living for eternity today

Tag: Faith (Page 3 of 16)

The Perfect Gift

Have you ever tried to measure the love in that perfect Christmas gift? A handmade scarf shows thoughtfulness. A heartfelt card brings tears. But God’s love? That one is immeasurable.

Paul prays that we’d grasp the width, length, height, and depth of Christ’s love—a love so vast it can’t fit under the tree. It’s a love that crosses the galaxies to meet you in your living room, a love that fills every empty corner of your heart.

This Advent, let Christ’s love fill you to overflowing. It’s not just a gift to receive but one to share generously with others.

Reflection: Where do you see God’s love at work in your life this Advent season?

Application: Love big! Go out of your way to show someone they’re deeply loved by God—and by you.


The shepherds were the night-shift workers of ancient Israel—ordinary folks doing an ordinary job. But on that first Christmas night, angels filled the sky with a message just for them: “A Savior has been born to you!” Imagine their awe as heaven’s choir sang a private concert just for them.

Those common, ordinary, anything but significant shepherds were the first to hear of the amazing news of the birth of Jesus. How great is it that God didn’t choose the elite or the high powered but instead the humble and lowly! Sure gives me a chance!

And the shepherds didn’t stay in their fields either. They dropped everything, ran to Bethlehem, and found Jesus lying in a manger. It was exactly as the angels told them. Their love for the newborn King couldn’t be contained—they shared the good news with everyone they met.

This season, let’s follow their example. Let’s look beyond the outward trappings and see the heart of those around us. And when love bursts into your life, you can’t help but share it!

Reflection: Who needs to hear the good news of Jesus from you this Advent?

Application: Love isn’t meant to be bottled up. Let your joy overflow in conversations, hugs, and maybe even a Christmas card.

For the Love of Christmas

If Christmas had a tagline, it might be John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.” Talk about the ultimate gift exchange! God didn’t give us something small or temporary—He gave His best, Jesus, to bring us back to Him.

And here’s the kicker: Jesus didn’t come to condemn the world but to save it. That’s a part of the story we often leave out. We love that he came to save us, but often act as if he came to have us condemn the world around us. Not cool friends!

Imagine a Christmas where everyone gets a second chance—a fresh start wrapped in the love of God. That’s what Jesus offered you and what he calls us to offer one another.

This season, as you wrap gifts and share cookies, remember the greatest gift of all: God’s extravagant love, packaged in a manger and delivered to your heart.

Reflection: How can you reflect God’s love to others this Christmas?

Application: Spread the love! A smile, a kind word, or an act of generosity could be just the gift someone needs.


The psalmist describes waiting for the Lord “more than watchmen wait for the morning.” This waiting is like when I was a kid staring at the clock, waiting for Christmas morning. I couldn’t take the waiting. The anticipation was electric!

Advent is about leaning into that expectancy, knowing God is on His way. Just like the sunrise is certain, so is God’s faithfulness. This season, wait actively—pray, hope, and trust that He will meet you right where you are, right when you need Him to be there.

Reflection: What are you most eager to see God do in your life?

Application: Don’t just wait—watch! God’s best surprises often arrive when we least expect them.

It’s In The Waiting

Christmas wouldn’t be the same without the waiting. The cookies need baking, the decorations need hanging, and those shipping delays—ugh! Similarly, God’s timing often feels slow, but Peter reminds us: “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise.”

I’m not the most patient person in the world. Actually I’m not very patient at all. But Advent is a great reminder that even though we have to wait, God’s “slow” is never late. Advent is about trusting God’s timing. Just as Jesus came at the perfect moment in history, God’s promises to you are always on schedule.

Reflection: Where in your life do you need to trust God’s timing?

Application: This Advent, rest in the truth that God is never in a rush or ever late, but He’s always right on time.

The American Church Needs a New Reformation

Something is wrong with the American church.

Just look around. Our pews are emptying, not filling. Our younger generations are leaving, not staying. In a world desperate for truth, love, and purpose, we’re offering shallow programs, culture wars, and clichés. We preach grace but practice judgment. We sing about God’s power while hoarding human control. The gap between the Jesus of the Bible and the Christianity we practice has grown so wide it threatens to swallow us whole.

We need a new Reformation.

The original Reformation in the early 1500s, led by Martin Luther and several others, exposed how far the church had strayed from the gospel. At its core the Reformation was a cry to return to Scripture and reclaim God’s authority. They dealt with issues of indulgences (selling of forgiveness) and excessive emphasis on paying for salvation with good deeds and with money.

Today, the issue isn’t selling indulgences; it’s peddling irrelevance. We’ve exchanged the radical call of Jesus to love God and neighbor for cheap entertainment, partisan politics, and a consumer mindset.

