living for eternity today

Tag: Faith (Page 4 of 15)

People Movers

My plane arrived in Baltimore on a Saturday evening. I had a small enough window of time to make my connection for my flight home that I was a little concerned about the distance I had to travel to my new gate.

As soon as I deplaned, I made my way into the concourse and saw my new gate number. A10. Not bad if I was in the A concourse I thought. Considering I was the farthest gate in C concourse and I had about 25 minutes to get to my gate, I decided to make every opportunity possible to use those cool people movers.

You know what I’m talking about right? The floor moves in the same direction you’re already going so that you can maximize your travel speed and efficiency getting to your gate closer to on time than not. Well it helped my moving with purpose to become even more speedy than I normally am. You guessed it. I’m the guy who walks my normal speed on these suckers. Why not double my speed!?!

Well the other day I got to thinking about those people movers. What a great idea. They take me where I’m already going. They just do it more efficiently and with less friction than if I were to walk there myself.

The reason I was in the airport was because I was spending time with some new and old friends who all work for the same network to which I’m connected. We’re called the FiveTwo Network and we are a group of Jesus-loving people who help churches move toward a thriving future.

It’s like being people movers but for churches.

We’re not taking you somewhere that you’re not already going. The church has pretty clear directives. We don’t bring the teachings of the church, you should have that locked in already. We don’t tell you how to do church either. That’s based on your context, congregation and church affiliation. We are simple people movers, moving you in the direction you’re already going.

Through a series of questions and onsite visits along with an immense amount of time digging through information we receive from you, we find out where you’re headed. Then we fire up that cool people mover and off we go. Together. In the same direction.

It’s super rewarding to see a church move from acting like they’re stuck in airport traffic in a busy concourse to watching it start to thrive. New programs. New ministries. Sometimes new staff. New people. New budgets. More people engaged in the same mission. Same church. Same teachings. Same Jesus. Just everyone moving in the same direction together.

The idea is simple. You don’t have to do it alone. And frankly you don’t have to come up with it by yourself either. There’s a people mover (for churches) that’s already been created that is able to help more efficiently and effectively move the local church in the direction it’s already going.

Ok so full disclosure here. If your church is moving in a direction that’s not biblical or just unhealthy, we’ll certainly let you know and can offer some help with that as well.

But more often than not, we’re already going in the same direction you are because our values are Jesus’ values. Our goal is all about growing Jesus’ kingdom by helping churches find hope and health and letting them thrive in an ever changing culture.

Well, I got to my gate with time to spare. Mostly thanks to the people mover (and a little help from a flight delay- just in case you’re curious planes need pilots or they don’t go anywhere).

If you’re in need of a people mover for your local church, let me know. We’re all about helping churches move more efficiently and effectively toward a thriving future.

It Was an Answer I Wasn’t Expecting

Have you ever prayed for something and got an answer you didn’t expect? Maybe you were looking for a solution, but God gave you something that seemed way off course. All too often God’s answers don’t always line up with our expectations, but they are exactly what we need.

Romans 12:9-21 hits pretty close to home with what it looks like to live out our faith calling. It’s where the rubber meets the road. We love the idea of following Jesus, but when it comes down to living out these commands, it’s like, “Hold on, God, that’s not what I was expecting!”

Hypocritical Love

Verse 9 sets the stage: “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” Sounds simple, right? But the reality is, this love isn’t the watered-down, feel-good emotion we often chase after. No, this love is genuine, selfless, and sacrificial. It’s the kind of love that Jesus showed us when He gave up His life for ours. Oh and don’t forget he did it while we were still sinners. That’s an answer I wasn’t expecting!

We didn’t deserve that kind of love. If we’re honest, many of us don’t love like that either. We slap on a smile, shake hands on Sundays, but our hearts are far from this sincere, no-strings-attached kind of love. God’s calling us out on our hypocrisy. He’s saying, Stop faking it. Love people like I love you. That is certainly a tough pill to swallow.

Serve NOT Be Served

Look at the next few thoughts from Paul. “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (v. 11). We love the idea of serving God, but when it comes to serving in the midst of our daily grind, to the sacrifices, to the inconveniences, that’s when we start dragging our feet. Jesus served us in the ultimate way by laying down His life. He didn’t just talk about serving—He did it, and it cost Him everything.

