living for eternity today

Tag: health

Self Care Is NOT Selfish

77 Self-Care Quotes to Remind You to Take Care of Yourself

So it’s no secret the season of life we’re in currently isn’t the easiest thing we’ve dealt with as leaders. If you’re in charge of any group of people or in a management role or guiding people to a preferred future then you’re a leader. Parents are leaders. Business people are leaders. Often in every friend group there’s a leader. We are all leaders in some area of our lives. The question isn’t if we’re leaders but whom are we leading? You don’t have to like the idea of leadership but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re a leader. So how can leaders take care of themselves to be better at the task in front of them?

When leadership gets challenging there are a few things that we need to do to make sure we’re leading appropriately and most effectively. We’ll call it self care. And no matter what you think of when you hear the term self-care, it’s not about being selfish at all. Self care is all about making sure you’re best qualified and prepared to handle whatever problems arise.

Always on is quickly off.

Leadership isn’t a task we can do in an hour. It’s something that weighs on us constantly. We climb into bed and just want to fall asleep peacefully, but the nagging issues of leadership start picking off the sheep we’re trying to count. We live in a culture where technology is making us so easily accessible that we quite literally can’t ever step away. We can be called day or night. Even a trip to a sunny beach somewhere isn’t safe, because email still works there too!

Being always on and always within reach will quickly lead to burn out, fatigue and poor decision making. The weight and burdens of leadership are constantly on our shoulders. You need to find someone in whom you can confide to help you carry those burdens. Keep a journal of sorts to write down the things causing anxiety. Make lists in written or electronic form that you can come back to so you’re not obsessing over little tasks needing completed.

Get some real rest.

I know that many people don’t get the sleep they need to function properly, and I’m one of those people. I’ve made the excuse that I can run on less sleep than many and for the most part that is true. But we all need sleep and we need to listen to our bodies, stress levels, and family members who can see things in us that we can’t see in ourselves.

I’m not going to preach at you to get 8 hours of sleep since I don’t do that myself. But find regular rhythms of rest in your life. Learn the habits of stopping to just breathe throughout your day. There are days when I just sit at my desk and close my eyes to empty my mind for 3 minutes. It makes a world of difference!

But more than just getting a good night of sleep or pausing for a quick power up, we also need regular down time. Some call them days off. Others call them a sabbatical. Others call it vacation. Whatever it is you need to find a way to step away from the pressures of leading and recharge. Take a day every week and if possible at least a week every year to learn how to refocus. Real rest leads to real results. Really!

Keep your priorities straight.

When we have a lot of responsibility at work, it’s easy to let that kind of bleed into every other area of our lives. It’s all too easy to bring our work home or worse yet live like we’re married to our job. There is a pretty clear line of priority that we need to follow. And if we get this ordering out of whack it will yield some pretty nasty results.

Here’s the short version: faith first, family second, self health third, job last. If you’re living in a pattern of life that has your priorities in any other ordering then you’re setting yourself up for some signifiant harm. Getting this wrong will destroy your marriage, abandon your family, effect your health, and break the trust you’ve established in your relationships/friendships. I cannot stress this one enough. Your work does not own you so don’t live like it does.

Diet and exercise aren’t just for weight loss.

The final thing we need to look at when it comes to self care for those in any leadership role is the area of physical health. Leading is stressful whether you’re leading your kids, your family, your business, your friends, or any other place you find yourself. Leadership is stressful at times and having a healthy outlet for that stress is critical. This means we need to manage our food intake properly. And we need to manage our energy output appropriately.

Having a regular food check and exercise regimen is pretty important. Stress often leads to eating poorly and all sorts of other bodily issues like muscle tension and blood pressure issues to name just two. When we keep our eating right and we take time to do some form of exercise, even if it’s just a walk around the block or at the mall, we’ll see noticeable changes in how we handle stress. And our overall health will be positively impacted.

Getting help is not weak.

