living for eternity today

Tag: hope (Page 2 of 3)

Starting Now

I don’t know about you but it seems the more I know the more I realize I really don’t know all that much after all! I learn one thing and it has a tendency to undo something else I learned at another point in my life. Especially in today’s world when I learn about the things going on in our world and then the message changes, it’s just a swirling mess of noise anymore. So where do we start? How do we know what’s real and what’s not?

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The Old Rugged Cross

Well it’s Tuesday but given our circumstances it seems everyday is a Monday and a Friday all at the same time. So here’s this week’s MusicMonday brought to you on a Tuesday! Now before you get too far into this, you’ll quickly realize that this week’s song is an old and very popular song in the church world. This song has been played and sung so many times I can’t even count it. But recently on a trip this song was on the playlist and it reminded me of my grandpa who has more days behind him than before him. This was and still is his song. And I honestly hope that it’s yours as well.

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A Letter To Parents

Dear parents,

I know that we didn’t sign up for this shelter in place mandate. I know we all feel woefully unprepared for what the days ahead hold for us. I know many of us aren’t teachers. Many of us are scrambling to do our regular jobs. Many are worried about what this means for our paychecks and some their 401K and retirement packages. I know the news seems bleak and everyday brings another element of negativity and fear to our plates. I know it because I’m living it with you. But please I have some advice as I listen to your children.

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Eerily Quiet

I took a drive the other day just to escape the isolation for a bit. It was eery just how quiet things were just about everywhere I went. The store lights were all off. Signs saying temporarily closed were on doors of countless stores. There was an eery quiet in the air that was disturbing. So why is the quiet so hard? Why is this forced downtime so challening?

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21 Years

Last year was a pretty horrific year for singer/songwriter Toby Mac. He lost his son tragically and unexpectedly. No one can understand the devastation that occurs when a parent loses a child of any age. As I write this a brother in Christ and his wife are mourning the loss of their new born son. They were able to be with him for just a few short days. Toby had his son for 21 years. The pain of both is devastating to say the least.

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Good Fight

Fight or flight? Which is your go to? I know some people who run for the hills when trouble hits. They bury their head in the sand or flee and retreat to a corner and just break. Then there are the other kinds of people who come out with guns blazing ready to take out anyone who comes in the way of their ideas. Which are you? And is there a better option?  Continue reading

Hope Was Born This Night

Christmas is one of those unique and special times of year that remind us that there is hope. Even when life throws us a curve ball and things just don’t go quite as planned, there’s hope. This Christmas chances are there will be something happen out of the normal. Chances are someone will do or say something to you that makes you question everything. How will you react? How will you find your way through it all?  Continue reading

I Have This Hope

Ever feel like all is lost? Ever feel like nothing can go right? Ever feel like just throwing in the towel and just giving up? Well, I know the feeling. There are days when it feels like everything I touch just falls apart. Perhaps it’s a word I have spoken that is taken out of context and ends up hurting someone I love. Maybe I didn’t go out of my way to show how much I care quite enough and it’s taken personally. Whatever the trouble, sometimes we just need a little hope.  Continue reading

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