living for eternity today

Tag: family (Page 3 of 3)

Stories Over Time

Stories are found in every part of our lives. We start children off with stories. We tell them stories of fairytales and of heroes. We build stories around princes and princesses. We tell stories to get our points across. Even the bible is filled with stories. We tell true stories and we make up stories. Stories are all around us. Every page of our lives is another part of a longer story. What’s the value of all of these stories?  Continue reading

Words Over Time

A couple of weeks ago we started a series titled Overtime. The purpose of the series was to talk about the time we spend as parents with our children. It’s been said that a parent has about 940 weeks with their children before they graduate from high school and move off to college. So the issue we face is how do we intentionally use the time we have to have the longest lasting impact possible on our children?  Continue reading

Overtime For Parents

I’m not one to enjoy a quiet moment. This happens for two big reasons. The first is that as a parent of three, there aren’t a lot of quiet moments to be had! Second is I tend to fill quiet moments with learning opportunities. That’s a whole post in and of itself, but today I want to share with you something I recently heard that will guide the next few Friday posts. Continue reading

Family Fun in Advent

CIMG_1520ounting down the days to Christmas can be a difficult task for parents and children alike. All the little ones want is to get to Christmas morning, and the parents just want the waiting to be over. The children grow increasingly less patient as the decorations come out of storage and the tree is lit in the evenings.

In our house we’ve had a tradition of using an Advent calendar to lead us to Christmas morning. These are pretty cool little things and very simple. Each day our children will open a new door in the calendar to receive a piece of chocolate. Continue reading

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