living for eternity today

Tag: devotion (Page 4 of 6)

Blessing I Can’t See

I don’t know about you, but I have to really think about what day it is when I wake up in the morning. These days are running together and without my good friend Siri, I’m not sure that I would be able to figure out what day of the week it is! So when the world seems off and the days are too long it helps me to realize that there is likely something going on that I can’t even see. Perhaps there’s a blessing hidden in plain sight.

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Eerily Quiet

I took a drive the other day just to escape the isolation for a bit. It was eery just how quiet things were just about everywhere I went. The store lights were all off. Signs saying temporarily closed were on doors of countless stores. There was an eery quiet in the air that was disturbing. So why is the quiet so hard? Why is this forced downtime so challening?

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What Mr. Bill Taught Me About The Magi

Today is Epiphany and it was one of Mr. Bill’s favorite days of the year! If you’re not sure what Epiphany is give me a minute and I’ll explain. But first Mr. Bill was a great friend and my personal mentor. He walked with me through some pretty rough stuff and always pushed me to be stronger in my faith. Unfortunately for me he was called to heaven a couple of years ago. It’s unfortunate for me because there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of the impact this man had on my preaching and teaching. But it’s so fortunate for him because he is where he longed to be! He’s living the Epiphany life!

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About a year ago in church we talked about a word that got all the kids giggling. One of our youth led the children’s time and talked about the big but in the Bible. She mentioned that but is a pretty important word if we really think about it. But clues us in to a massive change in thought, purpose and intent.

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For unto you is born this day in the city of David
a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:11

Luke 2 is the beautiful narrative of a tiny human’s emergence in this great big world. Tiny fists that would grow to bear nails meant for us. Tiny feet that would walk alongside fishermen, teachers, homemakers, farmers, business owners, tax collectors, and children. He would hold hands, start conversations, and eat among them, with eyes fixed on Calgary. It is also the narrative of a tiny heart beating wildly for those He came to save. Saving is really the work of God, of Christ, alone. He was born to save us – from death, from our fears, from our doubts. Jesus saves – tiny Baby Boy, Man convicted to death on a cross, living Savior of your heart and soul.

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.


In this is love, not that we have loved God
but that he loved us
and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

1 John 4:10

Some translations of Scripture use the words “all-atoning sacrifice” in place of “propitiation” in this verse. While certainly a true representation of what’s happening here, and more easily understood than “propitiation”, it loses some of the depth of what’s happening here. This isn’t merely a sacrifice, like the countless bulls, lambs, and doves sacrificed in the Temple for years. This is a laying down of Christ’s life. His sacrifice absorbed the wrath of God against a world of people entirely lost in their sin. The depth and breadth and width of such love cannot be measured, and it cannot be comprehended. But we thank and praise Him for it just the same, and rest in the knowledge that His love accomplished this on our behalf. Savior, You stand as our propitiation, welcoming us into Your loving arms. Thank You!

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.


And Jesus said to them,
“A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown
and among his relatives and in his own household.”

Mark 6:4

How it must have hurt Jesus that His family, His hometown withdrew honor from Him, doubted Who He was. Mark 6:6 tells us He “marveled at their unbelief.” When we share the Word in Truth and Love, and people look at us blank-faced, perplexed, or even with laughter, we can know that the Savior Himself received the same response! Jesus, the Prophet, came and fulfilled every Word spoken of Him since Genesis, without fail. Yet, it was still difficult for those closest to Him to grasp. Lord, today we pray for all those who do not honor you and those who do not grasp you. You are Prophet, Priest, Savior, and King!

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.


Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14

Not only is His very birth a miraculous paradox, but by His name, Immanuel, Jesus is God with Us. He is this Immanuel, who comes to sojourn with us in our weakness and humility, who takes our sin upon Himself and makes full atonement for it. Not because there was anything in us to make us deserving of His sacrifice or even presence, but His love for us was — is! — so great that He did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He rescued us on Calvary and still rescues us every day by His great love and compassion. Where do you see His rescue in your life? Even when it’s hard to see, we stand on truth – He is our Immanuel – God with us.

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.

Great High Priest

Since then we have a great high priest
who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God,
let us hold fast our confession.

Hebrews 4:14

In Judaic religious practice, the priest was the one who would make intercession for the people by performing the sacrifices of the offerings people brought to atone for their sins, acting as intercessor between the sinful person and Holy God. Once a year, the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies, where he performed an atoning sacrifice for the sins of Israel, again in that intercessory capacity. Adding “Great” to that title in reference to our Great High Priest indicates the all-encompassing nature of what He has done on our behalf. Not only has He interceded for us, but He did it with His own body, broken, and His own blood, outpoured. His sacrifice and His acting as Great High Priest, has bridged the chasm between sinful humans and Holy God. Celebrate this season knowing your sins are covered!

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.

Chief Cornerstone

The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.

Psalm 118:22

Jesus as Chief Cornerstone certainly gives us a solid mental image of the Truth that He alone is our firm foundation. He holds up the buildings that are our lives, our families, our purpose, our worth, and our souls. However, this passage reminds us that this Cornerstone, this Foundation was rejected by men, deemed not good enough, not worthwhile. We know differently, and when the world rejects Him, we stand in the knowledge that He does not reject us. We run to Him in His Word for sure footing, solid grounding on which to build in this world. Take a moment today to hold a stone in your hand and remember His faithfulness in the midst of this world full of rejection.

Devotion contributed by Heidi Goehman & Sarah Baughman.

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