,” we just simply admitted, “It hasn’t been a priority”? It’s uncomfortable—but it’s also freeing. When we’re honest about what matters most, we can make meaningful changes.

Jesus asked, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” (Mark 8:36).

Busyness might help us achieve goals, advance careers, or keep our families entertained—but if it costs us intimacy with God or the Spiritual wellbeing of our kiddos, is it really worth it?

Parents: Your kids notice what you prioritize. Making time for worship and spiritual conversations speaks louder than any lecture.
Professionals: No promotion is worth spiritual exhaustion. Your faith life will be there far after your new raise.
Students: Your schedule feels packed now, but forming good habits today shapes you for a healthy future.

Let’s Get Practical

You don’t need a complete life overhaul—just a few intentional steps:

✅ Reflect on Your Time: Where do the hours go? (Check your screen time or your calendar—you might be surprised.)
✅ Prioritize Worship: Sunday worship isn’t just another item on the to-do list—it’s soul-filling fuel. Missing periodically should be just that, periodically. I have to commend those people who I see come on Sunday even though they have to leave early. Making worship a priority, even if you have to scoot before it’s over, is a huge step in the right direction!
✅ Say “No” So You Can Say “Yes”: Not everything deserves your “yes.” Protect space for what truly matters. I heard one time that every yes represents a no somewhere else. By saying “yes” to this one thing, what are you also saying “no” to?
✅ Schedule God-Time: Put Scripture reading and prayer on your calendar like any other important appointment.

Let’s Not Miss What Matters

One day, the meetings, practices, and deadlines won’t matter. But your relationship with Jesus—that one’s gonna last forever.

Being busy isn’t a sin—but being too busy for God robs you of joy, peace, and even purpose. Let’s not settle for lives so full of “stuff” that we miss the fullness of life in Christ.

So here’s the gentle challenge: What’s one thing you can adjust this week to make more room for God?

You’ll never regret putting Him at the center of all you do.

Is That An Idol In Your Pocket?

Honesty moment—what’s the first thing you reach for in the morning? Is it your Bible or your phone?

For most people, it’s not even a question. The phone wins. Emails, texts, social media, news updates—it all floods in before our feet even hit the floor. And whether we admit it or not, that little device isn’t just a tool; it’s become our most dominant teacher.

Who’s or What’s Really Discipling You?

Discipleship is about shaping your thoughts, priorities, and habits. It’s about what you allow to guide you, correct you, and influence your decisions. So a simple equation that I like to use. Time equals devotion and if time equals devotion, then for many Jesus Followers, TikTok is their pastor, Instagram is their small group, and Google is their theologian.

We have more access to God’s Word than any generation before us. Sermons are a click away. Bible apps are everywhere. But instead of feeding on Scripture, we binge content that disciples us in distraction, outrage, comparison, and self-indulgence.

Jesus calls us to take up our cross daily (Luke 9:23), but for too many of us, the only thing we pick up daily is our phone.

Your Phone Is Winning the Battle for Your Mind

Paul tells us in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” The problem? Our phones are shaping our minds way more than the Word of God.

Think about it:

  • Social media tells you what to care about. If it’s trending, it must be important, right? But how often do trending topics align with the things of God?
  • Algorithms decide what you see. Every scroll, every click, every “like” trains your feed to shape your worldview.
  • Your attention span is being rewired. If content doesn’t hook you in three seconds, you move on. No wonder it’s hard to focus on prayer or Scripture.

This has become far more than a bad habit. It’s spiritual warfare. The enemy doesn’t need to drag you into deep sin—he just needs to keep you distracted enough that you never grow. And the enemy is not the person who sees the world differently than you do! The enemy is the one who doesn’t want you to thrive in every area of life.

Are You Using Your Phone, or Is It Using You?

We love to say, “Phones aren’t bad, it’s just how you use them.” That’s true—to a point. But let’s not kid ourselves. Most of us aren’t using our phones to memorize Scripture and evangelize. We’re wasting hours on empty entertainment, comparing our lives to filtered versions of other people that we don’t even know! Not to mention numbing ourselves with constant noise.

Conviction moment…

  • Do you check your phone more than you pray?
  • Do you read notifications more than Scripture?
  • Do you mindlessly scroll when you could be sitting in silence with God?
  • Do you get more anxious when your phone dies than when you left the Bible on the chair at church?

If your phone gets more devotion than Jesus, it’s time for a change.

Reclaim Your Discipleship

You don’t have to throw your phone in the ocean (even though some of us might need to). But you do need to take control before it takes control of you.

