living for eternity today

Tag: disciple (Page 25 of 31)

Where’s Waldo?

wheres-waldoHave you ever seen one of those Where’s Waldo books? The premise of the is to find a character on each page. The character is Waldo. He’s dressed in a red and white striped shirt and blue jeans with a stocking cap. Some of the pages are quite easy to find this little man hiding among the green trees. But other pages are almost impossible! I remember a page in a Where’s Waldo book from my childhood that had Waldo in his red and white striped outfit marching with thousands of others in a crowded city. These thousands of others were also wearing red and white stripes and playing instruments. Needless today that one took quite a while to find but I remember the great sense of accomplishment when I was actually able to see Waldo!  Continue reading


Blessing-The-Cornerstone-11A cornerstone is a key part of any building structure. It’s said that the building rests on that particular stone to gain its maximum strength. If this is true, the cornerstone is critical. You don’t want a cornerstone made out of a soft material. You don’t want a cornerstone for your building made from a material that is ever-changing. You want a cornerstone that is solid, planted firmly, and never moving.  Continue reading

God Is On The Move

7.7.GodIsOnTheMove_323149451It’s easy at times in our lives to be discouraged but there’s a great reason for hope in this life. There are all kinds of statistics that cause great fear in the lives of the people of the church. In North America roughly 4000 churches close each and every year, while only 1000 new ones start. That’s a crazy statistic that appears as if the church is failing miserably in the world today.  Continue reading

5 Ways To Bless Your Neighbors

maxresdefault-10About a year ago we introduced the concept of Christian Neighboring to the congregation I serve. It was a lot of fun, and we were able to make impact in people’s lives as a result. The goal of Christian Neighboring is not to add numbers to the local church. As a matter of fact we don’t really talk all that much about church attendance or membership. The focus is on Jesus and knowing him.  Continue reading

Even So Come

maxresdefault-7This morning we’re less than two weeks away from Easter. Over the next fourteen days we’ll journey with Jesus through some of the most difficult times in his earthly life. He’ll be accepted, then rejected and betrayed. He’ll be accused, tried in a bogus trial, beaten, mocked, ridiculed, forced to carry his own instrument of torture, then killed. He’ll be buried, and when it seems as if all help is lost be raised.  Continue reading

More Of You

77537414d6f96e335cbc53e868c20b30The goal of a disciple is to clothe themselves in the very thoughts, words, and actions of the person they desire to follow. In the case of the person who calls themselves a Christian, that person is Jesus. There’s no secret about it. The follower of Jesus wants to clothe themselves in the things of Jesus. We want to have Jesus’ patience. We want to love the way he loved. We want to find joy in the everyday things the way he did. But exactly how does that happen?  Continue reading

Keep Making Me

It’s a prayer that we have a really hard time meaning. We use the words as a great platitude but actually wanting to apply them is a whole other story! We think we’ve got life pretty well under control even when we admit things are spiraling into a chaotic mess. In the Lord’s Prayer, probably one of the most popular prayers of all time, we say the words Thy Will Be DoneContinue reading

What Is Worship?

As many of you know, I’m a pastor of a church. And a big part of what we do is this thing called worship. We hold it on different days of the week but generally we do this thing on Sunday mornings. There are many styles of worship. Some people use tons of songs while others use none at all. Some worship is packed with teaching and others use an interactive style approach to the time of worship.  Continue reading

All Who Are Thirsty

This morning I woke up pretty thirsty. Perhaps it’s the whole wintry dry air that has caused this or perhaps something else, but I just needed a tall glass of ice water right away this morning. And that water really made a difference. No more thirst, at least not right away. But I do know that shortly after I finish this post, I’ll just be thirsty again.  Continue reading
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