living for eternity today

Tag: control


When was the last time you sat still for a few minute? If we’re being honest, sitting still is difficult for many of us who we don’t do it often. Being still is especially difficult for those of us who like to be in control. Sure, it’s easy to say I give God control, but it is so much harder to actually let go and completely trust that God will take care of you.  Continue reading


Ok so confession time. I’m a control freak. I love to know where things are going. I try to predict the future as often as I can. Not in that weird fortune-teller with a glass ball sort of way but I try to foresee problems and make a plan to overcome. I’m one of those type “A” personalities that probably is more of an “A+” at times! But sometimes we need to just let go of the wheel of our lives.  Continue reading

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