living for eternity today

Tag: Faith (Page 11 of 15)

Submission, Love, & Life

This week we took another chunk of Paul’s letter to the church of the Colossians. Up until this point we’ve seen Paul tell us to follow Christ. He’s been pretty specific about how important it is to follow but pretty abstract about what that looks like in our day to day lives. Here in Colossians 3:18-4:1 he takes time to break this down and applies it to our most critical life relationships.

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Borrow (One Day At A Time)

Anxiety! Worry! Fear! Stress! They’re everywhere! Just turn the corner and a new mountain of tasks mounts on yoru desk and another pile of to-do’s is added to your list. Then consider back to school, extracurriculars, keeping the house organized, the big project at work, Christmas is really not that far away, volunteer hours, and the list goes on and on. It’s almost like there’s just too much worry to be able to healthily manage our day to day affairs!

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What Do You Believe About Sin?

This week we’ll begin a new series on the blog about belief. Knowing what we believe is critical. So often however we float through life simply going through the motions. In a recent study, random passers-by were asked what they believed about a variety of faith matters. In the next several weeks we’ll cover this list of beliefs, what many believe and what the bible teaches about these beliefs.  Continue reading

Call It Grace

There’s something about being a follower of Jesus that just doesn’t make sense to many people. Maybe you’re one of them. I get it. If I’m looking at it with my simple eyes, it just doesn’t make sense. I mean really. The foundation of the Christian faith is Jesus and his death and resurrection. Think about it for just half a second. Who does that? Who could believe that a man would willingly die that kind of death for people he’d never even met?! It’s craziness! And that says nothing about raising from the dead!?! Continue reading


Ok so confession time. I’m a control freak. I love to know where things are going. I try to predict the future as often as I can. Not in that weird fortune-teller with a glass ball sort of way but I try to foresee problems and make a plan to overcome. I’m one of those type “A” personalities that probably is more of an “A+” at times! But sometimes we need to just let go of the wheel of our lives.  Continue reading

Punishment or Discipline?

I believe the one largest question I receive as a pastor is why is God doing this to me? Another form of this question is what did I do wrong? Why is God punishing me? I get it. I’ll admit sometimes it’s easy to view some of life’s less happy moments as punishment. It’s easy to see the illness, marital struggle, rebellious children, job struggles, financial crises or whatever your personal storm as a punishment from God for something we did wrong. But quite frankly this just isn’t how God operates and to be totally honest it goes completely contrary to the message of who God is.  Continue reading

Run Devil Run

A couple of realities are worth discussing this morning. First the devil is real. You may or may not believe it but it’s true. The devil in the bible has been described as the father of lies. The whole purpose of the devil is to lead you to believe something that just isn’t quite true. Parts of it may sound appealing but I can assure you that if it comes from the devil – it’s a lie. Continue reading

Two Really Big Words

Church Words Wordle

I’ll be the first to admit it. In church-topia we have our own dialect. Sometimes you walk through the doors of a church building on a Sunday morning and it’s like you’ve entered a foreign country. You hear all kinds of things that are just not part of everyday speech. Actually some of the things we do in a worship service are a bit confusing but that’s a topic for another time. Continue reading

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