Now, God expects us to serve like that. This isn’t about signing up for the easy stuff or doing the bare minimum. It’s not giving those unwanted canned yams that have been in the pantry for a decade to the food pantry and calling it generosity. This is about getting down and dirty for the kingdom. Serving others even when it’s uncomfortable, even when they don’t deserve it. That is definitely an answer we were not expecting. But it’s the answer we need if we’re serious about following Jesus.

Mercy Over Justice

And here’s the kicker: “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse” (v. 14). This one might cause us to pause just a little bit longer. God wants us to bless the people who hurt us? That sounds crazy doesn’t it! But that’s exactly what Jesus did. On the cross, He said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). That’s a mercy we weren’t expecting!

We want mercy for ourselves, but judgment for others. We want God to deal with our enemies, not bless them! But God flips the script. His mercy for us is the model for how we should treat others, even those who hurt us. Mercy isn’t earned; it’s freely given—just like it was for us.

Romans 12 is a blueprint for a life that is completely counter-cultural. It calls us to be living sacrifices, which means laying down our lives for the sake of God’s Kingdom. Loving without hypocrisy, serving without hesitation, and showing mercy without limits—none of this is what we naturally want. It’s not the answer we were expecting. But it’s exactly what God expects of us because that’s what Jesus did for us.

This quite frankly is the hard road of discipleship. And it’s the only road that leads to experiencing the real life that God intends for us. So when God gives you an answer you weren’t expecting—when He calls you to love the unlovable, serve the undeserving, and show mercy to the unforgivable—remember that He’s asking you to do exactly what He’s already done for you.

God’s love is radical. Jesus’ service was sacrificial. His mercy is limitless. And He’s calling us to do the same. Don’t shrink back from the unexpected answers. Lean into them. They are the path to real life, the life you were created for.

Live it. Serve it. Show it. No more excuses. No more playing church. It’s time to be an unexpected answer in someone else’s life.

No More Apples

Think you’re just an apple in a basket, waiting to be picked or discarded? Wrong. You’re an orchard in disguise, brimming with potential that could feed nations, change lives, and alter the course of history—if you’d just wake up to it.

I recently heard the line Within every apple there’s an orchard. I did not come up with this and its origin is unknown, but I feel there’s power in this thinking. This isn’t just a feel-good quote to throw on social media and forget. It’s a battle cry, a declaration of war against mediocrity, and a direct challenge to the excuses you’ve been feeding yourself for too long.

The Apple Mindset

Too many people are stuck in the “apple” mindset. You know the type. They see themselves as small, ordinary, just trying to get by without making too much noise. They’ve bought into the lie that they’re just one in a million—replaceable, forgettable, insignificant.

But here’s the truth: you’re not just an apple. Inside you is the seed of something far greater. You have the power to grow, to expand, to become an orchard—a force of nature that can produce fruit for generations to come. The potential within you is limitless, but it’s useless unless you recognize it and do something about it.

We can’t stop there either. If you’re a Christian, this concept hits even closer to home. Within every Christian, there isn’t just potential for personal growth—there’s the potential to build a whole community of faith. Just like the orchard in the apple, there’s a church, a body of believers, a thriving community within you waiting to be cultivated.

Too many Christians walk around with a small vision, thinking that faith is a private matter, something personal and contained. We treat ministry like it’s something we can hire someone else to do for us. But the truth is, Christianity is meant to be lived out…in community…by everyone! Your faith isn’t just about you; it’s about the people where you live, work, and play.

Your faith isn’t meant to stay locked in the walls of your heart or the pews of a church. It’s meant to grow, to spread, to multiply. Just like an orchard starts with one apple, a thriving community of faith starts with one believer—one person willing to plant seeds of love, kindness, and truth in the lives of others.

Stop Settling

The problem is, most people settle for the apple when they could have the whole orchard. They settle for a paycheck when they could have financial freedom. They settle for good when they could have great. Why? Because they’re scared? Because they don’t believe in themselves? Because they’ve been conditioned to think small.

You need to start thinking like the orchard, not the apple. The orchard doesn’t just survive—it thrives. It doesn’t just exist—it expands. It takes up space, it demands attention, and it produces more than enough. The orchard is the picture of abundance, and that abundance is within your reach. It’s easy to see the limits of scarcity but Jesus took our scarcity and showed how abundant it truly was.

