living for eternity today

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Musings On Life

This week I had the chance to sit shoulder to shoulder with some pretty amazing people from a variety of walks of life. Men and women from around the world who are doing the one thing they are most passionate about. And what made these few days super great was that we share the same passion!

You may not share the same passion as me and that’s perfectly fine. But I wanted to share some thoughts on living out your passion. A few things really jumped out at me this week as these men and women shared their stories. The one overarching thing that really hit me was that when we live out our passion we become passionate and it’s obvious!

Passions excite us. They get us up in the morning. They let us press through some pretty crappy days. They allow us to deal with some harsh comments from critics. When our passion is in the driver seat, there’s very little that will stop us.

I’m going to share my passion with you and then three things I learned from this gathering. Your passion is likely different and again that’s cool! But think about your passion and you can apply these same principles to your life as well.

Know Your Passion

If you don’t know your passion then that is where you have to start. What lights a fire inside you that just can’t be stopped? For me it’s church planting. I am a church planter in my heart. I think about it a lot. It excites me to see people get to understand matters of faith and grow in their relationship with Jesus. What’s your passion?

This week I had a bit of an epiphany. I realized that I kind of lost sight of my passion. I think I took my eyes off of it for a while and being around these men and women, literally from around the world, reignited that fire in my soul.

I want to see the world know Jesus. And I believe that to reach new people you often have to start new things…churches included. Coming out of this conference I regained some clarity on the power of passion. Do you know your passion?

The Stronger The Why The Weaker The Excuse

Know anyone who seems to have an excuse for everything? Yep super annoying! But there are times in our lives when we tend to make up excuses for things we aren’t super committed to pulling off. Not enough time. It’s too hard. I don’t have all the knowledge I need. I need more resources before starting. And the list goes on.

Here’s something I’ve learned. The stronger your reason why, the less power your excuses become. We’ll use a simple image that many have dealt with in life: living a healthier lifestyle. When I was in my 20s I wasn’t the most healthy individual. I tried the occasional diet but it never really stuck. I didn’t workout really at all even though I had a simple weight bench in my basement. I just didn’t have the motivation. I had a million excuses on why I just couldn’t workout today.

Then one day I had some blood work and found out that my cholesterol was more than twice what it should be. Sure my heredity was against me but so was my horrific eating habits. Yeah I was the two pop tarts for breakfast and a 2 liter of pop kind of guy in those days. Needless to say when the doctor told me how bad the cholesterol situation was, my why was elevated to a whole new level. I changed my eating, started walking and ended up dropping my cholesterol to a healthy level and losing 45lbs in the process.

When our why is strong enough, no excuse stands a chance! In my church planter heart, it’s not my desire to start a church that drives me but my understanding that Jesus is the only way. And I don’t want to see anyone not know how much Jesus loves them. No excuse holds water with that why.

Maturity Is Found In Replication

Ok so this one is a bit more specific to my church scenario, but there was a quote from this week that really hit me between the eyes. A church isn’t mature until it plants another church. That means there are a ton of immature churches out there! The one I pastor is among them.

Some might push back a little because they don’t have the same why or passion that I have. That’s ok. But here’s what I can tell you for certain! My why is big enough that even if you don’t agree, it won’t hurt my feelings and you’re not going to change my mind. It doesn’t mean you have to agree.

So there it is passion, know your why, and replication are three key musings going on in this old man’s noggin today. What are you passionate about? And do you know your why? If so let’s move!

Transparent Communication

No time for fluff: transparency in leadership is the unsung superhero of the leadership circle. No flashy cape, no cheesy theme song, but it packs a punch like no other. Transparent communication might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s often shrouded in mystery, kind of like Clark Kent’s glasses.

Cloak and Dagger Leadership

Traditionally, leadership was all about enigma. Leaders were expected to have all the answers, maintain an air of mystique, and operate behind closed doors. Think of it like a magician pulling rabbits out of hats—except those rabbits were usually emails, vision statements, and anything else the leader was expected to have on hand. But here’s the kicker: this cloak-and-dagger approach doesn’t cut it anymore. Employees, and people in general, today crave honesty, clarity, and direction. For this, transparent communication is your only answer

The Naked Truth

Imagine your organization is a ship sailing through turbulent waters. Would you prefer a captain who gives you real-time updates or one who leaves you guessing until you’re knee-deep in water? The choice is obvious. Transparent communication builds trust, fosters loyalty, and creates a cohesive environment where everyone is in the loop. It’s like giving everyone on your ship a compass instead of just the first mate.