Here are a few places to start:

  1. Bookend Your Day with God. Keep your phone away from your bed. Start and end your day in Scripture and prayer—before any screen. Don’t overthink this one. Tell Jesus about your day. Ask him about the day in front of you. That’s it! No fancy words. No canned jargon. Just you and Jesus and sharing what’s on your mind.
  2. Fast from the Feed. Take breaks from social media. Maybe one day a week. Maybe a whole month. Watch how your mind clears. If that makes you twitch a little, then consider setting aside no notification times. I often use the Do Not Disturb function on my phone. No emails, texts, social notifications come through at all! Ok there are a few who get emergency rights but those are very limited!
  3. Don’t Remove, Replace. If you cut out screen time but don’t replace it with time in the Word, prayer, or actual connection with other humans, you’ll just fill the gap with something else empty. It’s far too easy to fall back into bad habits if we don’t replace those with something good. Not eating donuts won’t be of much benefit if we don’t replace that with some good, healthy sources of protein.
  4. Ask: Who’s Forming Me? Before you open an app, ask, Is this helping me become more like Jesus? If the answer is no, maybe it’s time to rethink your habits. Now this one about made some of you throw your device against the wall. This doesn’t mean that all tech is bad. Hey I’m writing this on my laptop using the internet! Just set specific times when you can aimlessly graze on stuff. If it’s not in your grazing time, then fill yourself with something beneficial and filling.

It’s Time to Choose Your Master

Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24). Right now, many of us are trying to serve both Jesus and our phones—and let’s be real, our phones are winning.

But they don’t have to.

You can take control. You can change your habits. You can choose to let Jesus, not a screen, shape your heart, mind, and soul.

So the question is—who’s discipling you? Jesus? Or the idol in your pocket?

The Power of Rest

Life moves fast, especially for busy families. Between work, school, sports, and endless errands, we often feel like we’re sprinting from one thing to the next, barely catching our breath. In the middle of this chaos, Jesus speaks a powerful invitation in Matthew 11:28-30:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

These words may sound simple, but they hold the key to experiencing the grace of Jesus in a way that transforms our everyday lives.

The Grace Found in Rest

Many of us think of grace as something we receive when we first believe in Jesus—a gift that forgives our sins and promises us eternal life. And while that’s true, grace is so much more. It’s also the unearned, constant presence of Jesus in our lives, sustaining us and guiding us through every moment.

But here’s the catch: we often miss that grace because we’re too busy striving. We think if we just work a little harder, do a little more, or hustle a little faster, we’ll find peace. Instead, Jesus tells us to stop and rest.

Real grace is found when we rest in the completed work of Jesus—not in our own efforts. On the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished.” That wasn’t just a declaration of victory over sin; it was an invitation to stop striving and start trusting.

What Rest Looks Like

Rest doesn’t just mean taking a nap (though sometimes that helps too!). True rest is about leaning into Jesus, trusting His leadership, and letting Him carry the weight of our worries.

When Jesus talks about taking His yoke upon us, He’s using an image from farming. A yoke is a wooden frame that binds two animals together so they can pull a load together. By taking His yoke, we’re choosing to walk alongside Jesus, letting Him guide us and carry the bulk of the weight.

The beauty of this yoke is that often in farming this was a training method for newer animals to the farm. They would yoke a mature and experienced animal with a younger, immature one. The mature and experienced beast would keep the immature one on task and teach them how to do the job correctly. So perhaps we too need to be yoked to someone who is more mature and experienced than we are?

Here are a couple of suggestions that I have considered in my own life:

  • Intentional Quiet Time: Even 10 minutes of prayer or reading Scripture can reset your mind and heart.
  • Letting Go of Control: Hand over your worries and responsibilities to Jesus through prayer.
  • Saying No to Overcommitment: Sometimes the most faithful thing you can do is create margin in your schedule.
  • Living in Community: Being part of a church family helps remind us that we don’t have to carry life’s burdens alone.

The Light Burden of Jesus

Notice that Jesus doesn’t promise a life without burdens—He promises a light burden. That’s because His grace changes how we carry things. When we rest in Him, we stop striving for perfection, stop carrying guilt over our shortcomings, and stop trying to control outcomes that only God can handle.

Instead, we begin to experience the joy and freedom that come from knowing we are already fully loved and accepted by Jesus. That’s grace—unearned, abundant, and freely given.

Living Restfully as a Church Community

At Living Word Galena, we’re committed to helping busy families experience this kind of grace. That’s why we prioritize being a community where people can find refreshment in worship, grow in supportive relationships, and discover the peace that comes from resting in Jesus.

We believe life works best with Jesus—not because He adds more to your to-do list, but because He invites you to lay down the heavy burdens and walk in His light and easy way.

So today, take a deep breath. Hear the voice of Jesus calling you to rest. Stop striving, and let grace meet you right where you are. His arms are wide open, and His promise is sure: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Have We Chosen Discipline Over Discipleship?