How to Cultivate Your Orchard and Your Community

I know I poke holes in status quo a lot on here. So here are some practical steps for shifting that focus. How do you tap into this orchard within you? How do you break free from the apple mindset and start living up to your true potential—both in your personal life and as a follower of Jesus? Here are a few thoughts:

  1. Imagination: First, you need to see the orchard. You need to believe that there’s more to you than what meets the eye. You need to imagine what life could be if you stopped settling and started striving. As a follower of Jesus, you need to see the community within you and believe that your faith can impact others.
  2. Farming Framework: Understand that the orchard doesn’t appear overnight. It takes time, effort, and patience. But it all starts with the seed—your potential. Nurture it, protect it, and watch it grow. In the same way, start small in your own circle—share your faith, serve others, and watch as your impact multiplies. Look at the relationships that already exist in your life. Why do you think God put those people here at this moment?
  3. Nike: Stop waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect opportunity, or the perfect conditions. Just Do It! Start planting today. Take action, no matter how small, toward your goals. Every seed you plant today is a tree that will bear fruit tomorrow. Don’t just attend church—be the church. Get involved, serve, and lead. Move from observing the faith in others and start owning the faith in you.
  4. Perseverance: Don’t give up when things get tough. Orchards face storms, droughts, and pests, but they survive because they are deeply rooted. Be resilient. Stay the course. In your faith, hold on to God’s promises and continue to sow seeds of righteousness, even when it’s hard.
  5. Harvest: Finally, don’t be afraid to reap the rewards of your hard work. When your orchard starts to bear fruit, don’t apologize for success. Share it, enjoy it, and let it inspire others to cultivate their own. As a Christian, celebrate the growth of your community and continue to foster the faith in others. Raise up new leaders and begin leaving a legacy of discipleship for those that will come after you.

You can sit there and let life pass you by, or you can realize that you’re carrying an orchard within you. You can choose to stay small, or you can unleash the abundance that’s been inside you all along.

Don’t let another day go by without tapping into your true potential. Don’t waste another minute thinking you’re just an apple when you could be so much more. The world needs your orchard—it needs what only you can provide.

And as a Christian, remember that your faith is the seed of something far greater. It’s the foundation of a community, a church, a movement. It’s time to stop thinking small and start cultivating the orchard within you.

Within every apple there’s an orchard. It’s time you start believing it.

Square Pegs in a Round World

Ever feel like you’re the odd one out? Like no matter how hard you try, you just don’t fit into the mold everyone else seems to slide into so easily? Welcome to the life of a square peg in a round world. And guess what? That’s not just okay—it’s freaking fantastic.

I recently received this pen and immediately my mind started racing. There’s power in being a square peg or in this case pen. This thing won’t roll off my table. It won’t get lost under my desk. But more importantly it’s different which means it reminds me a little bit of myself.

Let’s get one thing straight: fitting in is overrated. And this is coming from a guy who used to bow to the masses and care what the world had to say. I was soft around the edges and tried to fit in and never stand out. But that is no longer who I am. There’s too much to lose by giving in to the powers of culture and society.

Society loves to push this idea that you’ve got to blend in, conform, and smooth out your edges to fit the round hole the world has carved out for you. But what if those edges are what make you, you? What if shaving them off means losing the very thing that makes you unique? Too many people spend their lives sanding down their differences just to be accepted, only to wake up one day and realize they’ve become a dull, lifeless version of themselves that looks like just about everyone around them!

And for what? A fleeting sense of belonging? Totally not worth it.

Standing out because you’re different isn’t a curse—it’s a blessing. It’s your golden ticket to a life that’s unapologetically authentic. So what if you don’t fit in? Who wants to be a carbon copy anyway? Square pegs don’t just follow the path—they carve out new ones. They push boundaries, sometimes break the rules, and even redefine what’s possible. Being a misfit means you’ve got the guts to be true to yourself in a world that’s constantly trying to make you someone else.

The beauty of being a square peg is that eventually, you find your people. The ones who aren’t interested in fitting into the round holes either. You know, the ones who don’t just tolerate your differences but celebrate them. When square pegs come together, they form a tribe that’s unbreakable. A community of people who get it—who get you. And let me tell you, there’s nothing more rewarding than finding those who stand out just like you do. It’s like finding a breath of fresh air in a world that often feels suffocating.

And here’s the kicker: when you embrace your square-pegness, you give others permission to do the same. You become a beacon for other misfits, showing them that it’s not just okay to be different—it’s powerful. Your willingness to stand out becomes a rallying cry for those who’ve been hiding their true selves, afraid to let the world see their sharp edges. You become a leader, not by blending in, but by standing up for what you believe and standing out no matter how much the world around you tries to shave your edges down.