Unfortunately there are plenty of scenarios in our modern world where we only get a piece of the truth at best. This leaves people guessing and often assuming the worst. We’re dealing with one of these situations in the larger church body where I serve as pastor. There are some decisions being made behind closed doors and the details coming out are sketchy at best! It’s a great way to get the rumor mill started but a terrible way to get the organization moving in unison toward a common goal.

The Hilarious (and Terrifying) Truth About Transparency

Transparency isn’t always easy. It can actually be as terrifying at times. But the results are worth it. Let’s break it down a bit:

  1. Admitting Mistakes: Leaders, brace yourselves. Transparent communication means admitting when you’ve screwed up. Yeah, it’s embarrassing. Yes, your face might turn as red as a tomato. But guess what? The people around you respect leaders who own their mistakes. It’s like watching a cat try to jump on a table and miss—humbling, endearing, and ultimately relatable. People are more willing to follow a leader who owns up to their shortcomings than one who hides them. Jesus kind of called that kind of leadership white washed tombs – aka dressed up dead people.
  2. Sharing the Good, Bad, and Ugly: Transparent communication isn’t about airing all the dirty laundry for the world to see. Don’t go around berating yourself. That’s not the point. The point is sharing the good, bad and ugly moments of the organization. When we do this people are part of the solution not just observers to the problem. And instead of judgment, the people you lead feel valued and included. They’re not just passengers on the ship; they’re part of the crew. When you share both victories and challenges, it’s like hosting an organization-wide reality show where everyone has a stake in the outcome.
  3. Consistency is Key: Transparent communication is not a one-off magic trick; it has to be a consistent practice. Leaders need to be open and honest consistently, not just when it’s convenient. Think of it like maintaining a diet—not just salad on Monday and pizza on Tuesday, but a steady, balanced approach. Hiding the truth when it makes you look less strong is not transparent leadership. So if you’re in one of those lead roles take a little advice from someone who hasn’t always done it right. Share the information that needs shared, even if you aren’t sure if you should share it. Transparency beats a tactical communication approach in most every leadership scenario.

Breaking Down the Walls

One of the biggest challenges in leadership is breaking down the hierarchical walls that often exist within organizations. Transparent communication is like the wrecking ball to those walls. When leaders are transparent, they encourage an environment of openness where ideas flow freely, innovation thrives, and the people in the org feel comfortable voicing their thoughts.

This is where the real magic happens: transparent communication doesn’t just stay at the top. It trickles down, creating a domino effect throughout the organization. When leaders communicate transparently, it sets a precedent. Before you know it, the entire organization is operating on a foundation of trust and openness. It’s like a game of telephone, but this time, the message doesn’t get garbled along the way.

The ROI of Transparency

Let’s talk numbers for a moment. The return on investment (ROI) of transparent communication is staggering. According to studies, organizations that prioritize transparency experience higher employee/member engagement, increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and often higher conversion rates. It’s the corporate equivalent of discovering a secret level in a video game that’s filled with bonus points and extra lives.

The power of transparent communication in leadership is undeniable. It’s the superhero that every organization needs but often overlooks. By embracing transparency, leaders can foster a culture of trust, boost morale, and drive their teams to achieve extraordinary results. So, next time you’re tempted to keep things under wraps, remember: even superheroes need to take off their masks sometimes. And who knows? You might just find that transparency is the key to unlocking your organization’s true potential.

So, put on your (metaphorical) cape of transparency, and lead with honesty and clarity. In the end, it’s not just about being a leader—it’s about being a leader worth following.

The Call to Radical Generosity

Generosity. It’s a word that gets tossed around like confetti, but how many of us actually live it out in a way that shakes the foundations of our comfortable lives? You probably want to hold onto something because we’re about to take a hard look at why generosity isn’t just a nice idea —it’s a radical, non-negotiable command straight from the mouth of Jesus.

Love in Action

First off, let’s get something straight: generosity isn’t about dropping a few coins in the offering plate and patting ourselves on the back. True generosity is rooted in love—the kind of love that Jesus demonstrated when He gave up everything for us. We’ve heard of John 3:16. The whole gospel in a nutshell passage. In it we read, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” Did you see it? God gave. Generosity is love in action, and for Christians, love is the core of our faith. If we’re not living generously, are we truly living out our faith?

The Gospel is Giving

The Gospel is all about giving. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). He didn’t cling to His divine privileges but emptied Himself for our sake (Philippians 2:6-7). As Christians, we’re called to mirror this selfless generosity. It’s not optional either. It’s the very heartbeat of the Gospel.

