living for eternity today

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Twas The Night Before…

Twas the night before Christmas, when Mary and Jo
In a manger were resting for their baby to show
A stable was where they would make up their beds
And straw was the pillow they’d use for their heads.

The evening was ending, the time was at hand
A baby named Jesus was born in that land.
She wrapped him up tight and swaddled him close
With this child came God’s love, and a heavenly dose!

And when he was born heaven opened its light
And shined on some shepherds in a field that dark night.
They fell to the ground and were filled with great fear,
But the angel spoke quickly, “Do not shed one tear.”

I bring you good news of great joy on this night
A child has been born to take all your fright.
Yes a son has been born and Christ is his name,
More angels then showed to sing of his fame.

O Glory and Honor
Yes praise to the King
O Glory and Honor
Let your peace here reign.
He came down from heaven
He came down for all,
To die for you, Rise for you
Saving you all!

We all know the story, we’ve heard it before,
How he died and he rose to open heaven’s door.
A cross and some thorns were the gifts that we gave,
His life for ours, it’s us he did save.

And now, in our churches, we gather and sing,
All honor and glory to this child, our king.
For he is our hope and our peace and our light
Yes he is God’s love that came Christmas night.

Now off to your homes, go forth with God’s blessing.
The Father and Spirit and Son you surrounding.
May God bless you this night, as he shows you his love.
Merry Christmas to you, may you know God’s Great Love!

An Unexpected End

Our final stop on this Advent journey is most certainly an unexpected place. Before we can really understand the events of the next couple of days, we need to see their unexpected end. We take it for granted mostly because we know the end of the story, but hit the pause button today and think about this one. 

Jesus was the long expected child to be born. John 1 tells us that He was born to be a light in the darkest place imaginable. He would bring peace to a people who knew no such peace. He would instill joy in the hearts of all who would know him. 

Imagine the look on Mary’s face when she held him that first time. The shock that Joseph experienced when he heard his tiny cry. Then fast forward just 33 years. 

The same face that smiled as she held her first child now has a hard time seeing anything through the tears on her face. The light that came into the world for a moment is overshadowed by darkness once again. The peace that rang through the hillside at the birth of this baby, has quickly turned to shouts of death and murder. The life that came in a manger would now be laid bare on the cross. 

This is the story of Advent. It’s the story of Jesus. It’s the story of why he came the way he came. None of it matters if this is missing. The unexpected end would bring an unexpected result…his death would mean our life. If his life meant our peace and joy in this life, his death would amplify that peace and expound on that joy. His unexpected end means our unexpected beginning! 


An unexpected word as we sit just days before Christmas is the word sacrifice. We don’t think of sacrifice during a season of light and joy and peace and hope and love. Sacrifice is for other holidays. It’s for other times of year. We talk about sacrifice during Lent and the time when Jesus died on the cross, but during Advent it’s not really even on the radar. But that’s what this time of year really should be for all of us who are in Christ Jesus. 

In Isaiah 9:1-7, Isaiah continues to paint the picture of the coming King. He would be powerful and mighty. He would reign not with fist and weapon but with dignity and honor and power. He doesn’t need an army to fight for him or swords to vanquish his enemy. He wins by sacrifice. And because of His sacrifice we are called to sacrifice as well. 

That whole Jesus as King imagery really destroys the innocent, meek baby in the manger. Doesn’t it? We see him laying there with a blanket wrapped around him. Maybe he’s smiling. Maybe he’s sucking his thumb. Cute and cuddly. But Isaiah says we are to pledge our allegiance to Him. We’re to get rid of all things that are not Him from our lives so that we can focus on Him. 

As we near the day of His birth consider what kings you’ve brought into your life. There are traditions that often overrule the real meaning of Christmas. We sit around our trees on Christmas morning instead of standing around his altar. We bow to our packages instead of bowing before his throne. This advent take time to reflect on the unexpected response God commands from us. 

Leave the kingdoms of this world behind and revel in the wonder of the Jesus’ Kingdom.