So, stop trying to fit into a mold that was never meant for you. Stop sanding down your edges just to squeeze into a place that doesn’t appreciate your true shape. Own your square peg status. Embrace it. Because when you do, you’ll find a world full of other square pegs who are ready to stand out with you.

And trust me, that’s a world worth living in.

Be bold. Be different. Be the square peg that refuses to fit in.

I Fear We’re Insane

It’s time to wake up. We’ve all heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Yet, how often do we fall into this trap? We cling to traditions, methods, and mindsets that have long outlived their effectiveness, hoping they’ll somehow bring revival. Newsflash: They won’t! It’s time to wake up, shake off the dust of complacency, and start thinking bigger, bolder, and differently if we truly want to fulfill the mission Christ has given us.

The Comfort of Tradition

Tradition feels safe, doesn’t it? It’s that well-worn path we’ve walked for decades, the familiar liturgy, the same order of service, the predictable sermons, the tried and true programs. But let’s be honest—how much of this is bearing fruit? We’re too often wrapped in the warm, comfortable blanket of “how we’ve always done it,” forgetting that comfort isn’t the goal—discipleship is. And discipleship is not the same as pew sitting membership!

Here’s the hard truth: If we keep doing church the way we’ve always done it, we’ll keep getting the same results we’ve always gotten. And let’s face it, those results aren’t cutting it. Look around. Are our churches filled with the lost, the broken, the desperate souls we’re called to reach? Or are they filled with empty seats and stagnant faith? If we want to see change, we need to change first.

Don’t be delusional!

But we’re making progress! is a line I hear from time to time. Sure, maybe your attendance numbers are steady, maybe your programs are running smoothly. But is that the kind of progress Christ called us to? Or are we just busy maintaining the status quo, confusing busyness with real kingdom impact?

I don’t want to burst your bubble here but true progress isn’t about keeping the church doors open. It’s about opening the doors of our hearts and minds to new ways of reaching the lost, discipling believers, and transforming our communities. It’s about stepping out in faith, even when it feels uncomfortable and even dangerous, and trusting that God will meet us in the unknown.

If we’re not constantly evaluating and adjusting our approach, if we’re not willing to disrupt our routines for the sake of the gospel, we’ll find ourselves far from the vibrant, living body of Christ we’re meant to be.

If your goal doesn’t need God, it’s not big enough.

Thinking bigger isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a divine mandate. We serve a God who is infinitely creative, who specializes in doing new things (Isaiah 43:19). If we’re not willing to think bigger, to dream beyond our current limitations, we’re limiting God’s work in and through us. And frankly we’re dreaming man size dreams in a God sized world.

Ask yourself—and your church—some tough questions. What have we been avoiding because it feels too risky? What traditions have we clung to, not because they’re effective, but because they’re comfortable? What new methods, new ideas, new visions have we dismissed because they didn’t fit our comfortable way of doing things?

God is calling us to break free from the mold, to challenge the status quo, and to step into a new level of faith. If we’re not willing to do that, we’re not just stagnating; we’re disobeying the call to go into all the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).

One small step for man…

The unknown is scary. It’s like standing on the edge of a cliff, wondering if you’ll survive the leap. But here’s the thing: The church isn’t called to play it safe. We’re called to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). And faith doesn’t thrive in the familiar; it grows in the unknown. When those men stepped off the shuttle for the first time, it was the largest small step anyone could ever take.

Every time we choose comfort over calling, tradition over transformation, we’re choosing to stay small. But when we take a step of faith, when we’re willing to leave the safety of the boat and walk on water, that’s when we see God move in miraculous ways.

If we keep doing church the way we’ve always done it, we’ll keep getting the same results we’ve always gotten. But if we’re willing to think bigger, take risks, and to embrace the unknown, we’ll see God do things we never imagined.

The church doesn’t need more people who are content with the status quo. We need committed disciples who are willing to challenge the norm, to dream bigger dreams, and to step out in bold faith. Stop settling for the same old results. Start living out the kind of radical, world-changing faith that Jesus modeled.

Because the only thing that’s truly insane is thinking the church can stay the same and somehow, magically, fulfill its mission in a changing world.

