I’ve been told by people that I don’t smile enough. Maybe it’s because I’m too focused? Maybe because I have too much going on? Maybe because I don’t even think about it? But the long and short of it is people look for your smile. And there’s always a reason to smile!
Wouldn’t it be great if we could just find the magical pill for happiness? I mean no more down in the dump kind of days. No more sadness. No tears. No hurts or pains. No-one to squash your dreams for life and a future. No-one to tell you that you’re not good enough. No more trying to always run and never seem to get anywhere. Trying to find that magical formula for happiness sometimes sometimes feels like running on a treadmill. No matter how fast you run, you never really get anywhere. So where is it that happiness is found?
I’ve recently been asked if Christians are allowed to be happy. It may seem like a strange question to some while a valid one to others, so I thought I’d share a little of my insights on the matter. Let’s start by looking at both sides of the matter: Continue reading