living for eternity today

Tag: hope2020 (Page 2 of 2)

What Gives!

It’s hard to even know what day it is anymore. We get up only to realize we don’t have to even shower before doing the work the day holds. The children won’t roll out of bed until they want to, which is far later than they used to. We’re getting more sleep than we did before but we’re more exhausted than ever before. What gives! 

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My Testimony

We see some pretty big things in our world. Witness a tornado rip through a town and take one house but leave another untouched – miraculous! See the birth of a child and you’re left in awe. There are life changing moments that happen very day in so many different ways it’s uncanny. But there’s one thing that will forever change who I am that it’s the source of my testimony.

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The Old Rugged Cross

Well it’s Tuesday but given our circumstances it seems everyday is a Monday and a Friday all at the same time. So here’s this week’s MusicMonday brought to you on a Tuesday! Now before you get too far into this, you’ll quickly realize that this week’s song is an old and very popular song in the church world. This song has been played and sung so many times I can’t even count it. But recently on a trip this song was on the playlist and it reminded me of my grandpa who has more days behind him than before him. This was and still is his song. And I honestly hope that it’s yours as well.

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Can We Take Communion?

This is the weirdest Holy Week I can remember. Nothing seems right. Nothing seems normal. Nothing seems holy about this week really. As I sit in the sanctuary with the room nearly empty. A handful of faithful servants have been there for every service we’ve shared with the world. But something just isn’t the same. Add to it there have been lots of things missing this Holy Week that normally would be there and this week feels just so off!

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Empty Grave

These days seem darker than ever. People don’t smile. Simple greetings of Hello are met with empty stares. Shelves are bare. Churches are gathering virtually. Friends can’t hang out in the same place. Gyms are closed. Barber shops and hair salons are forced to keep customers away. Nothing is normal. Darkness has descended on this land. But…

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Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

It’s been said that only two things are certain in life – death and taxes. But really only one thing if we’re being honest. You can adjust your deductions and even lose your job and your tax situation will change drastically. But you can’t escape the reality of death. It happens all around us. It sees as if death is knocking at the door of so many of our lives and we are having a hard time determining how to handle it.

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We Praise You

It’s no secret things in life are a tad topsy turvy right now. What once was no longer is. What never was now is the reality. It’s uncomfortable to say the least. It’s inconvenient to be certain. And if we’re being honest, times are a tad scary right now. If you listen to the reports coming out in any regularity, then you’ve undoubtedly heard the reference to an invisible enemy. When we feel attacked by enemies we can see and even those we can’t see it’s a time for us to reevaluate our focus and our priorities.

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Eerily Quiet

I took a drive the other day just to escape the isolation for a bit. It was eery just how quiet things were just about everywhere I went. The store lights were all off. Signs saying temporarily closed were on doors of countless stores. There was an eery quiet in the air that was disturbing. So why is the quiet so hard? Why is this forced downtime so challening?

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