Renovating the Church

So it’s time for some tough love. The church is facing a crisis not because the message of the Gospel has lost its power, but because we’ve gotten too comfortable with the way we’ve always done it. Imagine the Church as a house. The foundation and framing—the Word of God and the core principles Jesus laid down—are solid. But let’s be real, some of the internal walls are blocking the flow, making the place feel stuffy and uninviting. It’s time for a renovation. Let’s tear down some walls, open up the space, and let the fresh wind of the Spirit breathe new life into our congregations.

Leave the Foundation

First, let’s be clear: we’re not touching the foundation. The Bible, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the love of God—these are non-negotiable. They are the bedrock upon which our faith stands. But just like a house built in the 1950s, our systems—the way we do church—need updating. We’re talking about moving some walls around to create a space that works for today’s world, which is vastly changing day after day.

We often do one of two things when we starting talking renovation. We mess with the foundation, which is NOT what we’re talking about. We are not talking about changing the structural elements of the faith. And we’re also not just looking at putting a new coat of paint on the walls or adding a few pictures and moving the furniture. The change needs to be significant enough to make a difference but not detrimental to the structure of who we are.

Outdated Systems, Outdated Mindsets

For too long, we’ve clung to traditions that no longer serve their purpose. Programs that once brought life are now lifeless. Ministries that once thrived are now just going through the motions. It’s like living in a house with a beautiful exterior but a cramped, dark interior. It’s time to knock down some walls!

When my family and I moved to our current home, we loved the outside. We loved the quality of the build. We loved the fact that it wasn’t a new build and had some great character. But we also knew that the way it was divided inside wasn’t going to work for us for long. The kitchen was pretty tiny and totally separate from all living spaces. You were pretty much in a dungeon when cooking. We like to entertain and this layout was not inviting at all. So we knocked out some walls. They no longer served their purpose. They were obstructions to a way of life that would allow us to welcome people to our home and have great conversations around food and fellowship.

I’m not going to tell you what walls need moved in your context. That’s not up to me. I don’t know your culture. I don’t know the values of your congregation. I don’t know the way the people in your community receive the best. What follows are a few ideas of some walls that might need to be taken down or relocated. Starting with a solid set of core values and extremely clear mission/vision make this process way easier! If this is something you need help navigating hit me up! I have access to some proven strategies that provide immense clarity and unity in a congregation when it comes to values discovery and a great way to look at vision.

Walls to Consider

  1. Worship Services: Do the times, styles, length of the services hinder people from connecting? Do you use language people understand? Is the message clear and concise when communicated? These are just a few questions to address when looking at the walls that our worship services put up for people new to the church.
  2. Community Engagement: The church isn’t a building; it’s a community or family to use a more biblical image. We need to move the walls that separate the people inside the church from the rest of the world. Host events that serve the needs of your community, be present in local schools, and partner with other organizations. Show the love of Christ in tangible ways. What parts of the way you approach ministry are hindering people from connecting to the life-giving message of the Gospel? Those walls probably need to come down.
  3. Discipleship: Sunday school is great, but it’s not enough. It’s time we create more intimate settings for discipleship. Small groups, mentorship programs, and discipleship triads can deepen faith in ways that a large group setting just can’t. Move the walls that keep people from forming real, authentic relationships. This is a hard one because for many congregations, Sunday School is the way it’s always been done. Asking a church to rethink their Sunday School approach is received like you just asked them to burn down the worship space. Sunday School worked when it worked, but is it still working? Maybe it is, and if so great! But if not you might need to take that wall down.
  4. Leadership: The old model of a single pastor doing everything is unsustainable. It’s time to move those walls and share the load. Empower lay leaders, encourage team ministry, and build a leadership structure that supports growth and innovation. Boards and committees often stifle the movement of the church locally. Tying decision making to meetings stops movement. Widen the lanes of authority so the people doing the work can make decisions. Which means we also have to let people do the work! Completely professionalizing the ministry has become a huge wall that is stopping the spread of the gospel in many communities. This wall is one that in many contexts really needs to be addressed.

Embrace the Change

I know mixing metaphors is a bad idea but I’m going to do it anyway. If someone in Texas needs a hole dug on their land, it’s not going to help them if I dig a deeper hole in Ohio. When we double down on the way we’ve always done it, it’s like digging a deeper hole to help someone far away. Instead of digging a deeper hole, we need to find a way to get to where they are or at least get them a better shovel so they don’t have to dig with their hands.