When we live generously, we reflect Christ’s character to a world that desperately needs to see it. We become walking, talking billboards for the transformative power of the Gospel. It’s about time we started living up to that calling, don’t you think?

Counter Cultural Living

We live in a culture that screams, “More! More! More!” It’s all about accumulating wealth, power, and stuff. Consumerism anyone?

But Jesus flips the script. In Matthew 6:19-21, He tells us not to store up treasures on earth, but to store up treasures in heaven. Why? Because where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. Generosity is a powerful weapon against the relentless grip of materialism. It breaks the chains of greed and selfishness that bind us and then frees us to live with open hands and hearts.

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Radical generosity doesn’t just change the lives of those on the receiving end; it transforms the giver, too. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” When we give freely and joyfully, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose. We’re tapping into the very essence of what it means to be human—you know the whole created in the image of a generous God idea.

Let’s Get Practical

Enough with the theory. Let’s get down to brass tacks. Here are four practical steps to start living generously today:

  1. Evaluate Your Priorities: Where are you spending your time, energy, relational capacity and even material goods? If your priorities don’t reflect a generous spirit, it’s time for a change.
  2. Give Regularly and Spontaneously: Set aside a portion of your income to give regularly to your church or favorite charity. But don’t stop there—look for spontaneous opportunities to bless others. Buy a meal for a stranger, donate to a special project at your local church, or simply offer your time to someone in need.
  3. Live Simply: The less you’re attached to material possessions, the more freely you can give. Simplify your life and use the extra resources to make a difference.
  4. Engage Your Community: Get involved in your local community. Volunteer at shelters, join service projects, and be present where there is need. Your presence can be just as valuable as your material assets.

Step Up and Stand Out

Generosity isn’t a feel-good add-on to the Christian life; it’s part of the core of what it means to follow Jesus. It’s time to step up and stand out. Let’s stop blending in with a culture obsessed with getting and start living out the radical generosity that Jesus modeled for us. The world is watching. Let’s give them something worth seeing.

A Little Recognition Goes A Long Way

In our society, the word “recognition” has become a diluted term, often misappropriated for mere participation rather than genuine achievement. The true essence of recognizing accomplishments has been lost in a sea of mediocrity, where everyone gets a trophy and no one stands out. It’s high time we challenge this complacency and start acknowledging those who actually make a difference.

The Epidemic of Participation Trophies

Remember when recognition was earned, not handed out like cheap candy at a parade? Today, the lines between effort and accomplishment are blurred beyond recognition. Participation trophies are the epitome of this absurdity. By rewarding mere attendance, we undermine the value of true excellence and hard work. It’s not only insulting to those who genuinely excel, but it also creates a culture of entitlement where mediocrity is celebrated.

Why are we so afraid to celebrate the best? Are we so fragile that we fear the shadow cast by someone’s towering success? This epidemic of participation trophies is breeding a generation that cannot distinguish between showing up and showing out.

The Real MVPs

Let’s face it: not everyone deserves a medal. Real achievements are born from sweat, sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of excellence. These are the people who innovate, inspire, and lead. They push boundaries, challenge norms, and set new standards. Yet, these are the very individuals who often go unnoticed because we are too busy applauding those who simply “tried their best.”

Recognizing real accomplishments isn’t about putting others down; it’s about lifting up those who truly deserve it. It’s about setting a benchmark for success and motivating others to reach it. The world needs heroes, but not everyone can be one. It’s a title reserved for those who earn it.

The Consequences of Complacency

The danger of our current trajectory is clear: a society that rewards mediocrity ultimately stagnates. When we fail to recognize and celebrate real accomplishments, we discourage excellence. The message becomes clear: why strive for greatness when good enough is good enough? This complacency is a breeding ground for incompetence and apathy.

Consider the workplace. Employees who consistently outperform their peers often go unrecognized, their achievements overshadowed by a culture of uniformity. This not only demoralizes high performers but also sends a toxic message to the rest of the team. Excellence is no longer the goal; fitting in is.

A Call to Action

We must reclaim the true spirit of recognition. It’s time to discard the notion that everyone deserves a trophy and start celebrating real achievements. This means acknowledging the standout student, the innovative employee, the relentless athlete, and the visionary leader. It means understanding that recognition is not a right, but a privilege earned through hard work, dedication, and exceptional performance.