How Do You Respond To A King?

If we stay in Isaiah 9 for another day, we see that Isaiah is inviting us to have an unexpected response. Normally when we think of Jesus, we have thoughts of warmth and compassion. We see him as a baby in a manger. We think we need to accept him into our hearts. We talk about Jesus as a close companion throughout life, which is the truth. But this is not the picture Isaiah paints. 

Isaiah talks about the coming Messiah, the one we call Jesus, as a king. When we think of kings in our world, we certainly don’t think of inviting them into our hearts. We don’t wonder how we can experience their compassion. We don’t really even try to get into their presence. When we encounter kings in life, we bow in reverence. We stand humbly and honor their position and their authority. 

Isaiah here is reminding us that as we journey through Advent and arrive at that Unexpected Christmas, we should see him not only as a loving God who saved his people. We should also encounter him as King of kings. We should bow our knee and humbly enter his presence. 

We’ve grown so accustomed to the things of church life. Religion has become merely an action done in time that we’ve lost the power of Jesus as King. Invited into the presence of a king, we should do what Paul says in Philippians 2 every knee shall bow

The unexpected child born to unexpected parents to an unexacting people to fulfill his unexpected plan should bring an unexpected response. When we see Christmas for what it really is, our response will become one of honor and humility, exaltation and a life altering praise. How will you respond to your king this Christmas? 

God’s Math

If you remember from yesterday, we were surprised by the unexpected light that God brought into the darkness of the war torn regions of Galilee. It was into that very place, Nazareth of Galilee, that Jesus would shine the light of his glory. Such an unexpected response to all the destruction. But he doesn’t end there. 

Isaiah goes beyond just bringing light into darkness. Another unexpected response God brings in the midst of this Advent season is the promise of abundance in a time of great scarcity. Isaiah 9 tells the flip side of the devastation of the northern territories. They were blasted by war and enemy invasions, yet Isaiah says they will see by a new light. Then he goes on to say to this broken people you have multiplied the nation, you have increased its joy

Could you imagine? Multiplied a nation that lost in battle? Increased joy to a people held captive by an oppressive government? This is the scenario into which Isaiah is writing. God will bring abundance of people and joy to our lives…no matter how bleak things seem in the moment. 

God’s math doesn’t always work the way we want it to. Things like the whole trinity where God is three yet one and one yet three. Or communion where we have bread and wine but at the same time body and blood. God’s math is unexpected. When we come to him with nothing, he can provide us everything. That’s the story of Christmas. 

God knew we couldn’t save ourselves. We are bent toward our own destruction. We’re like cars out of alignment that just continuously turn into oncoming traffic. It was into this empty and destructive world that God sent His Son. An unexpected response to a devastated world. 

Peace. Joy. Increase. When we have nothing but Jesus, we have everything we need.

Unexpected Light

A war torn village. A land that is the center of invasions and destruction. A people that have fallen to their own folly. To a people in deep darkness a great light has come. This comes from Isaiah 9. It’s one of those famous passages we use around Christmas and really don’t spend a ton of time unpacking it. 

Isaiah is writing this portion of his prophecy to the territories in the northern region of Israel’s land. This was the portion of land through which the enemy nations would generally invade. They would break through the barriers and storm the cities. Towns were ransacked. Hope was all but lost. 

This is the picture of darkness. It’s a picture of devastation the likes of which many of us have never seen.   It is into this place and atmosphere of darkness that God would bring an unexpected response. When we see darkness and devastation we tend to get depressed and brokenhearted. We hang our heads low and play the whole woe is me game. 

But that’s not God’s response to darkness and devastation. As a matter of fact as we read the surrounding verses in Isaiah 8-9, we see that this actually was God’s plan. His plan was to allow for darkness to appear to win. He knew it was going to happen and he let it! 

Even though we get caught up in the moments of darkness and despair, we should find comfort this advent season that God doesn’t let darkness win. His promise was that he would bring an unexpected response to all of this darkness. It would be the sending of a great light. 