We’ve turned church into a product—marketed, polished, and packaged to please the masses. And when people inevitably see through the facade, they leave. Some leave the faith altogether. Others leave for churches that embrace authenticity, however messy it may be.

The Weight of Our Failure

This is where the pain sets in. We’re not just losing attendees; we’re losing credibility. The broader culture sees the church as judgmental, hypocritical, and frankly out of touch. How can we blame them? We preach about the sanctity of life while ignoring the cries of the marginalized. We talk about Jesus’ love but fail to embody that love in our own homes, neighborhoods, and communities.

It’s easy to point fingers at the culture for abandoning Christian values. But maybe the culture didn’t abandon us. Maybe we abandoned the Jesus they need to see.

This is bigger than declining numbers or shrinking influence. It’s about souls. People are walking away from the hope of Jesus because they don’t see it in us.

The good news? Reformation isn’t about destruction; it’s about renewal. The first Reformation didn’t burn the church to the ground. It called it back to its foundation. Today’s Reformation must do the exact same thing.

We don’t need better branding. We need deeper discipleship. We don’t need bigger buildings. We need communities that feel like family. And we certainly don’t need more culture wars. We need to take up the only war Jesus called us to fight: against sin, darkness, and injustice.

This new Reformation must start with humility. The American church doesn’t need a PR strategy; it needs repentance. Let’s confess where we’ve put comfort over calling, self-righteousness over servanthood, and fear over faith.

The church also needs courage. The truth is, a reformed church won’t make everyone happy. But our goal isn’t to please people; it’s to glorify God. Let’s have the guts to challenge the idols we’ve built in His name—idols of politics, tradition, and power.

A reformed church could be a breathtaking force for good. Imagine churches known for their generosity, not their greed. Imagine Christians famous for their kindness, not their outrage. Imagine communities transformed because the love of Jesus shines so brightly that people can’t help but be drawn to it.

We’ve seen glimpses of this throughout history. The early church grew because it loved so radically that outsiders said, “See how they love one another!” The Wesleyan revival in England led to societal reforms that changed the nation. The Jesus Movement of the 70s brought countless young people to faith.

God isn’t done with His church. But He’s waiting for us to stop clinging to the past and start embracing His future.

The new Reformation won’t come from church growth seminars or celebrity pastors. It will come from ordinary Christians rediscovering what it means to follow Jesus. It will come from pastors bold enough to preach the gospel and lead with integrity. It will come when we stop playing church and start being the church.

Let’s not wait for someone else to start it. Revival begins in hearts, homes, and local congregations like yours and mine. Let’s pray for it. Let’s work for it. Let’s believe for it.

The world doesn’t need more American Christianity. It needs more Jesus. Are we ready to give it to them?

Hope for the Nations

Imagine the darkest night you’ve ever experienced. The sun has set. The moon isn’t shining. The stars are mysteriously absent. Now picture a sunrise bursting across the horizon, chasing away every shadow. Not just any sunrise either. This is the fastest, most complete sunrise you can imagine. Dark to full sunshine in the blink of an eye. That’s what Isaiah describes when he says, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.” Jesus is that light!

Isaiah prophesied about a child born to bring peace, justice, and righteousness to the world. And boy did they need it! Israel had fallen into the hands of foreign nations over and over again. They went their own way, walking away from God’s command, only to find themselves in a pile of…well you know. This wasn’t just good news for Israel—it’s for everyone!

The promise of light breaking into the darkness was for all people, not just those who were part of Israel. The season of Advent reminds us that Jesus’ love shines far beyond our little corner of the world. It shines through us into every relationship we have.

Reflection: How can you be a “light” to those around you this Advent season?

Application: Let’s reflect Christ’s light through acts of kindness, making the world a little brighter.

Foreshadowing Christmas

The very first Christmas promise wasn’t made to Mary or Joseph—it was whispered in Eden’s garden! Right after Adam and Eve ate that one fruit they were told not to eat, God declared war on the serpent, saying the offspring of the woman would crush the serpent’s head. That promise planted a seed of hope in the darkest moment of history.

Advent is a time of waiting. It’s like waiting for Christmas morning as a kid. You know the presents are there, but you have to wait to unwrap them! God’s promise of a Savior was the ultimate gift, wrapped in prophecy and fulfilled in Jesus. This season, remember that the Savior’s arrival was promised long before Bethlehem, showing us God’s perfect plan, perfect time and perfectly executed rescue.

Reflection: What “wrapped up” promises of God are you waiting to see fulfilled in your life?

Application: Trust that God always keeps His promises, even when the wait feels long.