We need to be bold and unapologetic in our celebration of excellence. Let’s stop pandering to the lowest common denominator and start setting high standards. Let’s create a culture where real accomplishments are recognized and rewarded, and where everyone is inspired to reach their full potential.

Recognition should be about more than just making people feel good. It should be about honoring those who truly deserve it and inspiring others to strive for greatness. The world doesn’t need more participation trophies; it needs more champions. It’s time to rise above mediocrity and start celebrating real accomplishments. Let’s give credit where it’s due and let excellence shine.

Trust is Built in the Shadow of Fear

Fear is a natural response to uncertainty, danger, and the unknown. Yet, it is often in the shadow of fear that trust is most profoundly built. This truth is vividly illustrated in two biblical accounts: Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4 and Jesus walking on water in Matthew 14.

In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus and His disciples are crossing the Sea of Galilee when a furious storm arises. The disciples, many of whom were experienced fishermen, are terrified. Waves crash into the boat, and it begins to fill with water. In their panic, they wake Jesus, who is asleep on a cushion. “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” they cry. Jesus rises, rebukes the wind, and commands the waves, “Peace! Be still!” Immediately, the wind dies down, and there is complete calm. Then Jesus asks, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Similarly, in Matthew 14:22-33, the disciples are again on the Sea of Galilee, but this time without Jesus, who has stayed behind to pray. As night falls, a strong wind begins to beat against the boat. Early in the morning, Jesus comes strolling past them, walking on the water. The disciples are terrified, thinking they he is a ghost. But Jesus immediately reassures them, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Peter, boldly yet I’d assume somewhat fearfully, replies, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus invites, and Peter steps out of the boat. As he walks on water, he becomes aware of the wind and waves, and fear overtakes him. Beginning to sink, he cries out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reaches out His hand and catches him. “You of little faith,” He says, “why did you doubt?”

These stories reveal some deep lessons about fear and trust. In both, the disciples face circumstances that are beyond their control, which brings fear and panic. Yet, it is in these moments of fear that their trust in Jesus is formed and even deepened.

The disciples’ fear in the storm and Peter’s fear as he walks on water are met with Jesus’ calm authority and reassurance. Jesus does not abandon them in their fear; instead, He demonstrates His power over the very elements that threaten them. His questions, “Why are you so afraid?” and “Why did you doubt?” challenge them to recognize that fear and faith are interconnected. It is through experiencing fear that they have the opportunity to grow in their trust of Jesus.

Trust is not built in the absence of fear but in the very pressure it presents. When we face our fears, we are given the opportunity to rely on God more fully. Just as the disciples learned to trust Jesus through the storms, we too can learn to trust Him in the trials of our daily lives. Fear can drive us to doubt and despair, or it can be the catalyst for a deeper, more robust faith.

In moments of fear, remember the disciples’ experiences. Jesus is with us in our storms, calling us to trust Him. He may calm the storm or calm us so that we can walk through it, but His presence is our peace. As we look to Jesus in the midst of our fears, we build trust in the One who commands the wind and waves, the One who reaches out His hand to save us. Trust is indeed built in the shadow of fear, for it is in the our fears that we most vividly realize our need for God’s unwavering presence and power.

Integrity: Absolutely Non-Negotiable

In today’s world, integrity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. We’re constantly bombarded with stories of corruption, deceit, and dishonesty in all corners of society—from business tycoons manipulating the market to politicians breaking promises. It’s time we cut the crap and face the hard truth: without integrity, everything falls apart. Period.

Just to be clear, integrity is not optional. It’s a necessary ingredient for trust to exist, and trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, be it personal or professional. When integrity goes out the window, so does trust, and when trust is gone, things spiral out of control rapidly.

Look around. We see the fallout from lack of integrity everywhere: businesses crumbling, governments destabilizing, and relationships disintegrating. Why? Because somewhere along the line, someone thought they could get away with cutting corners, telling lies, or cheating the system. Spoiler alert: you can’t!

Let’s unpack this a bit. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. It means being honest and having strong moral principles. It’s about consistency between your actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. If you think you can succeed without integrity, the only person you’re fooling is you.

The Business Case for Integrity

First, let’s talk business. In the corporate world, integrity is paramount. Sure, you might see shady companies making a quick buck through unethical practices. But how long do they last? Not long.

Sooner or later, their deceitful ways catches up with them. Enron, Volkswagen, and Theranos anyone? They fell from grace because they traded integrity for short-term gains. The result? Financial ruin, legal repercussions, and irreparable damage to their reputations. If your business strategy includes compromising your principles, you’re on borrowed time.