Finally we need to realize that we’re not superheroes. We cannot do it all. And leaders need help. Do you have someone you can confide in? Do you have a therapist or a counselor or someone with whom you can speak about personal matters that weigh on your heart? Just know there is nothing wrong with getting help. There’s nothing weak about admitting you can’t do something. There’s no shame in getting some form of therapy or counseling to help you balance what’s going on in your mind and heart.

So there you have it. Not an exhaustive list by any means but a few things leaders can do to manage the challenges of life and take a little time for self care, because self care is not selfish it’s actually selfless if done right.

Mental Health IS REAL Health

I’m not sure if you’ve realized it or not but I think people are a tad more on edge these days. So maybe I’m stating the obvious here. But I’ve noticed in my own life that things that are minor irritations tend to irritate me more than they should, and things that shouldn’t be a problem at all are all of a sudden a problem. And I know it’s not just me. I see people nearly everyday who are struggling with the same thing.

The neighbor’s dog gets out the door without him catching it and it’s like the worst thing in the world. A child doesn’t listen like they should and mom gets all bent out of shape. You’re not feeling well and you think you’re dying. A friend tells you a hard truth and you just can’t handle it so you lash out in defensive anger.

There are a million things going on in our lives right now that are hard to handle. And what makes it worse is that we’re running in high gear nearly all the time now. Our work is now virtual which means we feel like we have to check our email after supper. We have access to our calendar and contacts at all hours of day and night including weekends and we think if we’re not on then we’re no enough.

And while we’re running at full speed, we’re also running on empty. We aren’t sleeping as good as we used to. We’re stressed about jobs, finances, health, children’s education, family matters and the list goes on. We just can’t seem to get ahead. And what’s worse is we don’t think we can get help. We live in a world that demonizes mental struggles as if they’re a sign of weakness or like we’ve done something wrong.

Look my family all wears glasses, well all of them but me. Does that mean they’re all weak people? If you can’t see clearly, you’re very likely to go to the eye doctor and get an exam and even get something to help you see better. If you can’t hear you’ll get a hearing assist device. If you can’t walk, a cane or walker or crutch is always an option.

So why is it that when we have a struggle with our emotional or mental health we just don’t think we can get help? I want you to hear very clearly that your mental health is your health. If you’re emotionally or mentally wiped out, exhausted, struggling there is absolutely no shame in getting the equivalent of a pair of glasses for your mental health.

You can be the strongest person in the world, with seemingly everything going for you and still be empty emotionally and struggling mentally. Friends we need to find people in whom we can confide. People who can help us carry our burdens of mind, body and spirit. Everyone needs at least one trusted person in whom they can confide. Someone they can share their struggles with and honestly be vulnerable.

It’s not a weakness to admit you’re having a hard time. It’s not a weakness to wear glass or take a treatment for diabetes. Take care of yourselves friends. Find someone you can trust and share life with them because your mental health is real health.

Please note: if you’re struggling with mental health related issues and need emergency care, call your emergency care provider immediately. There are also agencies devoted to assisting you manage and navigate the many mental health challenges that we’re all facing at one level or another these days.

Run To The Father

Run to the Father | The Banner

This world is full of burdens and many of those burdens are not ours to carry. The problem is we don’t know the difference between what we’re supposed to carry and what we should unload. When we hide our problems, we end up carrying them around with us. The weight of these problems can be crippling to say the least.

This week as you sit around the table with your family, or look in on them virtually, take a moment to unload those burdens. Don’t throw them at other people. But unload them on Christ. We’re invited to run to Jesus and give him our troubles.

Today, just pause for a minute. Consider the things that are weighing you down. Say a little prayer and give them to Christ. Then let yourself be held in the arms of the Father. Let him be your comfort. Let him be the one who keeps you strong and safe.

My prayer for you today is that you find rest for your soul, comfort from your pain, company in your loneliness, and calm for your distracted mind.

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