Now light and darkness are natural enemies. But in every instance in which they clash, light always wins. The unexpected response to the time of darkness would be that God would bring a blinding light that would shatter darkness and send it running. God’s theme for Christmas was to send Jesus, the very light of the world, to send darkness fleeing. The promise of Christmas is that God brings unexpected light into even our darkest moments.

Unexpected Birth

There he was minding his own business. He had lived a long life and really didn’t have much to show for it. I mean he had possessions and a lovely wife, but in his day if you’re name didn’t pass to a son none of that really meant much. 

We’re looking at Isaac today, one of the most prominent examples of an unexpected person. But to get to Isaac, we need to first find Abraham, his dad. Abraham was an old man by the time God came to him and interrupted his day with the promise that he’d be a father soon. You could only imagine the shock that came to his heart (not to mention his face)! 

That child would’t just be any old child though. God promises in Genesis 17:16 I will bless her, and she shall become nations; kings of peoples shall come from her. That’s God talking about Sarah, his wife. Nations? They were almost 100 years old. She wasn’t able to have kids, so how in the world was this nations thing going to happen! And if you know anything about the Bible you probably know that she didn’t have literal nations of kids. She had Isaac. That’s one child, so what about this whole nation deal? 

That one child was all that was needed for nations to be part of her lineage. You see the one child that was born to Sarah was the most unexpected child she could have imagined. Not because he was a wonderful gift from God that would bring her much joy. No it was because that one child would bring us another child a few thousand years into the future. His name wouldn’t be Isaac or Abraham.  Instead, Jesus was his name. 

Jesus would establish another nation but his nation would be different than any other nation on earth. It wouldn’t have boundaries of land or kings living in palaces. His nation is eternal. It’s a universal kingdom that outlasts time and even space. And all of this because God allowed an unexpected child to be born to a couple near 100 years old. Talk about an unexpected birth!

Hide The Spies

Another example of an unexpected person used by God to save His people is found in Joshua 2. This is the story of a woman who lived a life that did not line up with God’s desire for healthy relationships. She found herself looking for approval and love from any man who came by. She made her living bouncing from man to man. Yet God chose to use her. 

Could you imagine for a minute being Joshua and his men? They go into a town and things get a little dicey. They need help getting away from the people trying to hurt them. Who do they find willing to help them? Rahab! You know the woman who didn’t look like a follower of God by her actions. She’s the one God chose to call for this particular mission – Save my people.

She would even go on to give a pretty good testimony of her faith that God had already delivered things over to the Israelites. She let her faith lead her actions even though her lifestyle to this point didn’t show it. 

When God chose to send His Son to be born in the little town of Bethlehem, he didn’t do what everyone expected. He didn’t send a powerhouse king or a warrior. He sent a child. Not even a rich child. Just a regular lower to middle class child! 

This child would grow up and do more than just hide God’s people from danger like Rahab did. Jesus would grow to win the ultimate victory over our greatest enemy – death. The point of Advent is to put our hearts in the right place to be able to see what God is up to this time of year. He’s giving us time to slow down and prepare for the coming of the unexpected King of kings who looked more like a peasant than royalty. That’s just how God works. Now it’s time to look for the unexpected as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.


Have you ever thought there’s no way I could do that? When we’re met with an obstacle we just are not qualified to tackle, that’s one very common answer. We say it when we’re overwhelmed. We say it when we’re scared. We say it when we lack confidence or focus. We say it when it appears that our resources are just not lined up in the right places. And we’re not alone in thinking this way. 

In Exodus 4, God tells Moses that he will be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. The plan would involve Moses going to Pharaoh and telling him that God said Let My people go. Moses simple answer was I don’t think I’ll remember that and I stutter a bit so you should probably pick someone else. 

And it’s not just Moses that has these feelings of inadequacy either. All throughout the Bible, God picks the unexpected people to do his work. This will be our focus the next few days as we continue our journey toward an Unexpected Christmas. 