Companies that prioritize integrity build strong, lasting relationships with their customers, employees, and stakeholders. When you’re honest and transparent, people want to do business with you. Trust is the ultimate currency, and once it’s lost, it’s almost impossible to regain. An ethical approach isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do. It leads to loyal customers, motivated employees, and a positive reputation—all essential ingredients for long-term success.

Personal Integrity: Your Most Valuable Asset

Now, let’s get personal. Your integrity defines who you are. It’s your most valuable asset. If you’re willing to compromise your integrity for personal gain, you’re selling yourself short. Maybe you think a little white lie here and there, or a minor cheat, won’t matter. Newsflash: it does. Every time you compromise your integrity, you chip away at your self-respect and credibility. It’s a slippery slope that leads to a bottomless pit of self-doubt and distrust from others.

Living with integrity means being true to yourself and others. It means making choices that align with your values, even when they’re tough. It’s about having the courage to stand up for what’s right, even if you stand alone. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

The Ripple Effect

Integrity, or the lack thereof, has a ripple effect. Your actions influence those around you. If you’re a leader, your team looks to you for guidance. If you demonstrate integrity, you set a standard for others to follow. You create an environment of trust and respect, where ethical behavior is the norm. On the flip side, if you cut corners and act dishonestly, don’t be surprised when your team follows suit. Leadership isn’t about being the boss; it’s about setting an example.

In your personal life, integrity affects your relationships. People are drawn to those they can trust. When you act with integrity, you attract like-minded individuals who value honesty and respect. These are the relationships that stand the test of time. Conversely, if you’re known for being unreliable or deceitful, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who share those same negative traits. It’s a vicious cycle that only ends in disappointment and loneliness.

Integrity: The Non-Negotiable Ingredient

Integrity isn’t just nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. It’s the non-negotiable ingredient for any kind of success, whether in business, relationships, or life in general. Without it, everything you build is on shaky ground, ready to collapse at the slightest tremor.

So, what’s the takeaway? Stop making excuses. Stop thinking that shortcuts and dishonesty will get you ahead. They won’t. True success comes from a foundation of integrity. Make it your guiding principle. Live it, breathe it, and demand it from those around you. It’s time we all took a hard look in the mirror and committed to doing the right thing, even when it’s tough. Because in the end, integrity is the only thing that truly matters.

Tech Takeover

How technology has taken over our lives.

The early 2010s were a whirlwind of transformation in the tech industry, a time when the digital age truly came into its own. For many people, this era wasn’t just a phase; it was a revolutionary experience that would fundamentally change how they interacted with the world. From the palm of our hands to the screens in our pockets, technology became an inseparable part of our day to day lives. Here’s a quick peak at the seismic shifts that caused this tech takeover.

Smartphones: Making The World Fit In Our Pocket

Remember the time when your phone was just for calling and texting? Those days are long gone. The launch of the iPhone in 2007 was just the beginning. By the early 2010s, smartphones were everywhere! Not to be outdone, Android devices soon flooded the market, putting these powerful yet affordable mini-computers in the palms of millions of hands worldwide.

These weren’t just phones; they became lifelines. With access to the internet, a camera, and a vast array of apps, smartphones became the go-to device for nearly everything. They quickly moved from a mere luxury to a near necessity in a few short years. Over the years, these smart devices have changed how people communicated, entertained themselves, and even navigated daily life.

Social Media: The New Hangout Spot

If you didn’t post about it, did it even happen? Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat weren’t just websites; they were the new social spaces. These platforms exploded in popularity from 2010-2014, easily becoming the version of the community park for local watering hole for social interaction.

Facebook was where you kept up with friends and family. Twitter became the place for quick updates and news. Instagram turned everyone into a photographer. Did you even eat if you didn’t post a picture about it? Snapchat added a whole new level of fun to these virtual, social interactions that were here one minute and gone the next . For many young people, social media was the key to staying connected, sharing experiences, and keeping up with the Jones’s.

Always On, Always Connected: More Than Can You Hear Me Now

When high speed internet became mobile it was truly the game-changer that put the world in the back pocket of our Levis. With the rollout of 3G and 4G networks, the internet became truly mobile. No more waiting to get home to check your email or load a webpage; it was all right there in your pocket.