The church, designed to be a living and breathing body of believers, sometimes feels more like a well-oiled machine—focused on efficiency, structure, and control. While organization and discipline have their place, it seems that in many cases, we’ve unintentionally elevated discipline over discipleship, uniformity over unity, professional clergy over priesthood of all believers. This subtle shift has profound implications for how we live out our faith and engage the world around us.

The Conformity Trap

One of the clearest signs of this misplaced emphasis is the tendency to require conformity to a single way of doing things. Whether it’s how we worship, what we wear, or the specific language we use to express our faith, there often seems to be an unspoken rule: if you don’t fit the mold, you don’t belong.

This mentality can stifle creativity and authenticity. Discipleship, by contrast, is about guiding people as they grow in their personal relationship with Jesus, recognizing that each journey is unique. Jesus didn’t call His disciples to become carbon copies of one another. Peter and John were both deeply faithful, but their personalities and ministries were distinct and different. Peter was bold and brash; John was contemplative and relational. Both were essential to the early church.

When we prioritize discipline over discipleship, we risk turning the church into a factory that produces uniform believers rather than a family that nurtures diverse gifts and callings. We inadvertently communicate that faith is about compliance rather than transformation.

Centralized Power in the Church?

Another outward example of this shift is the increasing centralization of church hierarchy. Many churches operate under a top-down leadership model where decisions are made by a select few and then handed down to the congregation. This model can create a rigid structure that leaves little room for the Spirit’s leading or the unique contributions of individual members.

Biblically, the church is described as a body—a dynamic organism where every part is essential and interdependent. Ephesians 4:11-12 reminds us that leaders are called to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” This implies a decentralized model where leadership empowers and equips rather than controls and dictates.

When leadership becomes overly centralized, it can breed a culture of passivity among members. People stop seeing themselves as active participants in God’s mission and instead become consumers of religious goods and services. Discipleship, however, calls everyone—not just the leaders—to engage in the work of ministry, using their gifts to build up the body and reach the world.

Reclaiming Discipleship

So how do we reclaim discipleship as the heart of the church? It starts by shifting our focus from compliance to transformation. Here are a few key steps:

1. Celebrate Diversity in Faith Journeys: Recognize that discipleship is not one-size-fits-all. Encourage people to explore different spiritual disciplines, forms of worship, and ways of serving. Create space for testimonies that highlight the varied ways God is at work in people’s lives. Jesus is the only way to the Father, but our tradition is not the only way to Jesus.

2. Decentralize Leadership: Empower members to lead in their areas of gifting. Develop structures that allow for collaborative decision-making and shared responsibility. This not only strengthens the church but also helps individuals grow as disciples. What are the different parts of the body passionate about and gifted at doing? Give them a lane to run in and celebrate with them as new people are able to see Jesus through new ministry initiatives.

3. Prioritize Relationships Over Rules: Jesus’ discipleship model was relational. He walked with His followers, shared meals with them, and taught them through everyday life experiences. Churches that prioritize small groups, mentorship, and authentic community as primary discipleship tools are seeing dynamic results in kingdom impact.

4. Focus on Heart Transformation: Discipline often focuses on external behavior, but true discipleship is about heart transformation. Teach and model spiritual practices that foster intimacy with God and inner change, such as prayer, Scripture meditation, and service. A simple list of dos and don’ts won’t change anyone, just look at your kiddos. There’s still an inborn tendency to do what I know I shouldn’t do (Romans 7). When we capture the heart with the truth of the law and gospel of Jesus, we see the transformation for which the Bible calls.

5. Evangelism IS Discipleship: Discipleship cannot function if it’s devoid of evangelism. A discipleship that merely focuses on conforming to rules and rituals won’t transform the way Romans 12 describes. Discipleship isn’t about me, it’s about losing me for the sake of the image of Jesus in me to shine through. Jesus says we are the light of the world and that a city on a hill cannot be hidden (Matthew 5). So let’s take the light of the good news of Jesus and shine it through our discipleship.

It’s a Movement NOT a Machine

When the church shifts back to a discipleship-first model, it becomes less about maintaining systems and more about fostering a movement of transformed lives. A church that prioritizes discipleship is a church that empowers its members to live out their faith boldly and authentically in the everyday spaces where they live, work and play.

It’s time to reimagine what the church can be—a vibrant community where people are loved, equipped, and sent out to make disciples of all nations. Let’s trade conformity for creativity, control for empowerment, and discipline for true discipleship. In the 1500s men and women walked through something called the Reformation. Getting back to the basics of who we are as the people of God. Perhaps we’ve forgotten the core tenets of that reformation movement? I believe the reformation church is the kind of church the world desperately needs.

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