I know renovating a house is messy, inconvenient, and often frustrating. But the result is a space that feels like home—a place where people want to be. The same goes for the church. Change is hard. It will upset some people. But staying stuck in outdated systems is not an option. We must be bold, courageous, and willing to take risks for the sake of the Gospel.

Friends, it’s time for a renovation. The foundation is firm, but some of the walls need to move. Let’s create a space that reflects the dynamic, life-giving power of the Gospel. Let’s be a church that not only honors the past but also embraces the possibilities before us. The world is waiting. Let’s show them what a renovated, reimagined church looks like. It’s time to get to work.

Two Key Questions

There are two key questions that we all need to consider. We love to answer one but often fail to even consider the other. Now I could string this along and really agitate you but that wouldn’t be nice, so here are the two questions. Then we’ll talk about them.

Are we going to believe Jesus? And are we going to obey Jesus?

The first one seems to be the easy one. We don’t really have a problem with this question. We’ll read our bible and go to church. We’ll say we love him and value how much he loves us. We’ll teach the stories in the Bible to our children and read them to our grandchildren.

Believing in Jesus isn’t really a hard thing, especially for those who call themselves Christians. After all it’s kind of what being a Christian is about right?

I’m going to push back on that a little as we look at the second question. I don’t think believing Jesus is the crux of being a Christian. I think there are people who believe Jesus and yet don’t really get it. Believing is part of the equation but it’s not the point.

One of my favorite bible verses is from Matthew 28. It’s been called the Great Commission by church goers for centuries. It’s the passage where Jesus commissions the disciples and the church to make disciples. We split hairs over which words in the great commission are command style words, imperatives for all you grammar people. Is it supposed to be go and make disciples or while you are going make disciples? That’s a really good question but I don’t think that’s the point either.

One command in that verse is to make disciples. The rest of the verse is really about where and how we go about doing it. This is where we move to our second question – are we going to obey Jesus?

Believing Jesus is one thing, but obeying is a totally different ball game! Remember that great commission thing? Going into the world, make disciples of all nations…yeah read on just a few more words. Jesus goes on to say how we do this.

Not only is there this whole baptism thing, which we won’t spend time on here, but then there’s the next phrase. Teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. It’s right there – obey. It’s not teaching them to know all that I have commanded. He didn’t tell us to memorize large chunks of the Bible, although that isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s just not the point. The point is to teach them how to obey what the Bible says.

Obedience to the message of Jesus is what the life of the Christian should be all about. And our lack of obedience to the message of Jesus is often what gets the church in some hot water in the world. Another way to say this is that people rarely have a problem with Jesus. It’s Jesus’ people who are the problem.

I have plenty of friends on Facebook who are pretty open about their stance against Christians. What I think is so sad is the things they’re upset about are things Jesus would likely be upset about too. So often the way we live out our belief is a turn off for those who don’t really know the heart of Jesus.

The question about belief is important. For sure you need to believe the things of Jesus! But if you’re going to say you believe it, then you had better start acting like it has made a difference in your life.

You can’t half way the Christian life. It doesn’t work that way. Jesus says in the book of Revelation that either be hot for him or cold against but lukewarm (aka halfway) is vomit worthy. Yup Jesus is NOT ok with the lukewarm Christian because they aren’t really his followers!

One place where I see this belief but lack of obedience on full display is when we judge the world around us while we have our own baggage that needs addressing. Jesus talks about that too.

He says that we should take care of the boulder in our own eye before trying to nit pick at the speck in our brothers eye. Look there are problems in the world all around us. There’s no questions about that at all! But if we spend time working on the way we obey the message of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus, then we won’t need to worry as much about what words we have to say when talking about our faith. They’ll just see it right there in full frontal form.

So the two questions we all need to address – Do we believe in Jesus? And equally important are we going to obey the teachings of Jesus? This is a really great place for the follower of Jesus to start.

The Call to Radical Generosity

Generosity. It’s a word that gets tossed around like confetti, but how many of us actually live it out in a way that shakes the foundations of our comfortable lives? You probably want to hold onto something because we’re about to take a hard look at why generosity isn’t just a nice idea —it’s a radical, non-negotiable command straight from the mouth of Jesus.

Love in Action

First off, let’s get something straight: generosity isn’t about dropping a few coins in the offering plate and patting ourselves on the back. True generosity is rooted in love—the kind of love that Jesus demonstrated when He gave up everything for us. We’ve heard of John 3:16. The whole gospel in a nutshell passage. In it we read, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” Did you see it? God gave. Generosity is love in action, and for Christians, love is the core of our faith. If we’re not living generously, are we truly living out our faith?