This constant connectivity meant young people could browse, stream, click, scroll, and post anytime – anywhere. The internet became an inseparable part of daily life, blurring the lines between our online and offline worlds. Going through a dead spot for cell service felt like you were in some real life Twilight Zone

The App Explosion: There’s an App for That

Remember when you needed separate devices for everything? A somewhat bulky camera for pictures, a Nintendo Switch or Gameboy for road trips, a GPS for directions? The early 2010s brought an app revolution that consolidated all these functions into one device that fit in the side pocket of those yoga pants.

App stores became treasure troves of functionality. Need to catch up on the news? There’s an app for that. Want to play a game? There’s an app for that. Looking to learn a new language? Yep – there’s an app for that too. This app revolution made smartphones nearly essential for daily life! It meant having a tool for every aspect of life right in your pocket.

Time To Cut The Cable: Entertainment On-Demand

Gone are the days of waiting for your favorite show to air or your favorite song to play on the radio. The early 2010s saw the rise of streaming services like Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube, which revolutionized how people, especially young people, consumed entertainment.

With thousands upon thousands of songs, movies and books available at our fingertips, the media world was turned on its head. Binge-watching became a weekend staple, and discovering new music was just a tap of the finger away. These streaming services provided a personalized, on-demand entertainment experience that fed right into our instant gratification generation.

Chromebooks Abound: Education in the Digital Age

But not to worry. Education wasn’t left behind in this technology surge. Schools of all shapes and sizes embraced this new array of digital tools, transforming the learning experience. E-books, online courses, and virtual classrooms became common, thus making education available for nearly everyone at an almost on demand pace.

Not only was this convenient! It meant new ways of learning and engaging with information. The traditional classroom that worked for generations was now filled with digital resources, making learning more dynamic, interactive, and flexible. Technology became a second teacher in nearly every classroom. And it quickly moved beyond a fun addition to a critical component of academic life, preparing students for what was sure to become a digital future.

The Rise of Digital Natives

At the heart of this tech explosion was a shift in our culture as a whole. Those who were young people being raised in the early 2010s weren’t just users of technology; they were digital natives. They grew up with it, adapted to it, and embraced it in ways previous generations hadn’t. The generation known as Gen-Z is a generation that hasn’t known a life without this technology revolution.

The more widely accepted it became the more technology moved from just a tool to a way of life. It shaped how this generation interacted with each other, how they learned, and where they found entertainment. The understanding that technology was pivotal in day-to-day life anchored its role in youth culture (and beyond).

A Decade of Transformation

In short, the early 2010s were more than just a few years with some technology advancements; they would become a new era that ultimately redefined our culture – especially the youth culture. Smartphones, social media, cellular internet, app stores, streaming services, and educational technology converged creating a whole new world of possibilities.

For younger generations, this wasn’t just about keeping up with the latest trends; it was about integrating technology into every aspect of life. The tech takeover of the early 2010s set the stage for a future where technology is no longer an addition to life, but an essential part of how we experience it.

And just think, it all started with that little device in your pocket.

I Will Never Use AI

I’ve been hearing a ton lately about the use of AI technology for a variety of things in life. From writing papers to fears of letting AI run the world, there seem to be people all over the map on this issue. But where do you fall?

My favorite comment lately is the one that emphatically says I will NEVER use AI.

What I love about this claim is that it’s typed from a smart phone into a social media platform. Not to mention the fact that spell check, which likely was used during the typing of the post, is at a minimum a base form of AI.

Look I get it! If you watched I-Robot then you’re probably a tad freaked out about artificial intelligence running the world! But really? Never going to use it? It’s all bad? Can’t have a good use at all?

I mean seriously, I really am not a fan of automated checkout stations at the local grocery or hardware store. I’ll wait a few extra minutes if it means I can talk to a real human instead of fumbling all over a touch screen. It’s less about the tech and more about keeping people in jobs!

The idea behind AI is to automate what we don’t actually need to do. Are there processes or actions that can be done without a human touch? What are you doing that can be done without you handling it at all, or at best minimally?

Thank about the general use of AI for a second. There could be some good uses for AI. I mean after all, a program that’s able to search common problems to a situation and find best practices all with a simple written or even spoken command, is a pretty helpful tool! Gathering lists of vacation spots in a given area so you can research them, could be pretty darn helpful! Finding best practices on a given topic without scouring the inter webs could save you tons of time!

I use AI technology from time to time. No, I don’t use it to write sermons, there’s a bit of an ethical dilemma there to say the very least! But I will use AI to come up with a list of topics to write about, or a creative title for something, or a different way to word a paragraph or email. I have a bible software that allows me to research a word or phrase to gather insights on how it’s used throughout the Bible and in cultural contexts outside of biblical history.

