living for eternity today

Tag: follow (Page 2 of 2)

But I Don’t Want To!

As a parent I’ve heard this phrase probably more times than I can count. It’s one of the most annoying phrases we can hear. Right up there with are we there yet! When my children tell me they don’t want to do something, it generally begins a nice conversation about who’s in charge and sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do in life. Then they will begrudgingly shuffle off to do the thing they don’t want to do but really don’t have a choice but to do. It’s called obedience. We don’t have to like it but we all have to obey someone at some point in life.

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The God Who Stays

We all like to play God from time to time. We pretend that we know better. We act as if our way would somehow be able to change the future. But have you ever realized that when other people act like that, we have choice words for them. We want to give up on people who don’t live like we do. We walk away from people who get on our nerves. When someone says something that isn’t what we want to hear, it’s easier to walk away than stick it out and talk through the problem.

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Crazy Love

It seems I find an author and stick with them for a bit, and this week’s book review is no different. This week we take a look at Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love. This book as been around for several years but is definitely worth the read. As I’ve explained the premise of Crazy Love and other selections of his to several people recently, his books have become a punch in the gut for the comfortable and complacent, Christian church in North America.

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You get what you deserve!

It’s pretty easy to give words to Jesus. It’s way to simple to twist the words of the Bible to make them say just about anything we want. Over the past few weeks we’ve touched on just a couple of these statements that Jesus never said but we kind of think he said. The goal of the series was to show that we should be glad Jesus never actually said them! This week we wrapped up the series with the realization that life isn’t fair and that’s probably a good thing!

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Counter Culture

In my journey through my bookshelves to find something good to read, I tend to find an author and stick with them for a few weeks. Last week we took a look at Follow Me by David Platt and Francis Chan. This week we tackle another David Platt book titled Counter Culture. If I’m being honest, and why wouldn’t I because this is my website, this one was challenging. It was challenging because Platt is calling Christians, and me specifically, to the task of living the faith I claim to possess.

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Follow Me

Some of the very first words recorded in the Bible that Jesus said are Follow Me. Can you imagine hearing those words? Here he is, the man the world has been waiting for is standing right in front of you and he’s calling you to come and follow where he’s going. The excitement must have been riveting! People ended up coming from miles and miles away just to get a glimpse of this man that we’ve come to know as Jesus. And it happened simply because of a pointed phrase – Follow Me.

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Discipleship 101: TRUST

Discipleship 101TRUSTHave you ever done the trust fall? You know the fall where you face away from someone and then fall backward trusting that they’ll be there to catch you? If you’ve ever done this  you know that it is way harder than you think at first. I remember doing this one time and thinking that I’d be able to do this with no problem. I knew the guys behind me, and I was confident that they’d catch me. But when it came down to actually falling blindly into their arms, I just couldn’t do it. Continue reading

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