The Gospel is Giving

The Gospel is all about giving. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). He didn’t cling to His divine privileges but emptied Himself for our sake (Philippians 2:6-7). As Christians, we’re called to mirror this selfless generosity. It’s not optional either. It’s the very heartbeat of the Gospel.

When we live generously, we reflect Christ’s character to a world that desperately needs to see it. We become walking, talking billboards for the transformative power of the Gospel. It’s about time we started living up to that calling, don’t you think?

Counter Cultural Living

We live in a culture that screams, “More! More! More!” It’s all about accumulating wealth, power, and stuff. Consumerism anyone?

But Jesus flips the script. In Matthew 6:19-21, He tells us not to store up treasures on earth, but to store up treasures in heaven. Why? Because where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. Generosity is a powerful weapon against the relentless grip of materialism. It breaks the chains of greed and selfishness that bind us and then frees us to live with open hands and hearts.

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Radical generosity doesn’t just change the lives of those on the receiving end; it transforms the giver, too. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” When we give freely and joyfully, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose. We’re tapping into the very essence of what it means to be human—you know the whole created in the image of a generous God idea.

Let’s Get Practical

Enough with the theory. Let’s get down to brass tacks. Here are four practical steps to start living generously today:

  1. Evaluate Your Priorities: Where are you spending your time, energy, relational capacity and even material goods? If your priorities don’t reflect a generous spirit, it’s time for a change.
  2. Give Regularly and Spontaneously: Set aside a portion of your income to give regularly to your church or favorite charity. But don’t stop there—look for spontaneous opportunities to bless others. Buy a meal for a stranger, donate to a special project at your local church, or simply offer your time to someone in need.
  3. Live Simply: The less you’re attached to material possessions, the more freely you can give. Simplify your life and use the extra resources to make a difference.
  4. Engage Your Community: Get involved in your local community. Volunteer at shelters, join service projects, and be present where there is need. Your presence can be just as valuable as your material assets.

Step Up and Stand Out

Generosity isn’t a feel-good add-on to the Christian life; it’s part of the core of what it means to follow Jesus. It’s time to step up and stand out. Let’s stop blending in with a culture obsessed with getting and start living out the radical generosity that Jesus modeled for us. The world is watching. Let’s give them something worth seeing.

The Ant’s Way

Do you want to be more productive? Let me guess—you’ve read every article, bought every planner, and tried every app, but you’re still not getting things done. What if I told you that the secret to productivity isn’t some shiny new tool, but a simple lesson from an ant? Yes, an ant. Stick with me here and it’ll all make sense.

The Power of One Grain

Imagine an ant. It’s tiny, almost insignificant on its own. But this little creature can build massive anthills, one grain of sand at a time. Each grain might seem as if it’s nothing, but when you consider the relentless effort, the continued collection, that something massive and intricate is created. This is the lesson: productivity is about consistent, even small actions compounded over time. Forget the big picture for a moment. Focus on the grains.

Why You’re Failing

Here’s the harsh truth: you’re not failing because you lack talent or resources. You’re failing because you’re not acting like an ant. You’re overwhelmed by the mountain of tasks in front of you, so you freeze. You think about the entire anthill instead of the next grain of sand. The result? Paralysis by analysis. If you can’t get it all done at once, you don’t do anything.

Embrace the Grind

It’s time to wake up! Productivity isn’t glamorous. It’s not Instagram-worthy planners or color-coded to-do lists. It’s about grinding, day in and day out, doing the small, monotonous tasks that inch you closer to your goals. An ant doesn’t question the process. It doesn’t complain. It simply works.

Want to write a book? Don’t focus on the 80,000 words needed before publishing. Focus on writing 500 words today. Want to get fit? Don’t think about the six-pack abs or the 30 lbs you have to lose. Think about doing your workout today. Want to start a business? Don’t obsess over the million-dollar idea. Focus on the one task you can complete right now.

The Compound Effect

Here’s the magic: those small, consistent actions add up. Just like the ant’s grains of sand eventually create an anthill, your daily actions can create massive results over time. But it won’t work if you don’t take the first step. This is the compound effect in action. Small actions, repeated consistently, lead to exponential growth.

