living for eternity today

Tag: digital

Bible Memorization

As some continue to stay in distanced situations and as still others are afraid of coming out of their homes and back into the general population, we need to find creative ways to dig deeper into the Bible. So how do we amp up our depth of spiritual awareness? How do we grow as followers of Christ when we aren’t doing life together for the time being?

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Prayer Walking

As we continue to look at how to remain connected to our church family and our community while staying somewhat physically distanced from one another a great option is something called prayer walking. Prayer walking is the concept of walking through a neighborhood or community and praying for the people, businesses and homes you pass on your walk.

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The Bible & S.O.A.P?

Ever think you can learn about reading the Bible better from a bar of soap? We all use it. At least I sure hope we all do! Now more than ever people are aware of how and when they use soap and washing and cleanliness. But have you ever considered how something as simple as a bar of soap can teach you how to deepen your faith and make your walk with Jesus more intentional?

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Discipleship In A Digital World

Digital Discipleship

By now many of us have started to acclimate to this fully digital and physically distant world in which we now live. With the inability to meet together we have been forced to come up with creative and technology rich solutions for our meetings, study times, worship services and even our extended family time. But how do we maintain a life-to-life discipleship approach in a fully digital and socially distant society?

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