living for eternity today

Tag: Friendship (Page 2 of 2)

Friends Are Friends Forever

Friends are something that all too often are overlooked. I’m not talking about a friend who’s here one day and gone the next but a real friend. A real friend is one who is there with you through the greatest of times and sticks around when everything is falling apart. A friend isn’t there for themselves but there for you. A true friend can see your hurt and is comfortable just being present to hold you up when you’re too weak to stand. Friends bring fun and exciting things to life and can put a smile on our faces just by walking in a room. Continue reading

It’s Not Over Yet

Man sometimes life can just stink! I mean you plan and prepare and have everything all lined up and then WHAM! out of nowhere your day just goes down hill and I mean quick! It’s tempting in these moment to just throw in the towel and give up. It’s easy to just let that feeling of defeat overwhelm you. But what should you do when it’s all but over?  Continue reading

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