living for eternity today

Tag: disciple (Page 27 of 31)

The Alongsider Prays

Alongsider DiscipleshipOver the past couple of weeks we’ve been working our way through a book titled The Ways of The Alongsider: Growing Disciples Life2Life by Bill Mowry. Bill is a friend of mine whose passion is to see people grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and to live out his way of life everyday. The idea of an Alongsider might be an uncommon thought to some of us, but he does a great job detailing at the outset of the book. Then as we moved deeper into our understanding of what an Alongsider was we hit two topics of great importance to discipleship: A Way of Life and Intentionality. Continue reading

Alongsider – Intentionality Matters

In this series titled the Alongsider, we’ve been Alongsider Discipleshipjourneying through a book by Bill Mowry titled The Ways of the Alongsider: Growing Disciples Life2Life. The first chapter of the book really sets the stage for what this idea of an alongside really is. We also talk about the different between professionals and amateurs. The second chapter deals primarily with developing a passion for the ways of God and making this life of discipleship a true lifestyle.

Chapter three brings us face to face with a powerful word: intentionality. Nothing in the life of faith happens by accident. The sooner we realize that fact, the better off we’ll be. We don’t accidentally follow Christ faithfully. We don’t accidentally share our faith lives with other people. We must be intentional about how, when, where, why and what we share with people where we live, work, and play.  Continue reading

Alongsider – A Way of Life

Last week we started with the idea of an amateurAlongsider Discipleship being a lover of things. You can read that post here. This week we’re going to look at this discipleship idea as a personal way of life. Remember, most of the time we talk about discipleship as a program or process that occurs in other; but an alongsider can only come alongside you as far as they’ve already gone.

The author suggests, and I completely agree, that we’ve all too often lost our desire for more of God. Think about it for a minute. It’s like we just know what’s coming. There’s no adventure left in our walk with God. We just have grown comfortable with the bible and what it has to teach us because we’ve heard that before.  Continue reading

Ways of the Alongsider

Alongsider DiscipleshipDiscipleship is all the rave in the church these days. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books on the topic. But which one of them is the right one? Which one of them is the proper way to go about making disciples and following the famous line from Jesus and make disciples of all nations? The simple answer…none of them is the way to do it. Continue reading

Hello My Name Is…

While driving home from vacation a few weeks ago, I had the chance to listen to The Message on Sirius/XM. They were having one of their artist spotlights. As I listened to the story behind the song, I began to think that these songs all tell stories about our daily lives. For the next several weeks we’ll look at some of the more popular songs that tell a story about our day-to-day lives. Continue reading

I don’t agree with you, but I don’t hate you.

The news media lately has been focusing so much on the recent SCOTUS ruling regarding same-sex unions that there seems to be an increase in negative reactions and even hatred flowing throughout our nation. What happened to the time when we could have a disagreement and deal with it through a healthy conversation? What happened to sitting down face to face and agreeing to disagree but still walking away friends, or at least not enemies? Continue reading

Life after the BAD choice.

In the last post we dealt with bad Fish Forwardchoices
and the effects they have on us at the core of our day-to-day lives. These bad choices can ostracize us and make us feel unworthy. And if that weren’t bad enough, it’s often difficult to live on the other side of that bad choice. This difficulty is made worse because we continuously go backward fishingContinue reading

A Bad Choice

good-choice-bad-choiceWe’ve all done it. We’ve all made a choice that has haunted us for some time to follow. That choice may have been eating two chili dogs right before bed. That choice may have been to yell at our spouse. That choice may have been to break a civil law. No matter the choice we have made, it’s still a bad choice and we have to live the with the consequences.  Continue reading

Storm Chasers

6:21:14titleslideThe idea of chasing a storm may seem a bit strange. Storms can wreak havoc on entire communities. They can level cities and demolish landscapes. But there are people who will devote large portions of their lives to chasing down these storms and watching them. They do it so that they can learn more about them. Sure there’s a thrill of the hunt but for them there’s learning to do. Wind speeds, changes in direction, rainfall amounts, pressure changes are some of the things for which they look. Continue reading
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