A Thanksgiving Transformation

Gratitude has an incredible way of reshaping how we see the world. When we take the time to give thanks, our perspective shifts from what we lack to what we have, from what’s wrong to what’s right. In a culture that constantly tells us we need more—more success, more possessions, more accolades—thanksgiving refocuses our hearts toward contentment and opens our eyes to God’s daily work in our lives.

This isn’t just some feel-good idea. It’s a core biblical truth. In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul writes, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Did you catch that? Thanksgiving leads to peace. When we cultivate gratitude, it doesn’t mean all our problems disappear, but it does change how we approach them. Instead of fixating on our challenges, we become more aware of God’s provision, faithfulness, and presence.

This shift in focus isn’t just some ethereal spiritual exercise. It’s actually transformative. When we’re thankful, we begin to see life through a different lens—one that highlights God’s blessings, both big and small. It’s easy to notice the obvious gifts, like family, friends, or answered prayers. But thanksgiving also helps us recognize the quieter blessings: the sunrise that greeted us this morning, the strength to face another day, or the peace that carried us through a storm we didn’t think we’d survive.

The more we practice gratitude, the more attuned we become to what God is doing in our lives. Suddenly, moments that might have seemed mundane take on new meaning. The kindness of a stranger feels like God’s hand at work. The resolution of a small problem becomes a reminder of His care. Thanksgiving trains our hearts to see the sacred in the ordinary, and in doing so, it draws us closer to God.

This closeness is the foundation for spiritual growth. As we acknowledge God’s goodness, our trust in Him deepens. We’re reminded of His faithfulness in the past, which strengthens our faith for the future. Thanksgiving also keeps us humble, grounding us in the truth that every good and perfect gift comes from above (James 1:17).

But gratitude isn’t automatic; it’s a choice. It requires intentionality, especially when life feels hard. On those days when thanksgiving doesn’t come naturally, we can still choose to start small. Write down three things you’re thankful for each day. Speak a prayer of gratitude before you get out of bed in the morning. Keep a journal of God’s faithfulness, and revisit it when doubt creeps in.

The more you practice being thankful, the more gratitude will become a habit. And as it does, you’ll find yourself more in tune with God’s presence and purposes in your life. Thanksgiving is more than a holiday; it’s a powerful spiritual discipline. It sets the stage for joy, peace, and growth, transforming not just how we see life, but how we live it.

This week, pause and give thanks—not just for what you have, but for who God is. You’ll be amazed at how He uses that gratitude to transform your heart and draw you closer to Him.

More Than A Table

Thanksgiving is a time to gather around a table filled with food, family, and tradition. But beyond the turkey and pie, there’s something sacred about the act of sharing a meal. For Christians, the table has always been a place where God’s blessings are celebrated and His provision is remembered.

Throughout the Bible, the table is more than a simple piece of furniture—it’s a symbol of God’s faithfulness. In the Old Testament, we see the Israelites celebrating feasts like Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, meals rich with meaning and reminders of God’s deliverance and provision. These table gatherings weren’t just about eating; they were acts of worship, opportunities to reflect on what God had done and to anticipate His promises yet to come.

In the New Testament, Jesus took the symbolism of the table even further. He often used meals to teach, heal, and connect with others. Whether feeding the 5,000 with loaves and fish or breaking bread with His disciples at the Last Supper, Jesus made the table a place of grace and abundance.

This is why the Thanksgiving table can be so much more than a family tradition. It’s an opportunity to recognize the abundance of blessings God has poured into our lives—not just the food on our plates, but the people around us, the memories we’ve made, and the hope we have in Jesus.

It’s also a chance to reflect on how we can extend that abundance to others. Just as God’s blessings were never meant to stop with the Israelites or with us, our tables can become places of welcome and generosity. Who might God be inviting you to welcome to your table this year? A neighbor who lives alone? A family member who feels out of place? A friend going through a difficult season?

The beauty of the Thanksgiving table is that it reminds us of a greater feast to come—the heavenly banquet described in Revelation, where every tribe, tongue, and nation will gather in the presence of God. That ultimate table will be a celebration of God’s abundant grace and the fulfillment of every one of His promises.

Until then, our earthly tables can serve as sneak peaks into that heavenly feast. When we sit down to share a meal, we participate in a rhythm that connects us to the past, present, and future work of God. We remember His provision in the wilderness, celebrate His presence in our lives today, and look forward to the day when His Kingdom will be fully realized.

So this Thanksgiving, as you set the table and fill your plates, take a moment to pause. Look at the faces gathered with you, and give thanks to the One who makes it all possible. Let your gratitude overflow into acts of kindness and hospitality, turning your table into a place of blessing for others.

Because at its heart, Thanksgiving isn’t just about what we have—it’s about the God who gives it all. And when we acknowledge Him as the source of every blessing, our tables become sacred spaces where His love is shared and His name is glorified.

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

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