living for eternity today

Tag: #community (Page 3 of 4)

Wake Up!

sleeping-at-workHave you ever been caught sleeping when you were supposed to awake? Maybe it was at work and you were just exhausted, so you took a little nap only to be caught by the boss. Maybe it was in class and you just couldn’t stand the lecture so you took a little snooze. Or maybe the preacher just droned on and on, and the late night football game kept you up a little later than normal.  Continue reading

Sticks & Stones

powerofwordsSticks and stone will break my bonesbut words will never hurt me. We’ve undoubtedly said it as a child. Maybe we even believed it. But I’m not convinced it’s all that true. I recently read an article that stated words are never neutral. How powerful a statement that one is! A lot of times we tend to think that just because we aren’t speaking something derogatory or overtly harmful that our words carry little to no weight at all. But the truth of the matter is our words are always filled with power. Continue reading

The Elections Are Over!

I’m so excited that the elections are over. Election-2014And no, it’s not due to the election results. My excitement comes from no longer having to watch the ridiculous, and all too often slanderous, election commercials. I just don’t like to watch people point out the negatives about others instead of sharing what they’ll do to make a difference. Continue reading

Three Days of Halloween?

We undoubtedly all-saints-dayknow about Halloween. Many of us will spend a little of our hard earned money to get some candy for the neighbor children who will come knocking. We might even get costumes for our own children to wear on this night of tricks and treats. But what is it really all about?

Well to properly understand Halloween we really need to see it in light of the three day event that it truly is. We don’t spend a lot of time talking about the other two days but they’re important to set the landscape of the holiday.  Continue reading

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