Let’s break it down:

  1. Daily Writing: Write 500 words a day. In a year, that’s 182,500 words. That’s not just one book; that could be two or three.
  2. Daily Exercise: Spend 30 minutes working out each day. In a year, that’s 182.5 hours of exercise. That’s a lot of calories burned, muscles built, and health gained.
  3. Daily Learning: Read 10 pages of a book each day. In a year, that’s 3,650 pages. That’s like reading 12-15 books a year. Think about the knowledge you’ll gain.

Stop Waiting for Motivation

I’ve heard it before, I want to do the work but I’m just waiting for the right motivation. Here’s a reality check: motivation is overrated. It’s fleeting, unreliable, and a lousy foundation for productivity. Ants don’t wait for motivation. They don’t need a pep talk to get moving. They just do what needs to be done.

Stop coddling yourself with the excuse of needing to “feel like it.” Productivity is a habit, not a feeling. Create a routine and stick to it. Show up every day, no matter what. The ant doesn’t take a day off because it’s tired or uninspired. Neither should you.

Be Relentless

Life will throw obstacles your way. You’ll face setbacks, distractions, and failures. But if you adopt the ant’s relentless mindset, you’ll keep moving forward. When an ant’s path is blocked, it doesn’t give up. It finds another way. It’s time for you to do the same.

Lost your job? Use the time to learn new skills and network. Project failed? Analyze what went wrong and try again. Too busy? Reevaluate your priorities and make time for what matters. There’s always a way, but you have to be relentless.

Final Thoughts

So, are you ready to be productive? Are you ready to embrace the ant’s way? It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be glamorous. But it’s going to be worth it. Start today. Pick up your grain of sand. Do the small actions consistently. You can build your anthill, one grain at a time.

Remember, it’s not about the big moves. It’s about the tiny, relentless actions. Be the ant. Get to work. And watch as you transform your productivity and your life, one grain at a time.

Trust is Built in the Shadow of Fear

Fear is a natural response to uncertainty, danger, and the unknown. Yet, it is often in the shadow of fear that trust is most profoundly built. This truth is vividly illustrated in two biblical accounts: Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4 and Jesus walking on water in Matthew 14.

In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus and His disciples are crossing the Sea of Galilee when a furious storm arises. The disciples, many of whom were experienced fishermen, are terrified. Waves crash into the boat, and it begins to fill with water. In their panic, they wake Jesus, who is asleep on a cushion. “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” they cry. Jesus rises, rebukes the wind, and commands the waves, “Peace! Be still!” Immediately, the wind dies down, and there is complete calm. Then Jesus asks, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Similarly, in Matthew 14:22-33, the disciples are again on the Sea of Galilee, but this time without Jesus, who has stayed behind to pray. As night falls, a strong wind begins to beat against the boat. Early in the morning, Jesus comes strolling past them, walking on the water. The disciples are terrified, thinking they he is a ghost. But Jesus immediately reassures them, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Peter, boldly yet I’d assume somewhat fearfully, replies, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus invites, and Peter steps out of the boat. As he walks on water, he becomes aware of the wind and waves, and fear overtakes him. Beginning to sink, he cries out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reaches out His hand and catches him. “You of little faith,” He says, “why did you doubt?”

These stories reveal some deep lessons about fear and trust. In both, the disciples face circumstances that are beyond their control, which brings fear and panic. Yet, it is in these moments of fear that their trust in Jesus is formed and even deepened.

The disciples’ fear in the storm and Peter’s fear as he walks on water are met with Jesus’ calm authority and reassurance. Jesus does not abandon them in their fear; instead, He demonstrates His power over the very elements that threaten them. His questions, “Why are you so afraid?” and “Why did you doubt?” challenge them to recognize that fear and faith are interconnected. It is through experiencing fear that they have the opportunity to grow in their trust of Jesus.

Trust is not built in the absence of fear but in the very pressure it presents. When we face our fears, we are given the opportunity to rely on God more fully. Just as the disciples learned to trust Jesus through the storms, we too can learn to trust Him in the trials of our daily lives. Fear can drive us to doubt and despair, or it can be the catalyst for a deeper, more robust faith.

In moments of fear, remember the disciples’ experiences. Jesus is with us in our storms, calling us to trust Him. He may calm the storm or calm us so that we can walk through it, but His presence is our peace. As we look to Jesus in the midst of our fears, we build trust in the One who commands the wind and waves, the One who reaches out His hand to save us. Trust is indeed built in the shadow of fear, for it is in the our fears that we most vividly realize our need for God’s unwavering presence and power.

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