I’m kind of curious where you land on the use of AI. But one more thing before we close this post out (and yes I’m really typing this at my standing desk with my forearms cramping after an arm workout). Just thought I’d make that clear.

For those who use AI, here are 3 keys to keep in mind.

  1. If you use it, don’t hide it. One thing that’s pretty terrible is claiming something as yours when it’s not! That’s called plagiarism if you didn’t know. And yep that cool spell check AI that’s built into my laptop just fixed the word plagiarism for me because I stink at spelling!
  2. Using AI can’t replace your real work. If you’re a content creator type person, you can’t just use AI to replace your workload. You can use it to get started or get you over a creative hump but you really need to touch the content to assure it’s yours. I’ve tried to have AI create content in my style, but it really can’t get the method of writing that is “me.” You will need to put your stamp on it at a very minimum.
  3. This one’s for my pastor friends – don’t have AI write your sermons. Really not a great idea. Use it for an illustration perhaps, but don’t have an AI bot replace your study time and investment into the topic about which you’re speaking. It’s not just a bad idea; it’s kind of a bonehead move. Not to mention unethical unless you’re going to admit that ChatGPT wrote your sermon for you!

Look, there are many other cautions and rules when it comes to the use of AI. These are three of my top go to thoughts when it comes to using AI in my daily work. What are your thoughts?

Believing In God Isn’t Enough

In a world where spirituality is often watered down to a vague and palatable concept of “God,” there’s a bold truth many shy away from: it’s not enough to believe in some ethereal, generic higher power. If you want the real deal, the unfiltered, undiluted truth, you need to believe in Jesus. Not just any god, but Jesus. Because without Him, your faith is like a ship without a rudder—lost, adrift, and destined for nowhere meaningful.

Let’s cut through the noise. Society today loves to embrace the safe, non-controversial notion of a “higher power.” It’s comfortable, it’s inclusive, and it asks nothing of you. But this is spiritual lukewarmness at best. It’s a way to feel good about yourself without the commitment or the challenge. The problem? It’s utterly meaningless. Without Jesus, you’re subscribing to a spiritual placebo that soothes the mind but leaves the soul starving. Not to mention, do you know what Jesus says about lukewarm faith? Check Revelation 3:16 if you dare.

Jesus isn’t just a figurehead or symbol of goodness. He is the cornerstone, the linchpin of a genuine faith. He is the living, breathing, historically verified embodiment of God’s love and justice. The difference between believing in Jesus and just any god is like the difference between a hi-def OLED screen and an old projector that needs to have the bulb replaced. Jesus didn’t just preach love; He lived it, died for it, and rose again to prove it. That’s not something you can find in a generic god. That’s a radical, life-changing truth.

The tendency to favor a nebulous “god” over Jesus is often rooted in a desire to avoid the tough stuff—the conviction, the accountability, and the need for transformation. With a generic god, there are no real demands, no call to repentance, no expectation of a changed life. You get to stay comfortable in your imperfections and untouched by the divine. But with Jesus, there’s no hiding. He sees through the facade and calls you to be better, to live righteously, to embrace a purpose beyond yourself.

Look at it this way: Believing in a generic god is like bowling with the bumpers up. Sure, it’s fun, it’s easy, but it’s ultimately pointless. There’s no direction, no goal, no ultimate victory. Believing in Jesus, however, is like entering a grand adventure, full of challenges, growth, and a prize beyond imagination. It’s a path with a purpose, and it’s one that requires you to step up and be more than just a passive participant.

Don’t get me wrong here. This isn’t about pushing some rigid form of doctrine. It’s about recognizing the profound difference between a life led by vague spirituality and one transformed by the tangible presence of Jesus. The former is a safe bet, the latter is a leap of faith. Jesus doesn’t just offer a feel-good moment; He offers a radical transformation, a new identity, and an eternal promise.

And let’s not forget the historical and factual grounding of Jesus’ existence. He’s not some abstract concept conjured up by human imagination. He walked this earth, performed miracles, challenged the status quo, and left an indelible mark throughout history. His life, death, and resurrection are well-documented events that even the harshest critics find hard to dismiss entirely. This is not blind faith; this faith is rooted in reality.

So, where do you stand? Clinging to the comfort of a nondescript deity, or embracing the wild, exhilarating truth of Jesus as your Savior?

Following Jesus means choosing a path filled with meaning, challenge, and profound joy. It’s a decision that strips away the pretenses and dives straight into the heart of what it means to truly believe. It’s not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to seek the truth, it’s the only path worth walking.

