living for eternity today

Tag: God (Page 2 of 3)

I Really Don’t Like The Cross

Now many of you know that I’m a pastor of a church in central Ohio and many of you know that means I’m a pretty big fan of Jesus and the Bible. But lately I’ve realized that while I’m a big follower of Jesus there’s just something about the cross that doesn’t sit well with me. I’m not alone either. As a matter of fact, one of the biggest names in the New Testament didn’t like the cross either.

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Wrestle or Restful?

When I was younger I used to watch WWF wrestling. Now if you watch it you probably know it better by WWE wrestling but it’s all the same. The idea behind the whole thing was intriguing to me. Grown men and women running around in a boxing ring. Throwing stuff at each other. Trying to look like they were hurting each other without ever really doing any harm. It was pretty interesting to say the least.

But WWF isn’t the only kind of wrestling out there. We wrestle in a lot of other ways as well. We wrestle with our thoughts and our relationships. We wrestle with things don’t quite go our way. We wrestle with loved ones and even with friends. And honestly right now, we’re living in a world that’s wrestling with just about everything!

Politics is nothing more than a verbal WWF match anymore. We try to hurt one another and do as much harm as possible. It’s so disheartening to see where we’ve fallen as a society. We’d rather wrestle with one another and struggle than take the high road and love one another.

Hate is easy. Love is work. We’ve become so lazy we’d rather take the easy road and just hate one another.

This week we talked about a man in the Bible who wrestled with everyone he could only to realize that it wasn’t helping. Take a few minutes and listen as we unpack not only the damages of being a wrestler but also the way to change your behavior and make a positive impact.

Nothing Else

Have you ever been so enthralled in Jesus that you just wanted to sit at his feet and never leave? If you’ve ever experienced this you know just how peaceful it is to be completely in Jesus’ presence. So often in life we face the constant demands of each new day and we are so easily distracted. Even at church I often find my mind wandering instead of sitting in the midst of my Savior. 

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The God Who Stays

We all like to play God from time to time. We pretend that we know better. We act as if our way would somehow be able to change the future. But have you ever realized that when other people act like that, we have choice words for them. We want to give up on people who don’t live like we do. We walk away from people who get on our nerves. When someone says something that isn’t what we want to hear, it’s easier to walk away than stick it out and talk through the problem.

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Who is God?

This week we started a new sermon series titled God Questions. The idea behind the series is that there are a series of questions that just about everyone asks at one point in time or another. These are what we consider the top three questions people have about God. Before we get into the series and the first message, let’s talk about the graphic for this series.

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Hark The Herald Angels Sing

It’s that time of year again! We can’t stop it if we try, so we may as well jump on the Christmas preparation train and see where it leads. This week for our Music Monday time we’ll pick up an old familiar hymn. This hymn was first written as a poem and later put into song form about fourteen years later. The poem turned song was intended to help the Christian to understand teh power of the reality of Christmas. It demonstrates one of the core truths of the Christian faith – the incarnation.

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I am an Atheist…

Now before anyone starts to wig out here, no I haven’t gone off the deep end! I still believe in Jesus! I am not an atheist, but that’s a quote a recently read on social media and it got me thinking. What causes someone who at one point believed in Jesus to up and turn away? What causes a Jesus follower to no longer follower but reject? So I read on in his post.

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About a year ago in church we talked about a word that got all the kids giggling. One of our youth led the children’s time and talked about the big but in the Bible. She mentioned that but is a pretty important word if we really think about it. But clues us in to a massive change in thought, purpose and intent.

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God Only Knows

Imagine a day when you feel like you’ve been dragged behind a truck. You’re physically beat down. Emotionally worn out. Mentally exhausted. You have nothing left. You’ve been pretending for a long time. YOu’ve pretended that you have it all together. You’ve pretended that everything was good, but you’re not fooling anyone – yourself included!  Continue reading

A Supersized Dream

Dreaming is fun! Well unless you dream you’re being chased by a giant orange, but that’s not really relevant to this post. Part of living and visioning is dreaming. When we put together a hope for a better future, when we vision what we’re going to be/do in the days, weeks, months and years to come – it’s like we’re dreaming. But how big is your dream? Continue reading

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