living for eternity today

Tag: creation

So Will I

As winter gives way to the beauty and new birth that spring offers, it’s good to pause and reflect on the wonders of the world around us. This week’s MusicMonday is a song that speaks to the amazing nature of the creation that is around us. Whether you believe that God created the earth and six calendar days and rested on the seventh or believe something different, no one can deny that the world around us speaks to a beauty unlike any other.

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Coloring Inside the Lines

Now I’m not one who normally likes to fit the typical mould. I stand out in a crowd more often than I blend in. I’d rather make my own picture than coloring one that someone else creates for me. But there are times when it’s necessary to color inside the lines. As a parent I try to teach my children to slow down and follow the boundaries of the pictures they are coloring. I like it when I see the picture of the teddy bear with two colors of brown, a darker for the fur on the body and a lighter color for the belly. It just looks like they took more care and time with it. The same is true with life. When we carefully take the time to shade our lives and color inside the lines, we begin to see a picture far better than anything we could draw ourselves.

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Creation, Fall and Redemption

creation fall redemptionIt’s pretty likely that you’ve heard something about the Bible’s account of creation. And you’re likely aware of the narrative known as the Fall. But what do these two historic biblical events have to do with you and me today? It’s easy to look at these in the abstract and relate them to a different time and place. It’s even tempting to look at them as isolated events in history. But I believe we do a disservice to God’s purpose when we isolate these two events from the rest of the story of scripture. Continue reading

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