In a world awash with half-measures and convenient spirituality, dare to go beyond. Embrace the full, unadulterated truth of Jesus. Not just any god, but the God who gave everything for you. That’s where real faith begins, and where your true journey can finally start.

Self-Awareness is Your GPS to Life

Imagine planning a vacation without knowing your starting point. You wouldn’t just pack a suitcase, hop in the car, and drive aimlessly, right? Even if you know where you’re going, you’ll never get there if you don’t know your starting point! Yet, many people navigate through life without knowing their “location”—a.k.a. self-awareness. It’s like trying to use a GPS without entering a starting point: futile, frustrating, and disastrous.

Self-awareness is your GPS for all things development. It’s not just about knowing where you want to go but understanding where you are now. Being self-aware is crucial and it can keep you from metaphorically driving off a cliff or ending up in one of life’s sketchy roadside diners.

Finding Your Home Address: The Starting Point of Self-Awareness

First off, let’s clarify what self-awareness actually is. It’s not just some fluffy, new-age concept; it’s the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and self examination. It’s about understanding your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and the impact you have on others. Think of it as the “You are here” dot on the map of your life.

Without self-awareness, you might as well be a tourist in your own life, grasping an outdated guidebook, oblivious to the hidden mickey’s or even the pitfalls along the way. You’re like that friend who insists they know the way but ends up leading everyone in circles until you miss the sunset at the perfect mountain lookout. Annoying, right?

Plotting the Route: Setting Goals with Self-Awareness

Now, let’s talk about goals. Everyone loves setting them, especially around New Year’s Eve after a couple of drinks. But setting goals without self-awareness is like planning a road trip to California when you’re starting in Hawaii. Good luck with that! You need to know where you are to map out a realistic and achievable path to where you want to be.

Self-awareness helps you set goals that are aligned with your true desires and capabilities. It prevents you from pursuing things that might look shiny and attractive on social media but don’t actually fit who you are or what you truly want. It’s your internal compass, keeping you on track and pointing you in the right direction.

Avoiding Roadblocks: Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

One of the biggest perks of self-awareness is emotional intelligence. Understanding your own emotions helps you manage them better and respond to situations more effectively. It’s like having an advanced warning system for emotional roadblocks and detours.

Picture this: You’re on a road trip, and you come up on a road closed sign or major traffic jam. Without a GPS, you’re either lost or massively frustrated. With a GPS, you can easily find a shorter, faster or at least alternate route. Similarly, self-awareness helps you navigate life’s detours with less drama and far more grace. You recognize when you’re about to hit a mental or emotional roadblock and can adjust your course accordingly.

Fueling Up: Self-Awareness and Motivation

Just as a car needs fuel, you need motivation to reach your destinations in life. Self-awareness helps you understand what truly motivates you. Are you driven by recognition, personal growth, helping others, or maybe just the sheer joy of creating? Knowing your fuel type ensures you don’t end up stranded on the side of the road, exhausted and disheartened because you were running on the wrong kind of motivation.

Imagine trying to fuel a diesel engine with regular gasoline. It’s not going to end well, just like trying to motivate yourself with someone else’s goals or values. Self-awareness keeps your tank full with the right kind of fuel…I mean motivation.

Navigating Interpersonal Relationships: The Social GPS

Self-awareness isn’t just about navigating your own life; it’s also crucial for understanding and relating to others. It’s the social GPS that prevents you from turning every social interaction into a car crash. When you’re aware of your own emotions and triggers, you’re less likely to project them onto others or react irrationally.

Have you ever had a friend who consistently ruins fun outings with their mood swings or passive-aggressive comments? Don’t be that person. Self-awareness helps you recognize when you’re veering into emotional danger zones so you can correct your course before you end up alienating everyone in the car.

Embracing the Journey: The Sweet-Spot of Self-Awareness

Ultimately, self-awareness helps you enjoy the journey as much as the destination. It allows you to be present, appreciate the scenery, and take in the experiences along the way. Life isn’t just about getting to the next milestone; it’s about savoring the ride, potholes and all.

So, the next time you think about setting off on the road trip of life, make sure your self-awareness GPS is fully charged. Know your starting point, set realistic goals, manage your emotions, fuel up with the right motivations, and navigate your relationships wisely. After all, the journey is a lot smoother—and a lot more fun—when you know where you are and where you’re going. Buckle up, stay aware, and enjoy the ride!

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