living for eternity today

Tag: fear (Page 2 of 2)

What Drives You?

Imagine you’re at a fork in the road. You can follow the path on the right that seems less traveled. It appears that few have gone down this road. For the most part the path is clearly marked. The path is barely worn but recognizable. The terrain is pretty hilly and has a bunch of rocks. The problem however is the path leads through a wooded area that might not be all that safe. It looks dark. No lights anywhere. The branches are broken in the trees and there appear to be wild animals in the woods. The other path however is smooth and clear. It’s actually paved nicely. The pavement has obviously been traveled a lot. There’s no overgrowth around the edges. It is very clean. And even better the entire path is well lit. Which would you choose?  Continue reading

Fix It Felix!

A few years ago a movie was released titled Wreck It Ralph. The movie was set inside of a video game with two main characters. The first was Ralph. He was the larger than normal villain in the game. His job was to destroy everything he saw. Ralph would tear apart buildings and destroy things down to rubble. Then the good guy Fix It Felix would come along and try to put everything back together. Continue reading

We all face giants in life. Some of them are giants in the form of people who are just larger than life who seem to be better than us at everything. Then there are the giants of our work load from which we just can seem to dig out. Other giants can be our finances or our diet or even our exercise regimen. Whatever the giant, there’s hope for you as you face your giants.  Continue reading

When Tragedy Strikes

Well it happened again. This time worse than the last. Another senseless act of violence. Another mass killing. Another group of innocent lives ripped from their friends and families in a timeframe we call too soon. The details are still rolling out. The motive, if there is one, is yet to be determined. There are so many questions that our heads are spinning! But as many questions as exist, there seems to be even more blame. So whose fault is it anyway? Continue reading

Too Close To Home


Today at around 10am there was an active shooter alert at the campus of the Ohio State University. In the moment when the news first hit, I was sitting with a member of my congregation whose son was typically in the building that was all over the news. Fear and worry were plastered around the room like graffiti.

The conversation turned from planning and preparation to pause and prayer. Words fell silent as we pulled up social media and news platforms. Fears began to rise as familiar places were flashed across the computer screen on the live news broadcast. Seconds felt like hours between text message updates from those near the scene. The sight of SWAT officers climbing staircases and combing the buildings brought chills. This can’t be happening.

You could hear the thoughts raging in the minds of those in the room. What if the worst happens? Where is my son? I need to hear from him not someone else telling me he’s ok but I need to hear him. Minutes felt like days. News of the all clear made its way around the horn. We breathed a sigh of relief but there was something still a little uneasy. That was far too close to home.

As we went on our ways, I began to ponder the weight of the moment. Productivity was stopped. Innocence was violated. Fear ruled the moment. Everything we thought to be true was turned on its head. This was far too close to home.

But something interesting was going on through it all. This mom and her family, while visibly shaken, were eerily peaceful. Their world was being torn upside down, yet there was something of calm in the moment. The calm didn’t just come when the all-clear was given. No, it was present while the violence was still plastered on the news. The peace was there even when the fear was overwhelming. This was far too close to home to be certain but it wasn’t the end of the world.

As followers of Jesus we believe that Christ has made a difference in our lives today not just in the future. Yesterday I asked in bible class what difference has Jesus made in your life today? While there weren’t a ton of answers to that question in the moment I got the answer I needed today. The difference Jesus made was visible in the peace that I saw in her heart while her eyes were filling with tears. Jesus’ presence was so obvious as she struggled with the horror of the moment all the while maintaining a firm grip on the realities of the day.

It was far too close to home for us to ignore. But so are many other things in our lives. When you’re in the midst of a war for your heart, are you able to know the difference of the Savior who loves you? When you are trapped in the quicksand of despair and depression are there people to whom you can turn for help?

Even though this terrible event happened far too close to home there were hundreds of men and women who rushed in when we ran out. Thank you to those who jumped to defend. Thank you to those who stayed calm and listened to direction. Thank you to the parents who were rocks for your children and to the children who were strong for your parents.

We will navigate this storm together. Let’s lean in to one another and support one another. I am so thankful that all of the students and staff with whom I am connected are safe and out of harms way. This was far too close for comfort and I’m glad you are now back home.

No Longer Slaves

No-LongerThis world has enough trouble to make even the strongest person cower in fear. From the political unrest to the economic ebbs and flows that bring financial concerns to just about everyone – there is no rest for the weary. It seems that everywhere we turn there’s another reason for us to be afraid. Just click on the news and you’ll hear of another child abducted into trafficking rings, a senseless murder, arson takes a home and all its possessions from a family, a training accident goes horribly wrong and claims the lives of innocents, wild fires sweep through the country and devastate residents.  Continue reading

Cast My Cares

maxresdefault-6We carry such a weight through life it’s almost crazy. We were never intended to have this kind of load on our shoulders. Worry, anxiety, fear, mistakes…they all just sit on our shoulders and heap a load on us that often we can’t even stand.

This morning I want to share with you a song that really speaks to this very thing. If we would learn to cast our cares on the who promises to take them, our lives would be a lot different. Our pains prevent us from finding peace. Our struggles steal our ability to see our Savior. Our fears lead us to future failures. Our past mistakes melt our confidence.

The bible is an invitation to cast our cares on Him. It’s an invitation to give our burdens and our pains to the God who invites us to call him Father. It’s such a wonderful thing. In exchange for our cares, he offers us hope and peace. These things the world can’t give. Cast your cares on him.

This morning I sit in front of my computer tired. There are burdens on my shoulders and it’s time to cast them on Jesus. Take a minute from your day and just pause. Give these struggles on Jesus and let him take over. All of our worrying and all of our fear won’t change the reality of the situation before us. Cast these on Jesus. Then lift your head and realize that the same Jesus who takes away these burdens is also the one who walks with you through the most treacherous and terrifying moments of life. There’s hope for today. There’s a light in front of us to guide us when we don’t know where to go.

I will cast my cares upon him because he promises to be faithful.

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