living for eternity today
Chapter three brings us face to face with a powerful word: intentionality. Nothing in the life of faith happens by accident. The sooner we realize that fact, the better off we’ll be. We don’t accidentally follow Christ faithfully. We don’t accidentally share our faith lives with other people. We must be intentional about how, when, where, why and what we share with people where we live, work, and play. Continue reading
The author suggests, and I completely agree, that we’ve all too often lost our desire for more of God. Think about it for a minute. It’s like we just know what’s coming. There’s no adventure left in our walk with God. We just have grown comfortable with the bible and what it has to teach us because we’ve heard that before. Continue reading
While driving home from vacation a few weeks ago, I had the chance to listen to The Message on Sirius/XM. They were having one of their artist spotlights. As I listened to the story behind the song, I began to think that these songs all tell stories about our daily lives. For the next several weeks we’ll look at some of the more popular songs that tell a story about our day-to-day lives. Continue reading
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