living for eternity today

Tag: father (Page 2 of 2)

Come As You Are

David-Crowder-Come-As-You-Are-Lyric-VideoThe name alone is great! Come as you are. It means that you don’t need to change anything to be accepted. You don’t need to be different from you are right now. You don’t need to have it all together. You don’t have to have your life perfect before you come in.

Unfortunately that’s not the message many people hear. Too many people see the church as a place where you’re only accepted if you’ve got it all together. But that’s just not the way it should be! Jesus invites us who are . Give this song a listen. Just sit and listen to the words.

Come as you are with all of your pains and all of your hurts. Come just as you are right now. Don’t wait until you have it all together. God wants to be the one who carries you through the difficult times in life. And the best part…he’s always there. You need not see him. You may not even feel his presence at times. But know this, there’s never a time when you’re actually alone. He’s right there.

A common misconception is that God won’t let you go through more than you can bear. The hard truth is that he regularly allows us to go through more than we can bear. He just walks that road with us. .

Today just come as you are and let Jesus hold you.

The One Thing That Matters

As a parent I know that there are a lot of things that I simply don’t know. I’m not the best dad in the world. I make more mistakes in this whole parenting journey than most people. I lose my temper. I raise my voice. I get upset and sometimes downright angry.

I’ve tried reading books about parenting but I just get lost in the middle of them. They are full of rules and multiple steps. So I set out to determine what’s the one thing that I could teach my children that would have a lasting impact. Something that could change their lives. That one thing is you’re not perfect and that’s ok. Continue reading

Family Fun in Advent

CIMG_1520ounting down the days to Christmas can be a difficult task for parents and children alike. All the little ones want is to get to Christmas morning, and the parents just want the waiting to be over. The children grow increasingly less patient as the decorations come out of storage and the tree is lit in the evenings.

In our house we’ve had a tradition of using an Advent calendar to lead us to Christmas morning. These are pretty cool little things and very simple. Each day our children will open a new door in the calendar to receive a piece of chocolate. Continue reading

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