Moses would end up leading the people out of Egypt but not without consequence. He had his failures but God was able to still work through him. That’s the story of Advent and Christmas. It’s the story of God sending an unexpected person to be the one we need to save us. 

As we journey through this time of year, who are the unexpected people God has placed in your path. Maybe it was a co-worker or a friend at school. Perhaps it was the person who cut you off on the highway making you slow down and avoid an accident just seconds ahead of you. God uses some very unlikely people to accomplish the mission for which he came – the most unexpected of all was Jesus. No one thought he could be the one they were looking for – even his closest friends. 

This season of Advent we celebrate the unexpected person of Jesus not only as a baby in a manger but as God made man. 

Unexpected News

Have you ever received one of those calls in the middle of the night? You’re sound asleep and the phone rings and startles you to a half awake state? You know in your heart that nothing good happens at 2 o’clock in the morning! And yet there you are, half awake and listening to the voice on the other end of the line.

Sometimes that news is nothing. A wrong number. Someone living on a different continent forgot what time it was in your neck of the woods (yep that one actually happened not too long ago.)

But then there are those times when the phone rings and it’s not what you want to hear. How do you react when crisis hits home? What do you do when you get unexpected news?

I’ll be honest I’m the fix it guy. I like to come up with answers or create plans for how to move forward. I have a tendency to try to cut off problems before they become huge obstacles. But that doesn’t always work.

Some things in life are outside of our control. There are some things we just can’t do on our own. I don’t like those things. I don’t like to sit back and feel like I’m doing nothing.

I’m going to be honest with you here and even a tad vulnerable. If someone looked at my life, they’d likely think I’ve got it pretty easy. And for the most part they are right. I have a great family. Loving wife. Children who are phenomenal examples of people of God. A wonderful home. A terrific place of employment. A church family that would rival any other church throughout history. Like many people around I have a lot going for me.

But the me that everyone sees is the me that I want them to see. I know that sounds a little evil sounding but we all do it. We put a smile on our face when we have bad news. We will often bury the hurts and pains of the losses we’ve faced so we can get the job done. This is the way I get through life’s challenges. For right or for wrong, this is my standard operating procedure.

When people I thought were friends turned to selfish motives and abandoned their position in life, I bit my tongue, smiled and walked on. When I lost three grandparents in 18 months, very few people know what I was feeling. When I was in the midst of challenges and minor conflicts with people close to me, I didn’t spend a lot of time dwelling on it.

But the way I do things doesn’t work for everyone. As a matter of fact, that way doesn’t work for most people. None of these moments that I described above are a crisis in and of themselves. Each of them add a little pressure. Each of them brings a little more weight. Each of them mount on the previous and have the potential to really get heavy. How do you deal with the pressures and crises in life?

Now before someone goes all “see a counselor” on me, let me tell you that I have people around me to talk to. I don’t bottle things up forever. I need to internally process these kinds of things. I hit the gym. I might even go for a run (and I don’t like to run just fyi). I take my dog out for a walk. Mow my lawn. Work in my garden. Walk around my property. These are ways I deal with the crap life throws at me. Eventually, I’ll loop someone in. Eventually, when the emotional storm settles a little, I’ll open up and share what’s on my heart.

The point of this post is that it’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to clench your fist and want to yell at God. It’s ok to curl up in a ball and ask why me. It’s ok to be broken for a moment. But it’s not ok to feel broken, carry the burdens of life around you and do it all alone. Eventually, you need to lean on someone. Eventually you need to talk to someone. If you don’t…you’ll hurt people close to you. You’ll isolate yourself from people who care about you. You might even end up losing friends when you try to carry the weight of the world by yourself, because you’ll end up taking it out on the people who are trying to care for you.

How do you react when crisis strikes? Break but don’t stay broken. Cry but don’t sit in tears alone. Worry but don’t let that worry overwhelm you. Surround yourself with people who can help you.

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